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Crazy ending to Bowl Games

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I watched two bowl games yesterday, both ended with some rather strange rulings by officals. In both cases the teams I was rooting for Syracuse and North Carolina won so was glad to see that, but kind of felt bad for losing team.


In SU game, SU was up by 8, Kansas St scored a TD with like 30 seconds to go to cut the lead to 2. A 2 point conversion would have tied it. But on the TD, they assessed a 15 yard pnealty on Kansa for excessive celabration. All the guy did was give a salute towards the stands. Seemed way over the top penalty. I don't watch alot of college, but don't believe the NFL would have called something that little. So now Kansas has to go for a 2 pt conversion from the 18 which they didn't make and SU won by two. In the NFL that penalty is usually assessed on following kick off. Maybe team had a choice, normally they'd take it on kickoff, but if a team were to go for two could take the penalty on conversion instead??


Then in NC -Tenn game throughout he game everytime the Tenn QB threw a TD, he'd go through some little routine as as the announcer kept pointing out was no less than what the Kansas St player got a penalty for. The only difference was it didn't happen in the endzone, but was shown on TV repeatedly. So with 16 seconds left NC is down by three. They try a running play, get stopped, clock is ticking down, the QB is trying to spike the ball to then have time for a field goal, but half the field goal team has run onto the field. So with one second to go, the QB gets a play off for a spike, BUT with like 15 guys on the field. Initially the ruling is game over, the ref an even announced "game over", Tenn wins, coaches/players are on field shaking hands, then ref announces play is under review. So after review, they give him a 5 yard penalty for too many men on field, but allow them to then try a field goal with no time left. In NFL any penalty by team with no time outs left would have resulted in 10 second run-off which would have ended game. Seemed to me NC took advantage of what I'd call a loop hole to get a play off totally illegally, but it served the purpose of stopping the clock. NC then kicked the field goal to tie and won n OT.


BTW the Tenn freshman QB looked pretty good.

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Both examples of the differences in the rules between college and the pros. The UNC thing was so counter-intuitive. Since when does commiting a penalty actually help you save time? But apparently in college they do not have the rule that runs time off the clock if the offense commits a foul in the last two minutes. The celebration thing on K State was bogus beyond belief. I was happy that Syracuse won, but that penalty left a bad taste in my mouth. The official should have kept the flag in his pocket.

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I just saw the replay of the celebration call in the Syracuse game. I think that may go down as the worst call of its type in the history of sports. He made a great play for a touchdown, dropped the ball, and saluted. Not in anybody's face. For all we know, he's got friends in the military. Unbelievable. Whoever threw that flag should never officiate another game. Period.

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