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[closed]OL shuffling proves once again


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All I read after the pre-season game Saturday night was how the OL looked pretty good but Urbik stunk and needed to be replaced. Nothing about Levitre. Now, we see Gailey has demoted Levitre, not Urbik, and both Rinehart and Levitre have offered comments suggesting Levitre did not perform well Saturday night.


Rinehart: "I feel like our last game was a little disappointing and I think Andy felt the same way so I think they're doing this to increase the competition at the guard spot and hopefully elevate both of our play going into the game."


Levitre: "It probably wasn't great, and I'm still trying to clean some things up," Levitre said. "I feel like I still got a lot of things I need to get back up to speed before the season starts and I feel like I'm coming along slowly but I feel like I need to pick it back up quicker. Maybe that's their way of saying I need to pick things up a little quicker. I don't feel like I was at the beginning of last season right now and I need to start working quickly."


Note to self: do NOT rely on TSW assessments of OL play from this point forward.

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