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Melt down in Indy…

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The answer is no.


Nothing prevented this team from drafting a QB this year (Dalton, Mallett, Kaepernick all available) instead of blowing the pick on an LT. Didn't they know Manning was going to have a second neck surgery??


Look, when Manning left the Colts, he took the HC and OC with him. There is no way this team should be playing so poorly (horribly) if they had competent coaching.


Polian had a chance to get ready for Manning's inevitable end this past draft. He blew it.


on th e contrary.



Polian is going to replace Manning with the best prospect in a generation.


Polian knew the extent of Manning's neck before the draft. Why waste the pick on a QB when the Suck for Luck program was in full play.


why else bring in the Collins to screw up the offense



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on th e contrary.



Polian is going to replace Manning with the best prospect in a generation.


Polian knew the extent of Manning's neck before the draft. Why waste the pick on a QB when the Suck for Luck program was in full play.


why else bring in the Collins to screw up the offense



Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the ultimate example of Polian Derangement Syndrome.

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Here's some more news from Indy. It appears that Bill Polian is attacking critics of his son Chris.


Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star recently wrote a piece critical of the younger Polian's work.


"I've spoken to several former Colts people in recent weeks, and while none of them will go on the record -- many have non-disclosure agreements and fear public comment will hurt their NFL job prospects -- virtually all of them told me Chris Polian has been a toxic force who has brought this franchise to its knees for reasons other than Peyton Manning's injury."







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Here's the latest in the little drama in Indy which gained new life in the critical piece by Bob Kravitz of the Indy Star.



The latest chapter is Colts Owner Jim Irsay weighing in on the controversy via Twitter:


“My friend Bob K,was off base on his article … all that Watergate stuff, unnamed sources, blah, blah … 2 heavy handed, not enough perspective,” Irsay tweeted Wednesday morning. “But we all have 2 handle criticism in this business, with poise, it comes with the territory … I’m just blessed 2 have another day, 2 go 2 work.”



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