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Posts posted by PastaJoe

  1. That wasn't the first time Kerry talked about his mother's words, he's spoken about it previously in interviews.


    As for Mary Cheney, Kerry was supporting her rights to live as she wishes, while Bush said we should 'tolerate' such people. Which position is more offensive? It will be interesting to see what the Log Cabin Republicans think of it, given that they have not yet endorsed Bush because of his views and policies regarding gays.

  2. I thought both candidates did well in appealing to their bases. I thought some of the questions were weak (Flu shots, personal faith, wives) and weren't the major issues most Americans are concerned about in this election. I wanted to see a more in-depth discussion about the loss of jobs and what they realistically can and will do, which is my number one issue in this election.

  3. I read those quotes and laugh until I realize he's the President, then I just shake my head in disbelief. It just goes to show where a person can go with the right handlers and financial backing. I once worked with a goofball like him. He would say outrageous things in meetings with a straight face, and we'd all look at each other and try not to laugh. I used to write them down, here's a couple:


    "You hit the nail right on the key"

    "That's just alot of crock"

    "A visual is worth a thousand extra words"

    "Are you looking for a miracle? Where's the shiny horse?"

    "They're going through their defense like swiss spagetti"

    "That's a spot where I'm stuck between a hard rock"

  4. You can't worry about who you're opponent is playing, you have to play whoever on your team is going to get the most points that week. Not playing your best QB isn't going to stop your opponent's WR from scoring. A perfect example was last week, benching Culpepper because your opponent had Moss would have cost alot of fantasy points from passes that didn't go to Moss.

  5. The Bledsoe/Henry era is over, time to go with McGahee and Losman when he's available and work for next season. At this point I don't think anyone would give up a 1st round pick for Henry, except maybe Dallas might give us back our own. If you go through every team, they either have a back playing as good as or better than Henry or have drafted a young back in the past two years and wouldn't waste a 1st round pick on Henry.

  6. Transcript from yesterday's MSNBC Hardball:


    Joining us from New York right now is Lawrence Kudlow, co-host of CNBC‘s “Kudlow & Cramer.”


    By the way, the Labor Department releases new job figures tomorrow for the month of September.


    Lawrence, thank you very much for joining us.


    It is a hot number, the number that comes out before the election.


    This is one of the last ones. In fact, this is last number on employment.


    What do you think it is going to tell us?


    LAWRENCE KUDLOW, CO-HOST, “KUDLOW & CRAMER”: Well, the consensus view on Wall Street, Chris, is about 150,000, which is a pretty good number, and people are speculating that prior months will be revised upward, so the actual number could be over 200,000.



  7. According to today's Labor Dept. job report, companies added 96,000 jobs to their payrolls in September, fewer than economists forecast for the last employment report before Election Day, highlighting a modest pace of hiring that has become an issue in President Bush's bid for re-election. On MSNBC yesterday, conservative economic commentator Lawrence Kudlow said an increase of 150,000 jobs would be an acceptable number to support Bush's claims the job market is improving.


    Job growth was held down by losses in manufacturing, retail and information services. September's net increase of 96,000 payroll jobs was less than August's rise, which was revised down in Friday's report from 144,000 to 128,000.


    Though 1.8 million jobs have been added to the payrolls of U.S. businesses since August 2003, there are about 800,000 fewer jobs -- overall -- than when Bush took office in January 2001. But many of the added jobs pay less and have fewer benefits than those lost during that time period.


    In other news, AT&T Corp. announced Thursday that it is cutting at least 7,500 more jobs. The company now plans to shrink its work force by more than a fifth, or about 12,500 jobs, during 2004 - up from a previous target of about 4,900 jobs.


    And the Bank of America Corp., the nation's No. 3 bank, said Thursday that it will cut another 4,500 jobs nationwide, possibly including in its Amherst mortgage operation, a suburb of Buffalo.

  8. They can make a small device now, but how do they ensure that you wear it on top of your head all the time to catch the sat signal? And that you have to be outside all the time (unless you live near a repeater). Not really a good fit for a truly personal mobile application.


    It's just a matter of time before someone figures out how to do it, I was just wondering if it was close. