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[closed]According to this,we have the least talented team in the NFL


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Sports Inc. has released its annual ranking of the Top 200 players in the NFL. As Buffalo fans might have feared, the evaluations were not kind to the Bills. If you put much stock in the rankings -- and this is the judgment of a respected scouting operation -- it seems the Bills might have the least talented roster in the NFL.


There was only one Bill on the list. Receiver Lee Evans finished in a tie for 133rd. No other team had only one player selected among the elite 200. Detroit and St. Louis had two players apiece. Seattle was the only other team without a player in the top 120, though the Seahawks had five players overall.


The Cowboys, Ravens and Steelers led the way with 11 players each among the top 200. The Colts had 10 players, the Patriots and Vikings nine each. The Jets, Panthers, Saints and Bengals had eight apiece.


More bad news for Bills fans: The Bills play half of their games against the 10 teams with the most players on the list. They play the Pats and Jets twice apiece, along with the Ravens, Steelers, Bengals and Vikings. The AFC North had 34 players on the list, the most of any division. That's the Bills' intraconference matchup this season. They play all the teams in the AFC North.



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