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  1. John Fetterman says "hold my beer." There was a political agenda previously? LOL! Good one. It's amazing the idiots that didn't realize Doral was owned by Trump suddenly came to that realization recently. Morons.
  2. Dems didn't seem to care about election denial after Trump won and then the Summer of 2020. So spare us. Oh and no "law men" died as a result of what happened on J6. And Fetterman. LOL!
  3. It's far from dying. If the Dems succeed, Trump will be out of the picture. And Fetterman is a symptom of the larger disease.
  4. More of the same stupid thinking that got Fetterman into office.
  5. They all know he's senile. Like with Fetterman, they just don't GAF because it's their guy in a position of power.
  6. Why would I need to be part of his medical team? Even they admit(ted) he had a stroke that has left him with deficits that they "hope" he can recover from. But he hasn't and won't given the amount of time that has passed since it happened. You're out of your depth here. And yes it does matter that she won because obviously being a carpetbagger isn't a be-all-end-all for voters. And even if I had said anything about her then (I wasn't into politics back then), her opponent wasn't a stroke victim. Pennsylvanians are just stupid. So much so that not only did they elect Fetterman, they also elected a dead guy to the State House.
  7. Good point. Except for a working brain (even you can see Fetterman has serious mental deficiencies), OZ has nothing on him. And refresh my memory but...did Hilly still win despite being a "carpetbagger"?
  8. The fact that most people don't care tells you what we're dealing with in this country. It's the same apathy that got Fetterman elected. But it absolutely needs to be pointed out everytime it happens. We can't have a dementia patient (continuing to) be President.
  9. After you said that Fetterman being brain dead wasn't an issue because he'd have a team and I countered that the same should apply to Oz being a carpetbagger, you pivoted to rural bumpkins being wary of another TV personality. And I mentioned reasons why Fetterman, beyond parts of his brain being dead, was a bad candidate. And a ***** candidate is one who loses? It's not that people are dumb? OK. Fetterman is the embodiment of the dumbing-down of America. We no longer have high standards anymore and we're going to pay dearly for it.
  10. You're still going with the "I had no clue why you [who I've called a right wing hack] thought he [a right wing politician] was a better candidate"? Would you wonder why TIbs or BSTime thinks Fetterman is a better candidate? Everyone sees he's demented and/or lying but the MSM won't dare call him out. If this had been Trump, they'd have made it the top story for the next week. They're frauds.
  11. Oh, so it's all about Trump, is it? Because Joke and his admin have been doing such a great job for them these past 2 years? High prices because of trying to kill the oil and especially in PA coal and gas industries, not to mention ineptitude with the supply chain? A terrible job with Wuhan virus which he promised to shut down? Illegals and drugs pouring over the border? Abortion even right after the moment of birth? Releasing criminals back on the street? Defunding the police and cashless bail? Should I go on as to what, beyond his brain death, makes Fetterman a ***** candidate? So you're admitting you read about as well as they do. OK.
  12. OK then, using your logic, so what if Oz is from another state? Since it's not about the Senator but his team, je'll just have his team do the work for him. The difference is, he's not brain dead. But hey, if you're not merely trolling and truly don't mind being represented by someone like Fetterman, that's your right. People make all sorts of bad decisions in life. And I'm sure BSTime and Tibs will agree with you that I'm not middle of the road. So you got that going for you.
  13. You'd have to be a moron to think Fetterman and Feinstein are fit to serve. I wouldn't say "still" because Fetterman never was (after suffering the stroke) and Feinstein hasn't for years.
  14. Of course they don't like it. Fox is showing how horrible of a candidate Fetterman is and the alphabet MSM are trying to hide him.
  15. Hypocrites gotta hypocrite. And they elected Fetterman so...who the F cares?
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