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Enough is enough!!!

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Im afraid that the difference here is that the Packers success over the last 10 years has been founded on one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game, and obviously the NEXT great quarterback to play the game. These were calculated moves. They never went into seasons with pipe dreams of JP Losman, Trent Edwards, Brian Brohm, Rob Johnson, Ryan Fitzpatrick,Todd Collins, etc, as starting QBs and think they were going to win anything. Not to mention the nucleus of the team that has been together for years and years playing together (ie. Chad Clifton, Donald Driver, Nick Barnett, Aaron Kampman, the list goes on and on). When its time to pay their core players they do just that. They dont let them leave town and start over every 3 years. The only time a guy leaves town is when there is a better one right behind him (example: Bubba Franks starts to be injury prone and non productive and sure enough Jermichael Finley and 2 others are behind him that do the job better). You dont build a winner by penny pinching. I am sorry it just doesnt happen.




The OP is wrong.


The Packers do not participate in FA under Thompson... Solid team -- with no glaring holes. They can lose players like Nick Barnett and Cullen Jenkins and not miss a beat.


Buddy is doing it right. I applaud him for being able to tune out our rabid fan base.


Dona-ho would have listened to you.

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I just read the latest from Buddy...Though I am a fan, his latest installment of philosophy cramming has pushed me over the edge! When are we, as fans, going to demand better from this franchise!? Why do we force ourselves to get excited year after year for the mediocrity that has become synonomous with the Buffalo Bills!?


I understand that a team should be built through the draft...really, I do! But you must suppliment the draft by other means to be successful...um, like...FREE AGENCY and TRADES! We have one of the most successful franchises in the NFL right in our back yard, *NE. Year after year, we see that franchise jockey for position in the draft, pick up a key FA, and not hesitate to pull the trigger on a trade. Yet all we hear from Nix is "we're not gonna make a splash in the draft...we're gonna pay our guys that produce for us...if he don't produce we'll find someone who does..." Yeah..? Where..? on the practice squad of another team?


There is a ton of talent, in area's we NEED to address, in this years FA class...Young guys...talented guys! We're in a position to be able to make those kind of pick ups and not break the bank, as well as addressing our own key FA's. To that point, I don't see Poz or Flo as a key FA! There are guys out there that are better, guys we should be spending our money on!


I love the Bills, and the Bills' fans, and I love being a Bills fan, but most of us think we know more about football than we really do! I know this game...I've been in it for a long time...I still play and I study offenses and defenses alike. Poz is NOT a top tier ILB! He's, self admittedly, undersized MLB and he lacks the prowess to plug a hole at the line, or even take out a blocker or two to let someone else make the play. If you disagree, I beg you to watch him play...if you're like me, you have a handful of games DVR'd. Really watch him, focus on him and try and forget the play happening around him! I say let someone else overpay him. I'd rather sign Rudd from TB. He's been much healthier than Poz throughout his career and he's that hard nosed corn shuckn' Nebraska MLB who'll stick his nose in the fire nd make most of his tackles within a coupleyards of the LOS.


I can't be to hard on Flo...I love the guy. He's a solid player that deserves a solid contract, but with the $$ the Bills have available, why not sign a top gun? Why not make a run at Asomugha or Cromartie? Though the Bills' secondary has turned out some very good players, we've never seen a shut down corner on this team.


Unfortunately, this is a giant waste of time, yet theraputic! Until there is someone else at the top, this franchise will play second fiddle to the the rest of the NFL. Ralph makes a pile of cash every year, and do you know where a large percentage of it comes from...? Me & you, the fans. Because we refuse to stand up for our right, as fans, to have the best possible product on the field! We cower in the corner in fear of losing our team and buy tickets to the next game instead of protesting the only possible way we can by not going to watch an average team lose by three because we couldn't hold them, or finish, or score on the first posession in OT.


Very nicely summed up.


I would add that he can't play the pass worth a crap.


His numbers were inflated due to the lack of much talent on the D-Line. Few people actually stop to consider that maybe he has "high numbers" for tackles that are inflated because the rest of the D sucks. He plays in the middle, what's he gonna have, 60 tackles. It's common sense. He's not a big TFL or sack guy and few of his tackles are real impact tackles, rather routine tackles downfield.


Anyway, I agree with your assessment here. Poz isn't worth half of what the Jags just paid him and he won't make it anywhere near through that contract before they find out how good he actually is, if he can even stay healthy, and it's my guess that he won't be on the Jags after the '13 season.


Dude...you don't have things so bad. Matter of fact you're such a glass is half full guy that you think that mediocrity is synonomous with the Bills.


I'm hear to tell you that the recent Buffalo Bills were looking up at mediocrity. They have a ways to go to get there.


Yeah, and it's kind of funny that Gailey talks about the Draft as the way to go to correcting things. After Dareus this Draft too sucks as bad as the others before him. And let's be real here, Denver was already taking heat for not selecting Dareus and many thought that the Panthers might take him 1st overall, so was it really "great drafting" to take a gem that fell? Hardly. It was a complete no-brainer.


For how good our "new and improved front-office" really is, we should look at the rest of the Draft. If anyone is impressed with that then they're delusional.


Since the title of your post matches my user name, I feel compelled to respond. I grew up right down the road from Rich Stadium...been a hard core Bills fan since I was a little tyke. For the last 30+ years however, I have lived right in the heart of Steelers country. If you don't think a pro team can build a winner from the inside out, please check out our 1st place Buccos under Bob Nutting's tenure. The key is coaching, & I still believe Chan can do it.


I like Nix's philosophy of building the core of the franchise through the draft. BUT when you say you want to supplement through free agency you have to actually supplement through free agency.


If you brought in Cullen Jenkin and Nick Barnett to help the front 7 how would that hurt the team? If you spent big on Zack Miller who would he be taking snaps away from?


You can only do so much for a team with drafts. Buddy Nix needs to learn the meaning of the word supplement. Supplementing would be bringing in just 2-3 starters in free agency and some depth. Doing nothing would hurt the team as not everyone on the depth chart is worthy of taking NFL snaps.


The bottom line is that you need talent and we don't have any. The expectations for this Draft after Dareus are no higher, perhaps lower, than those for other drafts prior to Gailey. Dareus should be a monster, but you need more than one player. There isn't a ringer or anything close in the rest of the starting 10 on D.


Offensively there's not a whole lot either until further notice. Steve Johnson, average Fitzpatrick, and an aging Jackson aren't going to get it done behind a low-end OL.


By the time this team may be good Dareus will be at or near the end of his contract, and if the team hasn't proven itself by then, why would he stay in Buffalo unless he gets top dollar.

Edited by TaskersGhost
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