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ot-pepe sanchez sighting!


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i never knew what happened to him after the sixers let him go a couple years ago...i figured he cought on in europe or something...anyway, i just turned on usa vs. argentina and there he is bringing the ball up the floor for the args. cool...for me at least.


go usa....but GO PEPE! <_<

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End of the third...Argentina 70, US 57


Ginolbi of the Spurs has 29 points, 9 of 11 from the field.


We were down 58-42, went on a run to make it 60-54, and they hit back-to-back three-pointers to push it right back up to 12.

Duncan picked up his fourth foul early in the third. We are in trouble.

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Thats terrible!!  Now Shaq, Kobe, Garnett, McGrady and all those other "stars" that had better things to do this summer than represent their country ought to friggin be embarassed.  Now I know why I don't watch the NBA anymore.




Meanwhile defensive palyer of the year Ron Artest is sitting home wondering why he never got invited. Those that refused should be embarrassed, but I doubt that many are.

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What I truly love is how great at ball all the international players are. I noticed it on a trip to Spain ten years ago. I played ball with some kids at a playground and they could pass and shoot like nobody's business. Those kids got inspired by the NBA, and now they dominate both in the NBA and the on the world stage. They have made the NBA fun to watch again. I think in 3-4 years that you might have a USA vs. the world NBA All-star game. The world guys could field an incredible team right now, but it wouldn't be that deep. Nowitski, Nash, Ming, Chinobli, and Stoyachovich could outscore any staring 5 the US would put out. Add in the bench of Ilgauskus and Parker and I'm not sure the US guys would win.

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Problem is, Pepe is from Puerto Rico.  Why is he playing for Argentina?





Nope, Pepe's definitely Argentinian. When Patricio Prato (another Argentine, now playing in Italy) was here at SBU, he talked about having known Sanchez back home.... Times Herald did a write-up on the two of them before one of the SBU-Temple games...

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