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Enjoy your last Bills game someone


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Whew....as long as we're OK and just lands on little Zumfofo (or maybe his entire village) I'm cool with that - bad stuff happens all the time in the third world - if you're not dying of ameobic dysentery a sattelite is falling on your head - as long as it doesn't screw up my DirecTv.........

First of all, Beerboy was just sharing some facts. He did not appear to pass judgment so don't be in such a wholier than thou mood.


Secondly, Zumfofo has a 1 in 1600 chance of getting smushed, just like everyone else in Europe. Who knows, maybe it will land on some boring Belgiums.


Thirdly, maybe it will crush so of those amoebas you are so bent about.


Quadrilaterally, have you ever met Zumfofo? He's a friggin jerk so I won't feel bad for him.

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