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The Future Of Air Combat?

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You should rarely if ever say anything. I know a HELL of a lot about this topic. You... :lol:

You are just an idiot. You know more about the future than me? You are so scared of losing your followers here.


I beg to differ. Dave's contributions support the better to be thought a fool, than open one's mouth and remove all doubt theory. Most folks here understand Dave for what he is. Every time he posts, he proves the saying correct



Personal experience pales in comparison to the Party line

You are completely worthless. Well, Tom loves your suckoffnes, as a matter of fact, he lives for your suckoffness, but that's not much of a thing to be known for

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You are just an idiot. You know more about the future than me? You are so scared of losing your followers here.


I don't have followers here. And I've been studying warfare since before you were born. So...yes, I know more about the future than you, retard.

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