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  1. Here? You base it on the 4 or 5 that interact with you? That’s what you base it on. Good lord. I suggest you get out for a change and talk to real people ok. You think pro life means they are against woman’s rights? Not even close. It has everything to do with their deep religious beliefs that life begins at conception. It’s about saving the life of the unborn child. It’s rights. If you don’t understand that I can’t help you. And just so you know I’m 100% for keeping abortion legal and safe. But, unlike you, I think critically and understand both sides of this argument. So think why they are pro life. If you think hard enough you may discover an empathetic cell in your body and agree to disagree as opposed to the hate YOU are spewing here. And yes I defended the GA voting law. But I was passionate about the fact it was not based on racism. You have not and cannot prove it’s racist. It changed the laws for all citizens of GA not just POC. It’s sad you point an accusatory finger with zero to back it up with. Regarding LGBTQ issue? There are lots and lots of LBGQT MAGA supporters. Again get out and meet these people you so despise. You’ll be surprised how diverse they actually are. History? We love history. What are you referring to? Human life? See above regarding abortion. Democracy? Huh? Again step away from the keyboard and meet some MAGA people. You accuse some of the most beautiful people I’ve known, been related to of some horrible things and it’s all from what you’ve read and very little of what you’ve experienced. This is likely the longest response I’ve ever had to you. And now I’m done. You are the most closed minded, immature, borderline psychotic (if not full blow psychotic) person I’ve ever had the please to interact with. I wish you well.
  2. I don't give a flip about the media coverage. I do care about this whole racism thing were there is none. And I meant the school owes the student an apology. Again i don't care about the media so I also don't care about them issuing an apology or not.
  3. In LA they’ve taken the teeth out of the judicial system and we see the results today. With things like no bail (bye bye suckers!! I’m off to commit more crimes!) and increasing the amount for a crime to be anything more than a misdemeanor you quickly see the results. LA County is a mess.
  4. I said I never stood in line to vote to demonstrate one does not have to. If people choose to and B word because the line is long that's on them no? So in your tiny mind lines are racists? Bwahahahaha!! Funny you call me Karen but you want to shoo me on to another site (and what, pray tell, is this site you're talking about?). Hmmmm sounds like you're calling the wrong person Karen. Carry on confused boy............. Oh no....I was TOLD! Yes I was and you what you told me had nothing to do with Jim Crow. As a matter of fact it was one of the most egregious hoaxes ever posted here. So egregious as a matter of fact you're too chicken to even repost it. Carry on Hoaxmeister!
  5. Go back? Where? Why don't you like me here Billy? Does it upset you I point out constantly that you're wrong. What makes the GA Law racists? For how long and how many times have I asked you and @SectionC3 what makes it racist to no good answers. His was "they don't allow food and drink in the polling lines." That is one of the dumbest things I've heard and shows he know nothing about Jim Crow. Soooo, back to you. What makes the GA Bill racist? It should be easy for you to answer no? You've banged the "GA is racist" drum for quite some time. Questions, questions everywhere and not a drop of answers to be had. Carry on Colonel Sanders.
  6. Your whole premise that the GA Bill is racist is predicated on the fact you think (not implied but think) that skin color matters. The parts of the Bill you think are racists is because it affects people of specific geographic areas and socioeconomic standing. While this may or may not be true it has nothing to do with the color of one's skin except in your mind.
  7. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/11/charlie-brown-thanksgiving-special-deemed-racist-socail-justice-outrage/amp/
  8. I think it's hilarious that people distrust people "like me" when almost everyone with any level of financial security either works with someone "like me" or follows a system someone 'like me" coached them on. Regarding coaching? I don't coach my clients. Not my niche. But I do have a lot of advisors in my firm who do coach their clients for a low cost of $100 per month. This is something that HAS to be taught in our schools. It should be a required course. The number of people in the country living on SS is a crime when it's so easy to plan and save. I will always look at Obama with distain from behind my profession when he was rolling out the "DOL Rule" (which I agreed with BTW) calling people "like me" snake oil salesmen. 🤬
  9. To me these disparities are socioeconomic not racial. Now once we can agree upon that we can have a discussion why POC more often find themselves in lower socioeconomic patterns that non-POC's. And if you say's it because of racism I'm comin over and kickin ya straight in the nuts.
  10. Define systemic. Once you do that we can proceed. I see. So you call something systemic when you have no way to prove it is other that it feels systemic. You're not getting out that easily. FIFY
  11. So long lines discriminate? Are these more due to geography or race? (rhetorical question) BTW there are alternatives to waiting in line wouldn't you agree?
  12. Again? Funny because no one has answered my question other than it's racist the first time. That would be great if they were able to specifically state what is racists. I even wrote down each accusation by Stacey Abrams of it being racists and asked "how does this make it racist?" I don't think I got any responses to that. I'll read the lawsuit. When I have time. That article (which I'm not paying to read) is likely just that. A report on the lawsuit not the actual text of the suit.
  13. So you're saying it's not rare. Medium rare, well done? Sorry Chef humor. But seriously if it's not rare how widespread is it? I wouldn't say it's rare either but I also don't think it's systemic. That term has been thrown out there constantly with little of no proof it's systemic in any aspect of life. Hate crimes involve a lot more than just race. But you knew that.
  14. I think that question is best asked of those that accuse us of being a racist country.
  15. I know nothing about the Central Park 5 and have no idea what your post that I quoted has to do with it. I asked you what makes the death penalty racist and you call me a white supremacist. Care to back up your accusations further?
  16. It's about as much proof of him not being a racist as you presented that he IS a racist.
  17. I know this is semantics but did Biden call Trump a racist for the travel ban specifically?
  18. Demand all you want (Jesus I hate that word. "We Demand") You're going to be sorely disappointed. I assume you know who have the most hatred against Asians in this world don't you? Yeah that's right. Other Asians. I worked with a Japanese girl. We became great friends. I used to tease her and really piss her off by calling her Korean. Then we hired a Korean woman. Keep in mind they were both born here in the US but they HATED each other for one reason and one reason only....race! So bottom line. We are all different. We all have different cultures. Some people of different cultures hate each other. Unfortunately it's who we are as a species. Been happening since year one of our existence. I laughed my ass off yesterday. Saw a young boy with a guy who I assumed was his dad holding signs "Stop Asian Hate" Yeah that's gonna do a lot of good. Sorry for the cynicism but that's how I roll.
  19. Nothing really but a lot to do with liberal/left ideals. Now let’s turn the tables. What does racism, for example, have to do with the Republican Party?
  20. I’m recording a new song: 🎶 What’s race got to do with it got to do with it? 🎶
  21. This has been the talking points of most everyone. Them: It’s racist! Me: Why? Them: 🦗
  22. Go back and read how you worded that comment. You know what you said and you know the intent of what you said so I stand by my ***** you response. One man's groundhog day is that same man's inability to articulate why they feel the law is RACIST. Call it a type of political gerrymandering and you might get me to agree with you. But until you can give a very good argument (or ANY argument) why you think the Bill is racists I'm going to call you out on it. I feel it's racists is an answer. Not a good answer but an answer nonetheless. And so far that's all I've gotten from you. Once everything becomes racist nothing will be racists. We are very close to this. Is this what you want?
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