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  1. They got useful idiots to believe it, but they get useful idiots to believe anything.
  2. Keep in mind while all the useful idiots keep asking you for evidence today while staring into a mountain of it, that these are the very same people who not only fell for the bloodbath hoax, but STILL insisted Trump was saying what he clearly was NOT saying after the hoax had been fully exposed. Why would you ever expect that these same people would look at Biden corruption honestly? It's not that they won't. It's that they CAN'T. They are broken useful idiots.
  3. This hoax was called out very early on by many X accounts, the above clip just explains it best. The useful idiots could have listened and avoided more mockery ..but they don't care about being mocked or have the capacity to be embarrassed by any of this. In fact it's worse than that. Billsfuk.c, Finding et al. will still be citing this hoax as truth from today forward. Lost to reality. Green sky.
  4. Remember when using "fight" was evidence of supporting an insurrection? Despite numerous examples of democrats using "fight" and it being innocuous? Useful idiot cult litmus test.
  5. Not yet at least. When marxists redefine, or outright censor, language then peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard really means do the Insurrection. And it still does to useful idiots to this day. Yuri Bezmenov was right.
  6. You mean like useful idiots parroting commie narratives such as the OP and the King?
  7. The original Flynn 302, the one that said Flynn didn't lie to the FBI and agrees with what top FBI officials told Congress, wait for it.....went missing! Imagine that an FBI document about something so serious as a traitor general lying about his ties to Russia...just goes poof, never to be found! Useful idiots remain so very useful to their commie masters.
  8. Sounds familiar... Konstantin Kilimnik anyone? Any useful idiots remember that name? Of course not!
  9. They'd never recycle the same BS that they know useful idiots will lap up. Never.
  10. Finding Qanon doing his lawyer best hand waving. Dude it's time to stop digging, unless of course you enjoy looking like a fool. Anyone else but Trump says those same sequence of words and everyone laughs it off.....because he's clearly poking FUN AT THE WHOLE SITUATION. You know how that question never comes up and we don't get a smirking Trump joking about the entire ridiculous situation? When we don't have media and useful idiots telling everyone that Trump coming back to White House is the second coming of Hitler. But you're all useful idiot hacks, so we can't have that. A graduate level "logic" course can't penetrate the useful idiot grey matter of FQ.
  11. What a shocker that Finding Qanon started this ridiculously titled thread. Its masters are proud of their little useful idiot.
  12. Will racist piece of ***** roundy show its face in this thread again? Absolutely! Because it's useful idiot commie trash.
  13. The party who cried wolf, nobody believes them. Well except for useful idiots.
  14. Useful idiots attacking the messenger and not the presented facts? I'm absolutely shocked that would ever happen!
  15. I know why I'm here. To call out and then ignore, thereby triggering, useful idiots.
  16. ⬆️ Hey there's a useful idiot, albeit a garden variety one. Sorry tibstain...you're weak!
  17. It is absolute. Useful idiots know nothing else. The government isn't coming after churches you idiots! 😂
  18. If grown adults want to engage in this behavior IN PRIVATE, the vast majority of Americans don't GAF. However, the vast majority do GAF when this crap is shoved in their faces IN PUBLIC, not to mention at the friggin White House. This will give useful idiots seizures. Love it.
  19. Julie Kelly. ✔️ Libs of Tik Tok. ✔️ Who else lives comfortably in their collective useful idiot heads?
  20. It's not "free speech" any longer.... When you block jewish students from entering campus/buildings. When you break into and seize buildings. When you throw projectiles at law enforcement. When you vandalize property. When you disobey orders to disperse When you assault others. I know useful idiots such as The King don't understand this, but needs to be said anyway.
  21. Agreed. You're not getting specifics and into the weeds in any of these congressional show hearings. Ever. The point is to point to the smoke. What we have now is a five alarm fire. To useful idiots like FQ they see....nothing. Always.
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