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The bills will always be better then the jets in my book. Once Trent the cancer of our team gets benched we will finally start winning some games.



Unless a 27 year old Jim Kelly walks through that tunnel, it isn't happening.


It's hard to draft a QB.

Its hard not to resist undersized DE's and corners.

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Unless a 27 year old Jim Kelly walks through that tunnel, it isn't happening.


It's hard to draft a QB.

Its hard not to resist undersized DE's and corners.

i know that things look very bad right now, but I truly believe that the bills will be much better without Edwards at QB. There are going to win at least 4 games this year and one of them is going to be against the jets. I think its going to take Gailey a couple games to understand how to get this offense going to put points on the board.

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I, too, think the Bills could be decent if we had someone else at QB - and I'd like to see Brohm in there first. With the way our offense has played, we should be giving guys a chance until people begin to prove themselves. We can't get worse.

Even without a pass rush our defense has played good enough the last two games to win - if our offense would put points up and keep the momentum the defense sometimes gains. So, I think Brohm, or another QB, could spark a revival - especially Brohm, because he's got a fast release, quick striking passes, and quick decision making. And, he can sling that ball all over the field - whether it's ten or twenty or thirty yards, the ball goes there and it goes there quickly. He anticipates receivers, too. How about seeing him hit a reciever in stride on a slant route for twenty five yards? That would be nice.

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Remember that talk, how dare that expert pick the Bills 4-12 after a 'tremendous' PRESEASON...still yearning for the validation of the media?


Still feeling 'slighted' and 'hurt' by the lack of Bills coverage?


Still think the Bills will be better then the Jets?

Here's what I think - I've never seen a more appropriate user name. :rolleyes:


Seek help.

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I, too, think the Bills could be decent if we had someone else at QB - and I'd like to see Brohm in there first. With the way our offense has played, we should be giving guys a chance until people begin to prove themselves. We can't get worse.

Even without a pass rush our defense has played good enough the last two games to win - if our offense would put points up and keep the momentum the defense sometimes gains. So, I think Brohm, or another QB, could spark a revival - especially Brohm, because he's got a fast release, quick striking passes, and quick decision making. And, he can sling that ball all over the field - whether it's ten or twenty or thirty yards, the ball goes there and it goes there quickly. He anticipates receivers, too. How about seeing him hit a reciever in stride on a slant route for twenty five yards? That would be nice.

The guy has never thrown a TD pass since college & he's had three exhibition seasons & 1 NFL start. Everything you say about him is from your dreams. If he was half the player you think he is wouldn't the 3 coaching staffs that have rejected him as anything but a 3rd stringer & the GMs who all let him sail through waivers last September have noticed all the things you dream of at night? You make him sound like Bill Brasky, when he's closer to Billy Jo Hobert.

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Just to let you know, I'm doing fine.

I think one of the things that bothered me was more the lack of parity in the coverage because of the size of the market. I am not that surprised that they said we would go 2-14 as I am that they didn't say much more in doing so (most of the time). Your WIN comment in your signature is pretty valid but really the Rams get more said about them.


I really didn't think that the team would do much better than they have at least until the bye, although I hoped as much. Now, I am wondering if they will do better even then though. That was a pretty bad team I watched the first 2 weeks.

That being said I still have some hope. So, I know from the snarkey way you asked, you don't really care but

Thanks for your concern.

Oh and about the Jests, we do have a chance to win both of those games. Maybe a slim chance, we'll see, that is I watch the games, to see.

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I really hate "I told you so" threads. I especially hate "I told you so" threads after 2 games of a 16 game season. At least write one when you can actually say "I told you so".

I won't speak for the original poster, but... so many posters who want to critique the team and/or its lack of success get a response fron the pollannas' with "We're Doomed !!". Uh yeah those who have lived and died with this team are disheartened with their lack of success. And those of us who said this team would not be competitive get the unthinking response like yours. I have loved this team since I was 5 years old (1965) and this has been a miserable several years... and if you don't see that, then WOW, I don't know what you've been watching. It is not fun To go into season after season KNOWING your favorite team is not competitive; seeing silly posters putting down those of us who don't see a light at the end of the tunnel; and to see ignorant posts that say something like I trust in Marv, Buddy, Chan,, etc. and the oh so funny WE'RE DOOMED !!" But YOU are probably right, shucks we're only two games into the season !!

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Remember that talk, how dare that expert pick the Bills 4-12 after a 'tremendous' PRESEASON...still yearning for the validation of the media?


Still feeling 'slighted' and 'hurt' by the lack of Bills coverage?


Still think the Bills will be better then the Jets?

i said 1-15 and i am sticking to it. ralph bent us over real good.

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Wow as a Bills fan I am supposed to feel lousy about being disrespected in the offseason???

