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  1. Dude this has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Good lord. And I'm sorry no one has not given specifics as to why this is Jim Crow on steroids. To keep it simple I ask you two questions. Jim Crow MANDATED racial segregation in public places such as schools. Does this law force black people to use separate polling places that are hard or impossible to reach? Jim Crow instituted things like Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests at the polls. Many of the tests were impossible to pass thereby making impossible for many black people to vote. Please point out where the GA Bill does anything of the sort You have not done a poor job equating this Bill to Jim Crow. You have not done any job of equating it to Jim Crow Do better. The only reason? So has zero to do with it taking nearly a month for GA to certify their votes? Would having ID numbers on the ballots make them easier to match than a signature. Yes or no?
  2. Of course I obsess about the Bill being called racist. And I’ve explained why. Calling something like this racist distracts away from real racism. If you cared at all about racism you’d focus on eliminating distractions such as this.
  3. It did address this and you know it! The only way you'd be satisfied would be if they reopened all the over 200 sites they closed and I understand that. But for YOU to say they did NOT address this? THAT's being dishonest. Now if you want to come back and say "it didn't properly address it" you'd have an argument but until then you do not. BTW. You were the first here (I believe) to call this Bill racists. Others have jumped on the Racist bandwagon with @SectionC3 going so far to invent a cute nickname for me. You, nor they, have not been able to articulate what makes it racist. Are you able to? Because logic would lead one to the conclusion that you, and the others, have not properly answered it means you were just blowing smoke. @oldmanfan at least tried. He failed miserably but at least he tried. So your and @SectionC3 continued silence on that question of VERY telling. I can't imagine trying to verify signatures. Jesus my signature varies all the time. Why GA required proper ID numbers on mail in ballots. That just makes logical sense to me.
  4. Yes the General went swimmingly well. Nothing to see here folks. No need for change or reform. Interesting how this works. Liberal Reform = Progress Conservative Reform = Racism
  5. Hahahahahahaha!!! Bury your head counselor. "I won't click your link.....blah blah blah" So the general election in GA went juuuuust fine. Anyway, back to my original contention with this whole mess, that you have not so cleverly moved out of the way, and thrown in your delusional idea that my point has had ANYTHING to do with the good or bad within the Bill. If you've been paying attention you'd know that my point is now (and has been from the beginning) that this Bill is being called racists. Sooooo I will ask you once more counselor.... What makes this Bill Jim Crow on steroids? It's ***** hilarious that you chase me around this board asking me to back something up that I've never really touched upon. However YOU, my good counselor, have ignored every attempt of mine to get you to explain something you didn't insinuate, hint at, allude to, or suggested but flat out stated. So again. What makes this Bill the equivalent of Jim Crow? Ball in your court. 0-40 so you better make this serve a good one.
  6. You're damn right I want to focus on the racist element to the Bill and I've made it VERY clear as to why. Now here's the $64,000 question. What, in your mind, makes it racist. And dude thanks for answering we're starting to get somewhere and I think we can wrap this up soon. LOL.
  7. I don't dispel racism here you dummy. I'm simply asking what, in your mind, makes it racist. And you're not debating your chasing your tail. All I'm asking is quite simple Is it racist? I'll even make it easy for you and give you three choices. A. Yes B. No C. I don't know It's all very telling that you have not been able to answer this simple question. Now be forewarned you answer A or B I will follow up with a Why?
  8. There is no reason to debate the race angle of the Bill because there is none is what you meant to say correct? When we see racism everywhere true racism becomes obscured. My point from the beginning. So people need to STOP shoving ***** in the racism box that do NOT belong there so the things that DO belong in that box don't get buried. Fair enough? Comparing this Bill to Jim Crow makes you look really foolish. Carry on fool.
  9. Seriously? You have to ask that? Here let me use your own words. LARGE POPULOUS! This is the funniest thing ever. Now will this Bill fix this? Only time will tell. Did it address this? Yes. Funny you didn't mention POC? Why is this? I'm always against power grabs by government. See I'm a conservative. I'm consistent. Does that power grab constitute racism? No. Are you and @SectionC3 so thick you can't understand my point or are you being intellectually dishonest? I'm going with the latter but I'm starting to wonder about the former.
  10. You say this law targets a specific group of voters. What group of voters is it targeting and how have you arrived at your conclusion? Here's the thing. Regarding your last sentence. People are intrenched and for a reason. What are those calling it racist basing that claim on? In my opinion it's because it's backed by the Republican Governor and Republican Georgia legislature for that and that reason only. Name calling? 🤣 The guy who calls me Chef Jim Crow and attacks my chosen profession? You're funny. And gibberish? Nah...I've been very clear however if you choose you filter it so you can continue to call me names and attack my chosen profession (yes I attack yours too) so be it. Carry on.
