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Who's representing the Bills at the owners meeting

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Tell me about it. I still don't have power. I figured that Russ would be the team exec at the meeting my real question was if Ralph was spry enough to jet over to Chi for a two day meeting. It doesn't sound like he is or he just didn't feel like this meeting was worth the trouble. I hope its the latter. Was Littman the other rep?


I am a little dissapointed that Ralph couldn't or wouldn't go to Chicago from Detroit also. That doesn't seem promising but at the same time Goodell insists the owners have been kept fully up to speed on negotiations. Still if he doesn't like it and considering the way it went down last time this might be the only chance he had to make his case to the group.

I haven't seen or heard anything who the other rep was but would say ya logic dictates that it would be Littman also.

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Russ had absolutelty nothing to say about the situation with contract talks. In fact when asked specifically about an agreement he sd "No Comment". He will get the same treatment that Norton got on 97 Rock. No comment but come to the stadium for our new jersey unveilling on Friday.

You mean he didn't plead the fifth?


I haven't heard Brandon's interview but based on the description given...


There's a difference between how a scared child chooses not to answer a question and how a secure executive would do the same thing.


It's not like he was being cross-examined by the U.S. Attorney General on charges of crimes against humanity. Lighten up.


If Brandon had one iota of personality, it would at least have been an opportunity to try to inject some humor into the proceedings.


To shut it down like that speaks to his "presence" and "command."


If I've mischaracterized Brandon's performance, please forgive me.



I am a little dissapointed that Ralph couldn't or wouldn't go to Chicago from Detroit also. That doesn't seem promising but at the same time Goodell insists the owners have been kept fully up to speed on negotiations. Still if he doesn't like it and considering the way it went down last time this might be the only chance he had to make his case to the group.

I haven't seen or heard anything who the other rep was but would say ya logic dictates that it would be Littman also.

Ralph's last two public appearances have featured him getting around on a walker. He's literally on his last legs as far as his physical health is concerned.


From the standpoint of cognitive functions it's anyone's guess as to how engaged he is on the issues and actions of the Bills and the NFL.


These are high-level business meetings in rooms filled with sharks.


They probably cover a lot of ground… and quickly.


IMO, not a place for Ralph to be… unless he felt healthy enough to simply be a figurehead.


Not being disrespectful, my own father is an 87 year old, retired nuclear engineer and executive. He is very sharp for his age but Ralph is 92 and I wouldn't want either my Dad or Ralph representing a multi-million dollar business in that context.


The Bills would benefit more by having any other two suits in the room. Even if one of them is Brandon.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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Thanks K-9!


I guess I was a bit harsh.


Still, he's not exactly Mr. Personality.


Well, considering he spent a couple hours on a tarmac only to be told his flight was cancelled, ended up staying overnight, and then had to get up early for his call-in interview, I'll cut him some slack.


Anyway the entire league is on a mandated gag order WRT to the meetings yesterday so I don't get the feeling he's necessarily withholding anything.


The issue is STILL going to be unshared revenue being tagged to the salary cap and the Bills, along with more than a few other teams, will continue to be unhappy about having their expenses go up as a result.



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