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Warner >>>> Tebow


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You guys may not like this, but this add may save the life of an unborn child that cannot speak for itself. It could very well end up being a deterent for a woman hanging in the balance between abortion and going through with the pregnancy. You talk about the venue, but what better venue is there than a commercial during the most watched event in the US each year. For all of the people that want to push these types of issues to the back of their mind, I hope and pray that they come to the forefront of your thoughts every day. I hope one day it's like the light switch comes on. One day all of us will answer for every choice we've made in life, Christian or not, and Tim (along with his mother) are carrying out their mission to help steer people in the right direction. In the end, God knows whom are His and those with a heart soft enough to receive the message. Those are exactly the ones whom this is for.



Whatever dude. If this hypothetical woman really needs a tv commercial to help her decide whether to be a mother or not, then she's probably not gonna be a good mother in the first place. This goes back to the sanctimoniousness I was talking about. Shouldn't this person consult family, friends, a priest, doctors, professionals of all types with this decision? I would much prefer if a pregnant woman was considering such a difficult decision with whether to bring a child to term or not, that professional options would be considered rather than some arbitrary advertisement.


"One day.. the light switch comes on." Right. Unless you're gay, Jewish, Muslim, Hindi, Sikh, or Buddhist.

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If she had gone through with the abortion we wouldn't have to listen to him spew his message on those of us who fare quite well without man's worst creation: religion.


That's what I get out of it.


During his commercial I will most likely be taking a dump.

What if you get on the bowl and you just don't have to go?


Will you abort?

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I think the above poster was trying to explain that it's not the opinion of Tebow that is the point of discussion. It's the time and place. I'm gonna be eating pizza and wings, drinking some beer with friends watching the game on Superbowl Sunday. It's become a de facto American holiday. It is NOT the place to talk about heavily debatable issues. I want to vegetate and watch (hopefully) entertaining football. It's football. Not a thesis on determinism or when conception starts.


You can have this debate in a classroom, a church, or town hall if you like to scream at people. I just don't need to be preached to on abortion on a secular holiday. Seriously. I would feel the same way if it were a Pro Choice ad. It's not the opinion, its the forum. I don't force my opinion on people. I don't have "It's not a Choice, it's a Child" stickers on my car, nor the opposite. I find any of that sanctimonious. Don't tell me how to live my life, I don't tell you how to live yours. THAT is the condescending nature of these right-to-life thumpers. There's no pro-gay marriage 30 second ad during the game. That would throw the Christian right into a wonderful "liberal indoctrinated" tizzy.


I just want to stress I have no issues with Tebow's opinion on abortion. I think his story is actually pretty compelling. I just don't want to be preached and talked down to because I choose to watch a football game.


I agree, but my real point is that some guy making a commercial concerning a divisive issue to debut during the Super Bowl is likely to have plans for more of these kinds of displays in the future. That would certainly be a distraction that no team would like.


It would be even worse if he isn't a success on the field.


And even worse if they wasted a high draft pick, and 3 or 4 seasons developing him in vain.


And worse if he is being paid Jamarcus Russell money.


And even worse if he was playing for a team that hasn't been to the playoffs ten years, and that has the black cloud of a relocation hanging over it.


And even worserer if the the city is struggling through terrible economic times.


And even more worserer...... (Have I left anything out?)


I'm really just here to discuss how Tebow's actions might affect the Bills were they to draft him with their 1st round pick.

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