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Posts posted by PastaJoe

  1. Devotion to a team doesn't mean you have to suspend reality. The Bills offense has given no indication that it will be any better vs the Pats than it was in the first 2 games. The Pats will use a ball control offense and a run-stuffing defense to control the game. Going into Sunday's game, the Patriots will have been undefeated for 370 days. Add another 7 after Sunday. New England wins 26-17.

  2. Some issues to consider


    i) Pro-Maintain close control of technology and production process, create American jobs which enhances image domestically, and potentially receive tax breaks. Con-Possibly higher labor costs, shipping and distribution costs, import taxes or penalties entering European market, market penetration costs.


    ii) Pro-Less startup costs working with existing manufacturer, possibly avoid taxes/penalties associated with imports, possibly take advantage of name recognition and market knowledge. Con-Less control over manufacturing process and quality, have to share technology, less productive workforce.


    iii) Pro-Maintain close control of technology and production process, possibly avoid taxes/penalties associated with imports. Con-Have to startup both manufacturing and marketing in new territory, may generate negative image in U.S. by creating new jobs overseas instead of domestically.


    Given the limited information, the best option would be ii, liscensing. You would be working with a company that is assumed knowledgable in the market, and if the venture didn't work out as planned the investment in physical manufacturing infrastructure would be minimal compared to the other options.

  3. illiterate who does not follow ever issue.....doesnt know everything about either guy who wants to be President.....and dont really consider myself in any party.....so I guess I would just consider myself a average citizen....


    But does it bother anyone else that when you hear Kerry talk....his idea of winning the presidency is talking about his questionable military service.....and how he WOULDN"T do the things Bush did as his primary campaign?


    It doesn't bother me because his service is not questionable, but well documented (unlike someone else running). You don't pay attention, but then you pay just enough attention the buy into the Bush attacks on Kerry? If you want to know the facts, then you do have to take the time to find out the facts. Kerry has given specific plans on how he would deal with both Iraq, and how he would deal with the war on terrorism. All you have to do is take the time to look them up on his website or listen to his speeches, two of which this week specifically targeted those issues. Unless perhaps you don't want your preceptions to be challenged.

  4. When presented with the stark realities of what we face as a nation, instead of rah-rah speeches about how everything is going great but don't look behind the curtain, people tend to get more somber and reflective. If we're electing a cheerleader, then Bush has the experience, but if we're looking for serious and honest leadership, he's still on the bench.


    You don't see Edwards on the news and you blame the Democrats? He's out on the campaign trail every day giving speeches, meeting at the grassroots level where campaigns are won. Cheney is just like one of those Wack-a-moles at the fair; he comes out of his hole just long enough to make rediculous statements about how only he and Bush care about America's security, and then ducks back into his hole before anyone can hammer him with the truth.

  5. I can think of 5 teams from the get go that would be canned ahead of the Sabres.








    Get rid of these teams. It helps consolidate the NHL more in Canada where the bigger interest is. Then, contract the schedule to maybe 72 or 65 games - make playoff games best of 5, not 7 - and the wildcars are best of 1.


    Minnesota and Columbus are stronger financially than the Sabres, and have better lease agreements. Pittsburgh and Buffalo would go before these two. And the owners would not want to reduce the playoffs. The players are only payed by the teams for the regular season. All the profits made from playoff games go to the owners.

  6. The remote island is actually the base for alien shapechangers. The dog is an alien, and is using the dog form to study the humans without raising suspecion. The giant creature is one of the DNA experiments that the aliens are conducting on earth creatures.

  7. Once something becomes commonplace to Americans, we just accept it, and go back to our lives.


    That's how it is with the casualties in Iraq, whether American or Iraqi. It's to the point that it's the exception if we go through a day without hearing about people getting killed or wounded. Too many people have been numbed to it instead of being outraged over it, after having been given the "happy Iraqi" scenario prior to the occupation.

  8. You are so full of crap it's absolutely amazing. Your unabashed gurgling of lefty rhetoric is so tiring it's actually remarkable. Are you actually saying that salaries from 1992-2000 kept pace with health care cost escalation? If you actually are, I am going to slap you around like the retarded donkey you obviously are.


    You can always be counted on to throw in personal attacks to somehow give credence to your opinions. Feel free to come around here without your security blanket guns and slap me around, you need someone to put you in your place. My healthcare costs (deductibles, prescriptions, costs not covered) have increased more than my salary increases in the past 4 years, while previously my salary increased at a much greater rate than my similar healthcare costs. That's a fact. I await your childish rant.

  9. I don't know if it would have much impact on Iraqis, the women over there are not much more than property to them. People that will kill women for adultry aren't going to be moved much if a woman gets killed. As for Americans, it would raise the whole issue again about whether women should be allowed in war zones, and women's roles in the military.

  10. And the millions of Iraqis who still want us there to help enforce "peace" would again blame us for abandoning them.


    I agree what they want is peace, and at this point they would take an Iraqi military leader instead of democracy if it meant an end to the hostilities and ending the American occupation. Either way, I predict that within 5 years of anyone taking charge there will be some sort of coup and a military leader will take over, as what happened in Pakistan. You don't hear any outrage over General Musharef still being in control.

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