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Would you rather go 7-9 or 1-14?


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The Bills of recent seasons have played offense and defense at the level of a 2-4 win team. Jauron ball brought no progress, but enough wins to be respectable.


But their transition to a winning team should be easier than that of a 2 win team because they already know that they can and have won some games.


Not against winning teams......but don't tell them that.


Oops too late, they frequent here.

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not seeing a real major benefit to going 1-15...who wants another Jamarcus Russell? I'd rather have an Aaron Rodgers, who was drafted 24th overall.

The only positive out of drafting high is more choices...the negative...stuck with a ridiculously high salary which could set the team back for years if he doesn't pan out. With a good GM, you don't need a high pick to get an impact player and it's ridiculous to want it.

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If trent is better because of those things that you mentioned, doesn't that mean those players are better than you expect too. I can't see how trent gets better because he has adequate protection, but the tackles and center suck.



The past two games the Bills have been throwing outs,slants and screens along with good running from CJ Spiller and the offense has been playing well. The offense has been utilizing 3 step drops and quick passes and has done well against Cincy and Indy for the most part.


I've seen some plays that could have easily been called for holding by the Bills O line, I saw one Bill basically openly tackle / trip and not have it called. Dunno why they weren't called and don't really care, I just wonder if they will be called during the real games and if so it could really hamper things.


I didn't state that the center sucked.... I stated the team needs an upgrade at center, and they still do! Hangartner played with a bad back most of last season and now will be facing a healthy Kris Jenkins, Vince Wolfolk.



Everyone seems sold on Green and Bell as the starters at tackle... you guys will see if they are worth anything when it comes down to a 3rd and long in the 4th QTR when the game is on the line. Bell may eventually pan out as a decent left tackle, I just don't see it. Green should have never been signed and is a 1 yr stop gap


So yea, In my view the team still needs a dominate blocking tight end, 2 tackles and a center unless they move Wood to center.

Edited by thewildrabbit
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