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All in all a very entertaining and thought provoking show!!! Tonights epi was great and the story is still going strong. Like the golf added myself. The Rambo voltage scene was pretty good too! Haven't got the ending figured yet but my guess is that someone (Jack) is asleep on the plane and is dreaming about it all and wakes up just as something major happens on the show!! Don't know but it is a very intriguing show. Any Opins?

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Actually was dissapointed and confused at the same time! Kind of a lame episode..the previews made it seem as if something BIG was going to happen! Probably the worst epi yet. Guess we have to wait for 2 weeks to see the next! Not sure why! Also heard there is only 4 episodes left..bummer!

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I thought so, too. Can't believe we gotta wait 2 weeks 'til the next episode.  :)



i know, i dunno what i am gonna do next wednesday...no lost, and the little lady is gonna be gone home for thanksgiving...whats a guy to do? :w00t:

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I thought it was a pretty good episode. Sucks we have to wait two weeks! :)


Do you think tonight explains where the polar bear came from? Danielle said that she and the persons she ship wreaked with were on a scientific expedition. Maybe the polar bear was on that ship?

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Haven't got the ending figured yet but my guess is that someone (Jack) is asleep on the plane and is dreaming about it all and wakes up just as something major happens on the show!! Don't know but it is a very intriguing show. Any Opins?



Kind of like when Bob Newhart woke up after dreaming he owned an Inn in Vermont.

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Big fan of show,,,but, last night was kind of boring, I thought the dialogue between the french woman and sayid was kind of garbaled. Did they ever explain what the cable was that came out of the ocean that sayid followed? :)

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That's what I was thinking too Duey.


Everyone in this show is dealing with their past on different levels right? Jack with his dad, Sawyer with his dad, Sayed with his love, Locke with his handicap, Oriental (no offense to anyone) folks with their lifestyle, Charlie with his brother and the drug problem.


My opinion is that they are not dead they are merely finding ways to deal with their past because of their isolation....and they are becoming better people.


As far as last nights show. I thought it was great. I don't understand everyone wanting to rush to the end of the story. Isn't the meat & potatoes of this show the character development? Don't you look at Sawyer in a totally different light now b/c of his father? Don't you feel for the princess b/c of her asthma? Don't you find it interesting that even thought they are stranded on an island the black father still is finding it hard to find time with his son b/c he gets himself involved with other things?

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