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I don't miss hockey


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Im sure because hockey players arent ESPN made these days Im sure.


Too bad Hasek and Jagr dont request time away from the game promote an album "Czech Out the Bling Bling " or sonething to that effect


Maybe the NHL should endorse BALCO to get the media's attention????


The NHL would start gaining steam if they'd make some simple rule changes to make the sport more palatable to the masses. Starting with punting Fairy Bettman to the curb.


That said, I don't really want the NHL to become WWE pucks - which the NBA has been aspiring to only with "dunks" replacing pucks.

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The NHL would start gaining steam if they'd make some simple rule changes to make the sport more palatable to the masses.  Starting with punting Fairy Bettman to the curb.


That said, I don't really want the NHL to become WWE pucks - which the NBA has been aspiring to only with "dunks" replacing pucks.



Unfortunately for the NHL, the game translates much, much better in person than on TV. It's a great sport and I will miss it terribly once the Bills are done, come January.

If the NBA fell of the face of the earth, never to be seen again, I'd be the first guy to do do cartwheels down my street. Good fuggin' riddance.

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Unfortunately for the NHL, the game translates much, much better in person than on TV. It's a great sport and I will miss it terribly once the Bills are done, come January.

If the NBA fell of the face of the earth, never to be seen again, I'd be the first guy to do do cartwheels down my street. Good fuggin' riddance.


Oh, I agree. Though it was much better before they started selling ad space on the boards - you could actually see the puck the majority of the time.


The key, as always, is to get people into the barn a couple of times. That hooks them and the TV stuff follows. The NHL has made that difficult with their ridiculous ticket pricing and all the significantly overpriced crap you have to deal with from parking to a hotdog.


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: "New" revenue streams. Corporate sports suck.

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I can ice skate. I know its not that hard. Its just who would have thought of it. On first look, it doesn't seem logical.


But then again, someone at some point looked at a big stinky cow and said, "Im gonna go pull on those big pink dangly things and drink whatever comes out" ... so, ya never know .



I've thought about these things before (yeah, really-sometimes I forget to take a magazine to the bathroom). Look at 99% of what we do? How did we get there?


How many people croaked before we figured out which mushrooms to eat?

Who figured out the fish hook? And who decided worms were good to put on them? (ever see a fish crawling around the sidewalk after a good rain?)

Who came up with oral sex? And why?

Who came up with making rope from hemp?

Who came up with smoking the rope plantation?

Who figured out the first oven, and why?

Who decided to ride horse? Why not cows? Why not elk?

Who first made cloth instead of just wearing deer hides (this person had a LOT of time on their hands).

What idiot domesticated the cat?


You could go on forever.

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I've thought about these things before (yeah, really-sometimes I forget to take a magazine to the bathroom). Look at 99% of what we do? How did we get there?


Who came up with oral sex? And why?


Please tell me you are joking. :flirt::doh::P

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Please tell me you are joking.  :flirt:  :doh:  :P



Not why, as in bad, but why, as in a motivating idea for whoever first decided it would be a neat thing to do? Something tells me that they rose to political stardom in whatever tribe they belonged to.

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Not why, as in bad, but why, as in a motivating idea for whoever first decided it would be a neat thing to do? Something tells me that they rose to political stardom in whatever tribe they belonged to.



He: "Hey, honey?"


She: "Yes?"


He: "Just hear me out on this one..."

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He: "Hey, honey?"


She: "Yes?"


He: "Just hear me out on this one..."



Maybe a few years down the road there's a time machine involved here somehow.


"Yes! You may have the amazing Bic fire finger! But here's the deal, the fire god says you must first..."

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I miss the NHL a lot :flirt:


The sports radio station in town does a stupid "Fantasy" hockey season for the Calgary Flames - where they simulate every game following the timing of the original schedule. It's really bad, but when they add the real play-by-play voice for "highlights" using last year's games, I get a knot in my stomach.


I want to blame the players, but if you follow the history of the NHL, there are lots of good reasons for the players to distrust management.


This would have been one of the best years for hockey in Calgary - not sure how well the Flames would have done but the atmosphere in the 'Dome would be awesome :doh:

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I did miss NHL Hockey until I read the players are getting $10,000 a month in "lockout" pay. They get to sit home with their millions in the bank, do nothing but have kids and still get paid alot better than most regular folks who have to go out and actually work hard for a living. Then as soon as the contract is settled they can start making their millions again. Tough life.

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I did miss NHL Hockey until I read the players are getting $10,000 a month in "lockout" pay. They get to sit home with their millions in the bank, do nothing but have kids and still get paid alot better than most regular folks who have to go out and actually work hard for a living. Then as soon as the contract is settled they can start making their millions again. Tough life.



I'm not going to defend them, but that isn't free money - it's money the players paid in union dues over the years.

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Guest Guest_RkFast_*

Watched an AHL game in a bar last night and it was perfectly clear why hockey is dead. Not ONE play wasnt made without either a clutch, grab, high stick to the ribs, late hit, cheap shot, someone being blindsided who wasnt even close to the puck, someone being tripped illegally or some combination of all of the above. It was ridiculous.

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I've played hockey, my 2 kids both play, and I've been a hockey fan all of my life. However, both sides have really !@#$ed up and put the game in a death spiral.


The NHL is gone for at least a year if not longer. Once they settle, it better be for a percentage of the gate, because the gate is going to be low. It's going to take a long time for the fans to come back and fill an arena. Yes, the hard-core season ticket holders will be back, but I think the average fan is not going to be as excited.


TV revenue has been cut drastically, and will any National network care to even get involved since ratings will be more anemic than pre-strike?


In Buffalo, the Empire Network will be gone, so who knows who will carry the games and how many will be televised. No matter what the players and owners decide, the Sabres are going to have a very tough time making a profit.

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Watched an AHL game in a bar last night and it was perfectly clear why hockey is dead. Not ONE play wasnt made without either a clutch, grab, high stick to the ribs, late hit, cheap shot, someone being blindsided who wasnt even close to the puck, someone being tripped illegally or some combination of all of the above. It was ridiculous.




I agree completely and Im a devote hockey fan. It's nothing that can't be fixed though. The NHL just needs leadership(sans Bettman) that first has the knowledge of the game(not Bettman). Then commitment enforce the current rules(holding, interference) and the resolve to stick by there commitment despite how much whining gm's do.

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