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  1. This trans stuff goes hand in hand with the commies. Just think of all the patently absurd crap they've demanded that you accept in recent years.
  2. @SectionC3 tells us that Florida is burning this book with child porn it. and we're into lurid stuff? Can't make it up. Except commies gonna commie.
  3. Hey @ChiGoose I've got news for you. You may not be a card carrying commie, but you do indeed support them.
  4. Commies: Its sexual harassment to share, with another adult, images from a pornographic "kids" book that parents want removed from school libraries. Also, you're a fascist book burning transphobe if you don't allow kids access to the very same book.
  5. No. He thinks that WE are into lurid stuff for showing images from a pornographic book that parents don't want on the shelves of their public school library for kids to see. Standard commie stuff.
  6. Commies: They aren't exposing 1st graders to this stuff in schools and they don't do surgeries on kids. Then.. Commies after shown daily examples of kids in schools, with receipts, being exposed to this: youre a transhphobic nazi book burner! Also.. Commies after showing clear data from the literature that they are indeed increasingly performing surgery on kids: its rare and even when they do its "just" "top" surgery on girls. Moral: they're commies who will only double down on insane evil exploitation and mutilation of kids. Ignore them and their attempts to label.
  7. Pool, Greenwald, Taibbi. Who are three true liberals who consistently expose self described liberals as actual commies. Never gets old.
  8. This is where commies will tell you that telling kids about explicit sex acts in school isn't really happening.
  9. Commies don't demand that you accept and celebrate the patently absurd. No, not at all.
  10. Yes. More of this. Confront commie absurdity with even greater absurdity. Im certain condemnation of this brave woman of color by our transphobe racist white supremacists @BillStime @ChiGoose @Tiberius @redtail hawk awaits.
  11. Yep. Commies are masterful in framing things in a way that their useful idiot minions will lap up.
  12. Hey look. @ChiGoose with constant hand waving strawmen, ignoring receipts and telling everyone else that they are the idiots living in a bubble. Such a refreshing change of pace from our former republican turned commie.
  13. Why Bud Light went all in on trans and why boycotting won't help. CEI scores. Corporations have been beholden to these commies for decades. It has nothing to do with actually being behind the trans movement, the trans movement is simply a tool that if promoted in your face enough, will continue tearing the country apart faster. Rest assured if commies ever take full control, homosexuals and trans people will be among the first groups persecuted. It's going to get much worse folks. Wake up.
  14. All of the above is true for those of us still living in a world where the sky is blue. For the commies? Not so much.
  15. Trans is Islamophobic! Don't accept commie labels and rules. Use their rules against them.
  16. Youth Attracted Persons pride flag you say? Who among the commies here belong to NAMBLA?
  17. Too many wasted words on both sides. There is simply no common ground to be had with these brainwashed commies. Ever. Therefore waste no time with any "discussion" with them. You simply tell Mike Sington to ***** off and move on with your efforts to crush these lunatics.
  18. "I don't understand the relevance of the shooter being trans....." I mean who could possibly see a connection with this mass shooting, by a trans shooter, happening during the same week as a Trans Day of Vengeance was planned... Nah commies don't live with their heads perpetually in the sand at all.
  19. I'm shocked, absolutely shocked I tell ya, that commies don't get Babylon Bee humor. Next thing you'll tell me that water is wet.
  20. Nadler getting heckled at NYC committee on crime. Beautiful. Jordan actually had to admonish the crowd to let him continue his commie nonsense.
  21. Prior to Monday we were told that the Qanon Shaman was a violent insurrectionist who stormed the Capitol and found his way into the Senate chamber, presumably, through violence. On TCs show on Monday night we learned, through clear and indisputable video evidence, that the qanon shaman was peacefully guided through the halls of the Capitol and ultimately inside the senate chamber by several Capitol police officers. The lefts response to this newly revealed evidence hasn't been to ask why did the media, DOJ, J6 committee and others lie for two years, but instead to rant about what an evil liar TC is. Keep pasting that clown makeup on thicker as your fairy tale narrative continues to crumble commies.
  22. No clips yet of TC on his show explicitly endorsing the dominion fraud claims as being true? Why not? This evidence should be readily available, right? Or is the answer that you commies have been fed a false narrative once again?
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