Unless you are a moron, most people would like to believe that the team may have improved even a little

bit since last season. Whats so bad about trying to be a bit optomistic about a team that has not been to

the playoffs in over ten years? I don't care, this is my team. I will follow em till my last day, or they

pull up the moving trucks to One Bills Drive. I am just gonna sit back and watch the season go by...win or

lose. Nobody I know dies when they lose...literally. It could be worse.....you could be a Cowboys fan!!!

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Only one thing bothers me, the Bills are paying Cornell Green 3 million a year for that horrid play at RT...


I don't see how a QB change will help anything on this team, unless they were to trade for Mike Vick.


Fitz won't be an upgrade, no more TO and the O line is actually worse then last season. But hey! I'm all for benching Edwards so you guys will see what I already know







P S I'm now convinced Gailey is a moron, he stated in his post game PC that he called for some deep passing plays and doesn't understand why they didn't get thrown

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Remember that talk, how dare that expert pick the Bills 4-12 after a 'tremendous' PRESEASON...still yearning for the validation of the media?


Still feeling 'slighted' and 'hurt' by the lack of Bills coverage?


Still think the Bills will be better then the Jets?


Yeah I remember the "talk". But where were you when I was trying to bring those dreamers back to Earth with my realistic (perhaps a tad sarcastic) comments to their lofty posts predicting the Bills to go 10-6-0 and make the playoffs?? :lol:


I can't remind them now that I was just trying to tell them not to expect such great things back then, because now I am just this negative Bills-hater who only wants to say "I told you so." That's B.S. - I love the Bills, they have been my only favorite NFL team since I was 9 years old going to games with my Dad at War Memorial Stadium! Of course I do not "hate the Bills."


The only thing I hate is the amazing lack of talent across the board my favorite team has this season.


And I'm not thrilled with Gailey or G. Edwards coaching of these talentless players either. At least Gailey committed to the run and had the Bills very much in the game until the horrible 3rd quarter. As for our defensive coordinator, G. Edwards, he coached like a fool from the 2nd half kick off on. All this talk of how great his secondary is must have gotten to his head, because he didn't blitz more then just a few times the entire 2nd half. Nice job George, I'm sure Rogers and his receivers appreciated that as they blew a close game wide open with easy completed passes all over the place!


And oh by the way, when will G. Edwards decide to come up with a "scheme", "package" or "alignment" that has someone, anyone, cover a tight end 15 to 20 yards down the field???? :wallbash::censored:


The rest of this lost 2010 season, if I were Chan Gailey, this is what I would do:

1) Cut Trent Edwards today.

2) No matter the opponent, their defensive "packages and schemes" they use, or the circumstance during each game, I would make it mandatory for the offense to run at least 35 - 40 times per game, and allow my other two talentless QB's left on the roster to only throw 10-15 passes.

3) On defense, I would blitz and then after that, blitz some more. If all else fails, then I would just blitz.


As we compete for that coveted number one drat choice next April, I figure at least we would kick some butt physically since we cannot match up talent-wise!!

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Yeah I remember the "talk". But where were you when I was trying to bring those dreamers back to Earth with my realistic (perhaps a tad sarcastic) comments to their lofty posts predicting the Bills to go 10-6-0 and make the playoffs?? :lol:


I can't remind them now that I was just trying to tell them not to expect such great things back then, because now I am just this negative Bills-hater who only wants to say "I told you so." That's B.S. - I love the Bills, they have been my only favorite NFL team since I was 9 years old going to games with my Dad at War Memorial Stadium! Of course I do not "hate the Bills."


The only thing I hate is the amazing lack of talent across the board my favorite team has this season.

And I'm not thrilled with Gailey or G. Edwards coaching of these talentless players either. At least Gailey committed to the run and had the Bills very much in the game until the horrible 3rd quarter. As for our defensive coordinator, G. Edwards, he coached like a fool from the 2nd half kick off on. All this talk of how great his secondary is must have gotten to his head, because he didn't blitz more then just a few times the entire 2nd half. Nice job George, I'm sure Rogers and his receivers appreciated that as they blew a close game wide open with easy completed passes all over the place!


And oh by the way, when will G. Edwards decide to come up with a "scheme", "package" or "alignment" that has someone, anyone, cover a tight end 15 to 20 yards down the field???? :wallbash::censored:


The rest of this lost 2010 season, if I were Chan Gailey, this is what I would do:

1) Cut Trent Edwards today.

2) No matter the opponent, their defensive "packages and schemes" they use, or the circumstance during each game, I would make it mandatory for the offense to run at least 35 - 40 times per game, and allow my other two talentless QB's left on the roster to only throw 10-15 passes.

3) On defense, I would blitz and then after that, blitz some more. If all else fails, then I would just blitz.


As we compete for that coveted number one drat choice next April, I figure at least we would kick some butt physically since we cannot match up talent-wise!!


I was right here giving my opinions on how crappy we were going to be. I got tortured for my less than opitimistic views. I can't say that I now feel vindicated because I wanted nothing more than to be wrong and have the Bills kick asss.

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