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SEC to start suspending coaches


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man the SEC has really shown itself to be pretty crooked this year. It's obvious how they protect Florida and Alabama basically at any cost. Now the coaches who point out how horrific the calls have been will face suspension from the conference.




frankly I think the conference is very overrated this year. Nobody has an offense. I think Florida and Bama would get rolled by USC or Oregon.

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Well, I can see the SEC's point. If Florida or Bama or both lose, they are no longer assured a spot in National Championship game...and lets not prolly a second BCS bowl for the loser of the SEC championship game...thats a lot of cake the confereance splits up when they have folks in two BCS bowl games.

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man the SEC has really shown itself to be pretty crooked this year. It's obvious how they protect Florida and Alabama basically at any cost. Now the coaches who point out how horrific the calls have been will face suspension from the conference.




frankly I think the conference is very overrated this year. Nobody has an offense. I think Florida and Bama would get rolled by USC or Oregon.



The Auburn faithful are calling. They are looking for new recruits. Tin foil helmets are required.

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Well the SEC a few weeks ago gave Florida that win it seems. So in a sense, Kiffin deserved to criticize despite paying for it!


Kiffin is a !@#$ing retard, and deserves whatever punishment he gets. He's been running his mouth ever since he took the HC job at Tenn.

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