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Hey Communists nice try..find something else to control us with

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A high-level inquiry into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found there was “little evidence” for its claims about global warming.

It also said the panel had emphasised the negative impacts of climate change and made “substantive findings” based on little proof.


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Well I for one find this very relevant to the Bills' struggles so far at OLB :wallbash:


If we were on a political message board, I wouldn't be short on ways to prove that you're foolish and just plain wrong on this issue, considering only the breadth and scope of definitive research on climate change over the years.


But we're not. So kindly let us indulge in discussion of the topic we've all agreed to talk about--how much Trent Edwards looks like Justin Bieber :thumbsup:

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Wrong forum for this. Should be on PPP.

You have issues.

Because he posted an article that is stating the facts as they are, and describes an international academic oversight organization finding that the "science" is mostly crap?


Your argument is exactly as convincing as the IPCC's. :rolleyes: But, if you call them crazy enough times, I am sure that you will be successful in convincing/bullying people into agreeing with you. How's calling the Tea Party people racist working out for you? :D

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Wrong forum for this. Should be on PPP.


Because he posted an article that is stating the facts as they are, and describes an international academic oversight organization finding that the "science" is mostly crap?


Your argument is exactly as convincing as the IPCC's. :rolleyes: But, if you call them crazy enough times, I am sure that you will be successful in convincing/bullying people into agreeing with you. How's calling the Tea Party people racist working out for you? :D


Havent called anyone racist. I wont comment on the "tea party's" beliefs.


This is the wrong place for this thread/topic.

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Havent called anyone racist. I wont comment on the "tea party's" beliefs.


This is the wrong place for this thread/topic.

And I was merely making a point. If you want to tell us why he has issues, then make your argument. Otherwise, you are no better than the tools who cry racist wolf every time somebody legitimately criticizes Obama.

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lets stop pretending this is about our climate and "mother earth" and call it what it really is all about, power and control over free people.


Even if we went back to the stone age tomorrow warming of the earth for a yet undetermined reason or reasons would continue. I personally believe it is cyclical and a naturally occurring event. If the communists really cared about us than they would find ways for us to adapt to the changes they predict will happen.


news flash to Oliver, I know what you are getting at since it was speculated that Russian hackers released the memos. The Russians are no longer Communists I'm not sure what they are but Putin did away with the top marginal income tax and enacted a flat tax rate of 13%. Do you think Obama is going to do this?

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Well I for one find this very relevant to the Bills' struggles so far at OLB :wallbash:


If we were on a political message board, I wouldn't be short on ways to prove that you're foolish and just plain wrong on this issue, considering only the breadth and scope of definitive research on climate change over the years.


But we're not. So kindly let us indulge in discussion of the topic we've all agreed to talk about--how much Trent Edwards looks like Justin Bieber :thumbsup:

I call bullsht. I've been listening to you guys for years on this issue and your arguments come down to two things:


1. Misc. scientists and Al Gore whose agendas, backgrounds, and sources of funding I know nothing about, say man made global warming is real, or so the TV says.


2. It's too important not to believe, and the worst that can happen by believing and acting accordingly is economic collapse while the consequence of rationality could be global destruction.



* And if you can't provide a better argument can you at least propose a solution that's not retarded? Because honestly, hybrids, cap & trade, etc. are wishful thinking pipe dreams and anyone with a modicum of self-aware honesty knows it. If you think this bs is going to significantly impact global atmospheric levels of CO2 you must also believe we can raise sea level by pissing in the ocean.

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lets stop pretending this is about our climate and "mother earth" and call it what it really is all about, power and control over free people.


Even if we went back to the stone age tomorrow warming of the earth for a yet undetermined reason or reasons would continue. I personally believe it is cyclical and a naturally occurring event. If the communists really cared about us than they would find ways for us to adapt to the changes they predict will happen.


news flash to Oliver, I know what you are getting at since it was speculated that Russian hackers released the memos. The Russians are no longer Communists I'm not sure what they are but Putin did away with the top marginal income tax and enacted a flat tax rate of 13%. Do you think Obama is going to do this?

What this is really about?


1. Liberals, who had no hope of getting their redistributive economic agenda legislated, especially with the object lesson in the failure of that agenda provided by the collapse of Communism, and the success of Reagan's supply side policies, need an external influence on the system that cannot be argued against = Global Warming. Isn't it amazing how the rise of Global Warming "concerns" directly followed the collapse of the Soviet Union? :rolleyes: Why is it that we never hear about the Communist countries, who are the worst abusers of the environment by far?


2. Scientists, who as DC Tom has described are always looking for $$$, are subject to the whims of politicians, and = Fannie Mae Executives in the morals department, will study whatever the politicians will pay them to study. Monkey see, monkey do, especially when the first monkey gets ever increasing grant money to study cow farts.


3. Politicians, who now see an opportunity to latch on to this "movement". Even if this was a virtuous attempt to get the truth and save lives, that is over now. The politicians see a way to accomplish #1, and, make money for themselves and their cronies, and, pay off #2 if they keep feeding them "settled science" and votes.


