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Liberals, not that knowlegable; PEW research poll


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Under a section called "Partisan Knowledge Gap," we find Republicans were more knowledgeable by a double-digit factor on four issues. Although the Glenn Beck question is naturally easier for Republicans, the other three issues are basic political knowledge— what "cap-and-trade" means, who's in control of the House, and who the new Supreme Court Justice is (a question that should perhaps be easier for Democrats). Republicans also led Democrats on identifying the unemployment rate, Fed chairman, Dow level, Max Baucus' position. Republicans correctly answered an Iran/Israel question and an Afghanistan question more often than Dems. Republicans and Democrats were even on identifying the "public option" as a health-care plan.


Cap and Trade: Republicans hold a 12 point knowledge advantage

New Supreme court sotomayor: Repubs 12 point advantage

Party with House Majority(Democrats): Repubs 10 point advantage

current unemployment rate 10% : Repubs 9 point advantage

Who the federal Reserve chairman is Bernanke: Repubs 8 point advantage

DOW currently at around 10,000: Repubs 7 point advantage

Chair of Senate Finance committee(Baucus) : Repubs 3 point advantage

Iran/Israel share a border (No): Repubs 2 point advantage

"Public Option" bill deals with (Health Care) : Even

U.S Health Spending vs. Europe (Higher): Democrats 5 point advantage

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:doh: Are we feeling a little thin skinned today, Magoo? :rolleyes:

Actually, your insightful 'Americans Outraged!, at Sudden Realization Interstate Highways Are Government-Run ' thread reminded me of this PEW research poll result that I read the other day. :worthy:

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Sorry, just playing down to the level of the competition, yet again. :worthy:


But at least I'm not reduced to stealing lines from 1Spambot. :doh:

So what you're saying is that you were one of the 1003 people surveyed in this poll :rolleyes:

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That was the best comeback you could come up with? *Yawn*


No wonder you rely on polls to tell you what to think.

I got to give it to you, you hit the trifecta today, you created threads about "birthers", "George Bush" and "Fox news" all within an hour. That's a record that even pohsiB sevig daeH has dared to challenge. ;)

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I got to give it to you, you hit the trifecta today, you created threads about "birthers", "George Bush" and "Fox news" all within an hour. That's a record that even pohsiB sevig daeH has dared to challenge. ;)


Magoo, you're incredible. Whenever I need a good laugh you come through.


As usual, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about but you're not about to let that stop you.


Yeah, I was bored and decided to "poke the bear" a little (Unfortunately, I only got responses from a pair of cubs, you and 1Spambot) but you can't even figure out what you're responding to.



Oh, Magoo, you've done it again! [/Jim Bacccus Voice]

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Magoo, you're incredible. Whenever I need a good laugh you come through.


As usual, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about but you're not about to let that stop you.


Yeah, I was bored and decided to "poke the bear" a little (Unfortunately, I only got responses from a pair of cubs, you and 1Spambot) but you can't even figure out what you're responding to.



Oh, Magoo, you've done it again! [/Jim Bacccus Voice]

I'm glad you came out of retirement, so much joy ;)

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Am I the only one who read that poll and was scared by the ignorance evident on both sides of the aisle? More than half the people interviewed don't even know what the Dow's at, or that Iran and Israel don't share a border?


But... 17% more Republicans know who Glenn Beck is, so they're smarter! [/Magoo]


Like I said earlier, both pieces are nothing but humorous satire? :wallbash: :wallbash:

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It's the first line in the poll in your link. All I did was re-insert the part you censored...


Anybody who follows your link can see for themselves. :sick:



Oh, Magoo, you've done it, Again! [/Jim Baccus Voice] :lol:

So, you did take the suvey :wallbash:


And the fact that you stated the Pew Research Center as a source of Satire says..... :wallbash:


Here, why don't you read up on it http://pewresearch.org/ learn a little bit about a nonpartisan fact tank that provides some insight on politics, economics and trends.


Maybe it will broaden your sources of information, I know how you love http://www.stumbleupon.com , but I promise you that there is more. :lol:


And I have to thank you RI, never did I think anyone on PPP could give me more to laugh at that pohsiB sevig daeH, but now that you've returned well... :lol:

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So, you did take the suvey :wallbash:


And the fact that you stated the Pew Research Center as a source of Satire says..... :wallbash:


Here, why don't you read up on it http://pewresearch.org/ learn a little bit about a nonpartisan fact tank that provides some insight on politics, economics and trends.


Maybe it will broaden your sources of information, I know how you love http://www.stumbleupon.com , but I promise you that there is more. :sick:


And I have to thank you RI, never did I think anyone on PPP could give me more to laugh at that pohsiB sevig daeH, but now that you've returned well... :lol:


Magoo, Magoo, Magoo, there you go again...


How many different ways can you jump?


First you get all butt-hurt and bent out of shape because I posted a few topics poking fun at the current tone of PPP.


Then you cite the Weakly Standard taking a poll out of context, but you have to censor the poll results because the first line in the poll shows what a partisan hack job it is. And even Wacka would laugh you off of the board for attempting to say that not knowing who Glen Beck was is some indicator of a persons true political knowledge.


Finally after realizing what a ridiculous corner you've painted youself into --and being called on it-- you weakly attempt to turn everything on it's head and say you were referring to the poll in it's original form, and that I must have been a participant in the poll.


PA-THET-IC... Look, do yourself a favor and quit while you're only a light-year or two behind.


Oh, Magoo, You've done it, Again! [/Jim Baccus Voice]

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Magoo, Magoo, Magoo, there you go again...


How many different ways can you jump?


First you get all butt-hurt and bent out of shape because I posted a few topics poking fun at the current tone of PPP.


Then you cite the Weakly Standard taking a poll out of context, but you have to censor the poll results because the first line in the poll shows what a partisan hack job it is. And even Wacka would laugh you off of the board for attempting to say that not knowing who Glen Beck was is some indicator of a persons true political knowledge.


Finally after realizing what a ridiculous corner you've painted youself into --and being called on it-- you weakly attempt to turn everything on it's head and say you were referring to the poll in it's original form, and that I must have been a participant in the poll.


PA-THET-IC... Look, do yourself a favor and quit while you're only a light-year or two behind.


Oh, Magoo, You've done it, Again! [/Jim Baccus Voice]

Man I'm glad you're posting here again.


I'm looking forward to ridiculing you, you make it so darn easy :wallbash:

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