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Bills receiver Paul Hubbard arrested for DWI


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Here's the link to the Buffalo News story… the most thorough report existing at this time.





It's disconcerting that he was initially a suspect in an armed robbery… you fear that there might have been some profiling going on.


But the fact remains that regardless of his passing the field sobriety test and blowing "only" a .08…


he ran his car into a police officer who had to be taken in to be treated.


Apparently Hubbard was cooperative so that is big points for.


Can't imagine how he hit the officer… rubber necking at an altercation outside a bar? Looking at a pretty girl?

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He injured someone. A police officer no less, so it is kind of a big deal. He better hope he has a judge that will be lenient, and a head coach for that matter. Personally, I think he was on the outside looking in anyway as far as making a roster spot.

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