  11. It's better that assuming you have any clue about what someone else's opinions and thoughts are. Not only does it make you not very lawyerly it also makes you look foolish. So carry on fool. Voter suppression seems to have replaced the word racist. Why is that do you think that is?
  12. Condemn it all you want. Say that the GOP didn't talk to the inner city folks all you like. You have no proof they did not but lets say they didn't. Does THAT make it racist? I think not. A wise man not too long ago said "elections have consequences." You don't like the way the GOP operates that's fine. I don't like the way they operate either. Kick 'em out like was done in the Presidential election.
  13. You've not heard from me regarding what this solves because you're too lazy to look. Sectionc3: Because I have yet to see what this law does or will do or even give it time this law is RACIST!! Again to compare this to Jim Crow is ***** obscene! BTW the the law makes provisions for water at all polling places. Have you even read the damn thing? Sure sounds like you have not.
  14. It targets minorities? Out of all those words those are the two I've been railing against since the beginning. Sorry you've not been able to understand that. I suggest you, and Joe, read up on Jim Crow and what that was really all about before you equate this Bill to that horrible mess. And go ahead. Call me racist. I don't care. You don't know me. You don't have any clue about how I feel about different people. How I've interacted with them. The first hand racism I witnessed growing up and how those things have stuck with me for 50 years. If it makes you feel better to accuse someone of these things you've never met have at it.
  15. So the Bill was to suppress Democrat voters? Have you been able to articulate how you've come to the conclusion that the Bill is racist?
  16. Been my one and only point on this from the get go. This is not about voter suppression. All I've been asking from the beginning is what makes this racist. Voter suppression of people of color only. I've had NO rabbit hole. One simple little itty bitty question from the beginning that you have not even come close to addressing. Rabbit hole. Nope. You've turned it into one. Run away rabbit boy because you've lost.
  17. Point one. Sure that's easy. I've already mentioned this but I will again. Whoops. I bet you feel silly now. See I've read the bill. Sounds like you have not. Point two. I am not denying people have to wait in exorbitant lines. Part of the Bill is designed to address this. See Point One above. So it's a Bill you should like. And the lines are geographic not racial.
  18. And BTW those bitching about Drop Boxes? You do realize there a ***** loads of "drop boxes" for people to drop off their ballots right? They are more commonly known as mailboxes and there are 327 in ATL. So to those of you calling this Bill racist or Jim Crow on steroids? Stop inventing boogeymen. https://mailboxlocate.com/states/GA/cities/ATLANTA
  19. Perfect thread for this. Let’s go to the tape shall we... The Bill makes it impossible for a black person to get a drink of water! This Bill is racist and worse than Jim Crow!! What? Oh the Bill actually makes provisions for water stations at the polling places?? Well ok but those long lines. Those are racist and worse than Jim Crow. What? Oh the Bill addresses those? Ok how about drop boxes?? They reduced the number of drops boxes!! What? You mean drop boxes weren’t even around before 2020 and were only put in place due to Covid? Yeah but still drop boxes are hard to find!! What? You mean those ballots can be dropped in any mailbox? ***** I got nuthin. You sure do. Guilty as charged too. But it’s the unfortunate (and sometimes entertaining) aspect of this sub-forum.
  20. They didn’t make the wait times in line less during the 2020 primaries and/or general. But you know what requires that? That’s righ. This racist Jim Crow on steroids Bill does.
  21. Well there you go! Good job. So they picked the number of 1 drop box per 100,000 registered voters. So that does in fact look like it reduces the number of drop boxes. Now let's take this a step further. Will this make it harder for those that live in rural, less populated counties to actually locate a drop box? Well seeing no one has be able to point out what makes the Bill racist other than it "feels" racist sure makes it look like I understand what I'm saying. Do you agree with Biden that this Bill is Jim Crow on steroids?
  22. Now isn't this rich. Coming from a person who feels it's racist but has yet to point to what specifically makes it racists. What does where I found it have to do with it. How about this? https://legiscan.com/GA/text/SB202/id/2348602 Link your source please.
  23. You just read the whole Bill? No seriously quote the Bill where is says they will reduce the number of drop boxes. Are you sure you're reading the Bill? All 98 pages? Just now? Please make your case. Prove me wrong and I will admit you are right. Potentially disenfranchise the opposition does NOT make it racist and you know that.
  24. People say a lot of things. Please point out where in the Bill it specifically calls for fewer drop boxes. It actually does the opposite. How about Vanderbilt University definitions: Racism “The systemic subordination of members of targeted racial groups who have relatively little social power in the United States (Blacks, Latino/as, Native Americans, and Asians), by the members of the agent racial group who have relatively more social power (Whites). This subordination is supported by the actions of individuals, cultural norms and values, and the institutional structures and practices of society.” If what you say actually happens you can come back and say AH HA!! I told you. In the meantime it's all hypothetical. What-if's don't work here.
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