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Anybody really care if Reed comes back


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Guest Guest_eyedog_*

That must be one hell of a bruise on that knee of Reeds. I think it's a nice excuse to say you've been demoted and are not even dressing.

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I really don't care. I don't see the receivers being a huge factor Sunday. If he plays, fine. If not, fine. If he's there, put him outside once or twice just to screw with people and place Moulds in the slot. I think Evans gets a big play.


What I'm hoping to see is a few tosses to WM out of the backfield on a release, if Drew can stay upright. MM comes from Pittsburgh, maybe try a bunched set and toss to Willis out of the backfield on the opposite side. Drew might survive the 2.8 seconds for it to set up, and should be an easy throw, if he for once looks it off.


Don't need a lot of offense, but something unpredictable BESIDES those stupid reverse or fake reverse screen pass monstrosities will go some way towards keeping Seattle out of the blitz, which will make Buffalo a "road" kill if they get the feeling they can do it every down.


Reed could be handy as a quick slant hot read from the slot himself, should a run blitz be stacked up towards Willis.


Hopefully, the Bills can have success with a 60%-40% run to pass ratio. If not? See ya. Maybe. there's always the posibility of a surprise.


Who knows? Sure glad the special teams are hot. Buffalo needs a short field on the road. REALLY needs it.


I still say, Buffalo 27-Seattle 20 (with 7 coming from a Bledsoe interception, but he makes up for it on a big play to Evans).

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I really don't care. I don't see the receivers being a huge factor Sunday. If he plays, fine. If not, fine. If he's there, put him outside once or twice just to screw with people and place Moulds in the slot. I think Evans gets a big play.


What I'm hoping to see is a few tosses to WM out of the backfield on a release, if Drew can stay upright. MM comes from Pittsburgh, maybe try a bunched set and toss to Willis out of the backfield on the opposite side. Drew might survive the 2.8 seconds for it to set up, and should be an easy throw, if he for once looks it off.


Don't need a lot of offense, but something unpredictable BESIDES those stupid reverse or fake reverse screen pass monstrosities will go some way towards keeping Seattle out of the blitz, which will make Buffalo a "road" kill if they get the feeling they can do it every down.


Reed could be handy as a quick slant hot read from the slot himself, should a run blitz be stacked up towards Willis.


Hopefully, the Bills can have success with a 60%-40% run to pass ratio. If not? See ya. Maybe. there's always the posibility of a surprise.


Who knows? Sure glad the special teams are hot. Buffalo needs a short field on the road. REALLY needs it.


I still say, Buffalo 27-Seattle 20 (with 7 coming from a Bledsoe interception, but he makes up for it on a big play to Evans).


Nice post, 27-20 sounds good to me! But we HAVE to keep Alexander in check! If he gets going and kills the time of posession game, then were in trouble!

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Josh Reed? Our training camp All-American? The guy who has missed a month because "his knee hurts?"

He's not tough. He's not productive. Our offense hasn't suffered in the slightest with the guy in street clothes resting his so-called injury. So to answer your question, no I don't care if he plays tomorrow or not. Josh has a lot to do to win me back over.

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Sure I care. For me, I'm rooting for a team and not for particular individuals. I hope Reed comes back and plays well, not because I like any of these too rich individuals whom I don't kno anyway, but because when he plays well he provides competition that forces Aiken, Evans or whomever to play better or to also have a a seat.


Its hard for me to see how any Bills fans can feel like we are deep enough at any positions and given that injuries happen so much in the modern NFL that they can not care for a particular player or even root for him to mess up and also root for the team to do well.


We simply are not good enough for us to discard or need all players to play well.

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Nice post, 27-20 sounds good to me! But we HAVE to keep Alexander in check! If he gets going and kills the time of posession game, then were in trouble!



I have more faith in the defense than any other aspect of the team. That said, third and 5+ frightens me. I'd much rather see third and two, or one.

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