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inquiring minds want to know

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C'mon reporters - there's a story here! AJ Smith may be abrasive, but he's one helluva GM. What's the scoop?




"Nix had some kind of falling out with Smith in 2008, which never has been publicly explained. "The first 6½ years was great and then the last six months was a little strained," Nix told The Buffalo News in March."




"... an old, familiar face who was hired out of retirement after being forced out in San Diego a year ago."

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This SD fan says Buddy Nix was the "real architect" of the SD teams:



I gather from this link that they used to refer to Buddy Nix as "The Duke" in SD:



One fan in this forum calls Buddy Nix "AJ's secret weapon" in his signature (a nice cheerleader shot, too!):





OK, all anecdotal evidence, but sure seems like Buddy was much, much more than just AJ's right-hand man.


Some interesting fan perspectives on problems between AJ Smith and Marty:



Read the comments at end of this article:


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