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  1. Another freak who doesn’t know the definition of holistic perspective... Only a racist would want to sugarcoat history.
  2. All of it! I have faith that children will develop the necessary critical thinking skills with an education that provides a holistic perspective of our history - skills that are required in life and the work place. I’m not worried about children not being able to make their own decisions about race. Hell, the kids you’re worried about are likely already raised by racists and have already been taught that they are better than anyone not white. One way or another these kids will figure out the truth - whether choose to accept it or sugarcoat is what you’re tryin to prevent.
  3. I don’t want our history sugarcoated so racists can feel better about themselves.
  4. I'm proud of my fellow Americans who stand up to racists. It's really too bad your friends had to show up and wreak havoc...
  5. Shocker, the only person I ever outright called a racist here is you. You post plenty of garbage here to back up that accusation. Happy to follow up and illustrate if you like...
  6. Awe, that's cute. Mister Independent tried real hard to label me and failed. He couldn't point to one comment that illustrated that I am racist. And neither can you.
  7. So I’ve come to conclusion that not only are you insecure - you are desperate AF. You’re trying so hard to label me because you hate that I figured you out. I will not respond to any more of this bs until you quote where I implied skin color matters. Keep grasping - your racist roots are showing. Good luck
  8. Here we go... conservatives whining about people calling Tim Scott ‘Uncle Tim’ for saying “America is not a racist country.” They’re calling it racist - in America - the ‘not racist country.’ Tim Scott is double talking. Scott said he was stopped by police around 10 times in one year, and that he is followed around in stores, yet there is no systemic racism.
  9. OH - I see I hit a nerve; that’s too bad. You’re naive to think these laws have nothing to do with White Supremacy. These redundant laws are noting more than red meat for an already inflamed racist red base. I love watching you guys turn yourself into pretzels - creating these elaborate scenarios where someone driving in their 3,500 pound car is being harmed by protestors. Please source where this is happening... and then source the number of times a nut job has plowed through people.
  10. Yea that poor woman in Charlottesville would like to speak to you about being protected. Laws already exist to protect drivers and pedestrians - this law is nothing more than red meat for a racist base.
  11. You're right... the language in the bill does not specifically have WORDS that SAY BLACK and BROWN people; unlike the GQP bills that go after LGTBQ and Transgender people. The bill still limits access and makes it difficult for minority and economically disadvantage people (who vote blue) with fair access to the polls. If Georgia was smart - they would have just passed a bill without all that drama and said: we are creating a special GQP appointed committee to override any voter/county results that we don't like. That's basically what this special partisan committee that overrides the local election boards and the SOS - and they added in all the other racist shittt so that people wouldn't acknowledge what is really behind this bill.
  12. It’s funny how no one seemed to mind Tim Tebow kneeling for religious purposes during sports but as soon as the black guy took a knee to protest police violence the racists went nuts. Why does everyone have to play by THEIR rules? We don’t.
  13. Shocking - "America First Caucus" being formed by white supremacists Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert & others that calls for “respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions” is nothing more than a You Will Not Replace Us Caucus in Congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar launch 'America First Caucus' -- and it's pretty bad We pay these racists $174,000 per year.
  14. I already answered question 1 - once a racist; always a racist. And all the links you provided were for just the 2020 election? Georgia has had long lines for YEARS - go back further Jim - you can do it. You can find the voting sites that were closed - and see how most are aligned with very targeted areas. You can do it.
  15. I didn't exactly call you a racist, Jim. I just alluded you might be better off with your friends at billsfans who in my opinion are supremacists. Why else would they lock down their political message board and kick out anyone who didn't fluff Ann, DR and Foxx?
  16. I don’t have to admit anything... You’ve been trying to convince everyone outside your billsfans circle jerk that the billl isn’t racist. Well guess what? I disagree. Go back to your safe place Jim
  17. Isn’t there supposed to be some form of integrity when it comes to voting? Checks and balances in the process? The blue counties and election boards have been castrated with this bill. We will never be able to remove the racist nature of this bill - but not focusing on the true issue of this bill - the outright power grab is ludicrous. And yes - all the memes and tweets that GQP supporters posting here highlighting the disparities of voting laws between blue and red states drives home the point that universal voting laws are required. Just curious - do you think gerrymandering should be removed as a tool for both parties? Bye Jimmmmmmmy!!!
  18. Oh Jim - that’s weak. You can do better - you self acclaim to be winning this battle right Jim? If the GQP is going to add water and food distribution limitations at voting sites because people have to wait in line for 9 hours - why not reopen some of the 214 sites that were closed to help alleviate this issue? Why wouldn’t the GQP address that Jim? Could it be because they are RACIST?
  19. Data? LMAO? Coming from the parry that ignored science and data and cheered about it as they controlled the narrative on COVID? The same party in Georgia who passed a racist voting law based on their (hurt) FEELINGS and not data? Get outta here man
  20. You won’t acknowledge what I consider in the bill to be racist - because you can’t justify the existence of this specially formed committee that is set up to pick and choose which results to certify. Keep trying Jim.
  21. You mentioned you haven’t stood in line in years to vote... probably because Cali accommodates it’s voters, right? Now in Georgia - we all know that’s not the case - thus making it harder to vote was one goal to the bill; the other was the obvious power grab to make it easier to find those 11,000 Trump votes when an ethical SOS does his job. The law is racist (adding hurtles) - and it was designed to help the GQP cheat and you know it. End of story Scotch - or $200,000,000 in golf trips
  22. Yeah but some of the above is laughable. The GQP does a good job on their own convincing anyone w a brain that most of them are racist.
  23. Here is my history - you tell me: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=Racist&page=1&author=BillStime&search_and_or=and Hilarious to see you obsess about the racist component of this bill - just as the GQP had planned - and not the overt power grab and dismiss the checks n balance in our democratic systems.
  24. Are there any racists institutions? Why yes, yes there is: The Republican Party
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