4. Media people, whose asses are still stinging from the being wrong about every major political story for the last 20 years(Reagan was right about the economy and how to beat the Soviets, Clinton had NOT "passed his character test", Dan Rather's phony "evidence", etc.) see an opportunity to be right, and undeniably right.(How funny is it that they are wrong, again? :D)


5. Your average conner-like d-bag, who saw this as fitting in with their "Americabad, Corporationbad, all day, all the time" dogma, and treated it as a new book of their retard religion. It had the added benefit of making them feel "superior" because they "knew" something, and anybody who didn't was a "denier". These people are accurately portrayed in The Smug Alert! episode of South Park


6. Leaders of every pissant country in the world, who saw this as a way to extract massive welfare checks from the USA.


7. Leaders of China and India, who could not believe their dumb luck, that not only will the USA outsource way to many jobs to them, but, we will also make it even tougher to keep future jobs here...because we won't hold them to the same standards, and because we will basically destroy our economy in favor of theirs.


So between scumbags and "useful idiots", the real person who has real scientific and security concerns about the environment now has 0 chance of addressing them, and is awash in a sea of BS.


That's what this WAS about....given that, I don't really want to hear what it's about now. But, I am sure that right after Obama is defeated in 2012, we will start hearing about a new "catastrophe" around 6 months into the new President's term.

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What this is really about?


1. Liberals, who had no hope of getting their redistributive economic agenda legislated, especially with the object lesson in the failure of that agenda provided by the collapse of Communism, and the success of Reagan's supply side policies, need an external influence on the system that cannot be argued against = Global Warming. Isn't it amazing how the rise of Global Warming "concerns" directly followed the collapse of the Soviet Union? :rolleyes: Why is it that we never hear about the Communist countries, who are the worst abusers of the environment by far?


2. Scientists, who as DC Tom has described are always looking for $$$, are subject to the whims of politicians, and = Fannie Mae Executives in the morals department, will study whatever the politicians will pay them to study. Monkey see, monkey do, especially when the first monkey gets ever increasing grant money to study cow farts.


3. Politicians, who now see an opportunity to latch on to this "movement". Even if this was a virtuous attempt to get the truth and save lives, that is over now. The politicians see a way to accomplish #1, and, make money for themselves and their cronies, and, pay off #2 if they keep feeding them "settled science" and votes.


4. Media people, whose asses are still stinging from the being wrong about every major political story for the last 20 years(Reagan was right about the economy and how to beat the Soviets, Clinton had NOT "passed his character test", Dan Rather's phony "evidence", etc.) see an opportunity to be right, and undeniably right.(How funny is it that they are wrong, again? :D)


5. Your average conner-like d-bag, who saw this as fitting in with their "Americabad, Corporationbad, all day, all the time" dogma, and treated it as a new book of their retard religion. It had the added benefit of making them feel "superior" because they "knew" something, and anybody who didn't was a "denier". These people are accurately portrayed in The Smug Alert! episode of South Park


6. Leaders of every pissant country in the world, who saw this as a way to extract massive welfare checks from the USA.


7. Leaders of China and India, who could not believe their dumb luck, that not only will the USA outsource way to many jobs to them, but, we will also make it even tougher to keep future jobs here...because we won't hold them to the same standards, and because we will basically destroy our economy in favor of theirs.


So between scumbags and "useful idiots", the real person who has real scientific and security concerns about the environment now has 0 chance of addressing them, and is awash in a sea of BS.


That's what this WAS about....given that, I don't really want to hear what it's about now. But, I am sure that right after Obama is defeated in 2012, we will start hearing about a new "catastrophe" around 6 months into the new President's term.


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Hehe.....right, so one European means the data wasn't tampered with/doesn't exist? The ICA's findings, which this guy has nothing to do with, didn't happen? The head of the IPCC is not a sycophant, he didn't write this book and he should remain in charge...because this one guy, who makes $$$ off of being in the headlines, says so. :doh:


This guy made a whole lot of $$$ being a "denier". Now, that the wind has shifted, and the royalty checks are running low, you think it's a coincidence that he's going to jump to the other side? :lol: I bet you have all Michael Moore's books too.


The ridiculous premise that prompted this is: how do we spend $50 billion?


And my question is: whose $50 billion? What are the chances that 80% of that comes from the USA? More importantly, why the F are we sitting around thinking up ways to spend $50 billion? Why aren't we coming up with ways to save $50 billion?


The concept of dreaming up ways to spend $50 billion of somebody's money...yeah, that is not an example of jackass, redistribution of wealth economic policy at all. :lol:


All this does is confirm what I wrote above, and prove that the Micheal Moore's(read: fantastic liars) of the world are good at getting dupes to buy their books. Thanks for reinforcing my argument.

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Something tells me this "skeptic" took one look at Al Gore's finances and thought "You know, maybe I need to get in on this" right before saying "I believe in global warming, now please gives us billions of dollars."


At least they're up front about it now.

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lets stop pretending this is about our climate and "mother earth" and call it what it really is all about, power and control over free people.


Even if we went back to the stone age tomorrow warming of the earth for a yet undetermined reason or reasons would continue. I personally believe it is cyclical and a naturally occurring event. If the communists really cared about us than they would find ways for us to adapt to the changes they predict will happen.


news flash to Oliver, I know what you are getting at since it was speculated that Russian hackers released the memos. The Russians are no longer Communists I'm not sure what they are but Putin did away with the top marginal income tax and enacted a flat tax rate of 13%. Do you think Obama is going to do this?

new flash to wateverdude Russia is not in France even if more or less on the same continent... So we have (i know we are the last with North Korea)real authentic communists, who, if you add their troskyian friends and far left buddies, have around 15% of the french voters with them. And well are true blue lunatics but are about the only ones in french politics not buying the ecological propaganda.

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