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You are either misreading the quotes or intentionally misrepresenting them. Many of the founders, John Adams included were Deists. They had an issue with organized religion, not a lack of belief in a God. :oops:


It is intentional.

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You are either misreading the quotes or intentionally misrepresenting them. Many of the founders, John Adams included were Deists. They had an issue with organized religion, not a lack of belief in a God. :oops:

Given what we know about the origins of the Universe and life on Earth today vs. what they knew then, I think it is reasonable to suppose that these extremely intelligent and forward-thinking men might come to a more "progressive" view and not see a need for god at all. That's just my opinion of course, but I don't think you're comparing apples to apples, so to speak.


Regardless, I don't believe in god, but my problem is with organized religion. People are of course free to believe whatever they like, however silly those beliefs might be.


So now I get it you and gene are anti-catholic. Catholicism and Protestantism are really the same thing, ones the country cousin of the other, one kneels the other stands and sits big difference there I guess. LOL, this whole thing reminds me of when I was a kid and would argue over whose father was stronger or which bike was faster or whose super hero was better or who could pee the furthest.


Let face it if any of us here were true believers in Christianity or religious we would not be here trading barbs with other jamokes but would be serving at a soap kitchen or tending to the infirmed or volunteering to be a big brother, or visiting with family. If you already do than why aren't you doing more?

Right...Joe's anti-catholic because Hitler was raised Catholic. Flawless logic as usual. :rolleyes:


Incidentally, my father would SO have kicked your fathers's a$$ at the soap kitchen!


I was raised Roman Catholic, know a lot about other religions cuz I read a lot, and consider myself agnostic

Funny how that works, huh?

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