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  1. Roundy, Quack and others have been parroting the propaganda that cultural Marxism is a ...... you guessed it a conspiracy theory! Why don't we turn to one of the groups leading the charge in recent years and the words of one of their founders. Of course useful idiots after viewing the short clip below where BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors describes herself and her partner as "trained Marxists" it will only dig in its heels in deeper. After all isn't it obvious to everyone that when a cultural leader self identifies as a Marxist, it can only be a conspiracy theory when others call her movement rooted in Marxism.
  2. Lron f-stain! The covid pandemic: They will never be the same. It broke them. This pandemic shifted the entire history of the planet you friggin moron. Nobody will be the same.The entire friggin world shut down with mostly useless mitigation measures because of a virus that was genetically engineered in a Chinese lab. But....Get over it already! Useful idiot indeed.
  3. It's not they made educated guesses and were wrong. They KNEW the policies that they were pushing were useless, pushed them regardless and they censored other scientists who disagreed. So no, Finding and the rest of the Marxists won't admit that they were wrong. That's precisely what makes them the useful idiots that they are.
  4. Here's an easy useful idiot litmus test. Does Trumo lie? They'll rattle off numerous examples, most of them hoaxes, but there will undoubtedly be a few actual lies in there. That's because every politician in history lies to get and keep power. Including the great orange menace Trump. Now ask them if Biden lies. And there's your litmus test.
  5. Also file under party members and useful idiots being eaten by the very regime they helped bring to power. CCP’s show trial of Jiang Qing after Mao’s death. Jiang was Mao’s widow and an active player in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There was no doubt that she committed numerous crimes and was mostly hated. But trial was purely politically motivated and the decision was made even before the trial began. The goal was to blame everything on her and her accomplices called the Gang of Four so that Mao and his legacy could be preserved, without which the CCP would lose its legitimacy. Jiang was given a suspended death sentence. She later committed suicide in prison. The show trial was the first since the CCP took over China in 1949. In the Mao era “justice” was carried out in the “People’s Court” by mobs. Some compare Jiang’s trial to Trump’s, with important differences. At least it was very clear what Jiang was charged with: insurrection, counterrevolution…; Jiang was allowed to speak; and the trial was televised for the entire nation to watch. It’s terrifying to see a worse version of history repeating!!
  6. I'm sure all the useful idiots will be all for it when a local red DA under a Republican administration "scours the penal code" in search of crimes to charge Obama or Biden with. I know it's about your TDS circle jerk tonight, but this is the pandora's box that's been opened. So it's really only about Trump for useful idiots. Sane people can see its about crossing the rubicon straight towards the end of the republic. Enjoy! Hey more useful idiots with the same tired hoaxes! Wait Trump said neo nazi and white supremacists are very fine people too, right?
  7. Expect nothing less from a dyed in the wool useful idiot. Congrats!
  8. Useful idiots like Quack MD are so completely lost. Keep repeating convicted felon....over and over and over. His poll numbers will go down. Really they will. Promise!
  9. Works with useful idiots. But you're preaching to the already TDS sero-converted.
  10. If you're not crucify Trump, you're MAGA. That's all these useful idiots can see.
  11. If you don't understand the difference between: Equality of opportunity (US bedrock principle) Vs. Equality of OUTCOMES. ie. equity (Marxist DEI principle) Then you're at minimum a useful idiot, but probably a full blown Marxist.
  12. This hoax was called out very early on by many X accounts, the above clip just explains it best. The useful idiots could have listened and avoided more mockery ..but they don't care about being mocked or have the capacity to be embarrassed by any of this. In fact it's worse than that. Billsfuk.c, Finding et al. will still be citing this hoax as truth from today forward. Lost to reality. Green sky.
  13. ⬆️ One of the communists....actually no...definitely one of the useful idiots in our midst.
  14. And the useful idiots here will continue to swallow every load that comes their way. Eagerly. The same damn playbook every time and all they do is open wide for more...
  15. Video template containing a newspaper headline about a German unified reich in....1914. https://elements.envato.com/newspaper-vintage-history-headlines-promo-6UD9B8E Useful idiots are never embarrassed by their idiocy.
  16. There is no link to an article. There is no statement about a "unified reich" by Trump. It's another hoax just like always The video in question that contained the word "reich" is baked into a video template that ANYONE can purchase. So here's your link: https://elements.envato.com/newspaper-vintage-history-headlines-promo-6UD9B8E Pause the video at 4 seconds and you will see the headline in question that exists among a slew of other historical headlines and refers to a unified reich in.....wait for it....1914. I don't expect useful idiots to know history or how time works sequentially, but as you know the Nazi party didn't exist in 1914. So please stop giving these ass hol.ez any legitimacy around yet another massive hoax.
  17. Chances that a viral story about Trump is a hoax? 100% But it always works on useful idiots who still believe the last 15 hoaxes are true Moves the needle 0.0 The "Unified Reich" hoax is the latest chapter in a long-running series of misinformation campaigns by democrats and the media. Below is the widely available motion graphics template that the media is pretending the Trump campaign made in-house then published. Nobody on the Trump campaign, and certainly not Trump himself, typed the words in question. They exist in the template at the time of purchase. This is very clearly some random Trump supporter who created this piece without reading the smaller text already in the template, that was then RT'd by some social media guy who also didn't read the smaller text in the template. Oh, and the text in the template references Pre-WWI era Germany. Clearly someone should have been far more diligent, because democrats and the MSM will *ALWAYS* twist and bend every action to go on the attack, but the idea that this is some kind of telegraphing of intent by Trump is the dumbest, most disingenuous take I've heard since the last time the media ran a hoax. elements.envato.com/newspaper-vint…
  18. The hoax that useful idiots will believe until the day they die. If another Bills fan told you everyday about how happy they are to always have the Bills three super bowl championships to celebrate, how many days would it take before you didn't listen to anything they had to say at all?
  19. They're useful idiots living under a green sky. They could weekend at Bernie's Joe's corpse and they'd still be saying.. Spry...by all accounts...sharp as a tack.
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