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Anyone think Willis showed breakaway speed?

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First off, I thought that was a crappy call. The DL held first. Secondly, that was the fastest I have seen Willis run so far, and he really does seem to be getting it back game by game. He motored for 60-70 yards. Granted, he did run out of gas, but that was faster than I thought he was capable of at this point. He's getting there.

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First off, I thought that was a crappy call. The DL held first. Secondly, that was the fastest I have seen Willis run so far, and he really does seem to be getting it back game by game. He motored for 60-70 yards. Granted, he did run out of gas, but that was faster than I thought he was capable of at this point. He's getting there.



First defensive lineman are allowed to hold as long as he does not hold to allow a stunting defensive lineman a free path to the inside. As for the penalty on the Willis and the screen pass their was absolutely no hold on the part of Teague. If their was it was nothing that would warrant a flag (minimal holding that takes place on every play).


As for the speed McGahee showed I think the announcers had a great point, possibly the only great point all day by them. Willis runs flat footed, running flat footed gives the illusion that a player is not running as fast as he is. I would know, I ran flat footed my whole life and was consistently not perceived as a fast player. When it came down to a race I was the fasted kid on the team by a wide margin.


I don't know why exactly running flat footed gives that illusion, I just know it does. My guess would be because flat footed runners generally have short torsos and long legs. They tend to completely extend with their legs in slower motion and make up for it by taking longer strides. Shorter/taller toe runners take a short stride but use a much faster leg motion.


So yes, Willis is fast, it will just be hard to really see it with his running style.

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First off, I thought that was a crappy call. The DL held first. Secondly, that was the fastest I have seen Willis run so far, and he really does seem to be getting it back game by game. He motored for 60-70 yards. Granted, he did run out of gas, but that was faster than I thought he was capable of at this point. He's getting there.


He might be 90% healthy now man it will be scary for others when he is 100%!!! BTW any word on Travis I was out this week and only sa him listed as out with ankle and last prognosis was fracture

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He was 4.2 (!) before injury.  I'd say 4.4's now.



4.2 in a 40 which was not supervised by the NFL is the equivalent of forty in the high 4.3's that is supervised by the NFL. You always hear these college players claiming to run in the 4.1's and 4.2's, once the draft roles around only one or two players even end up having a 40 in the 4.2's.

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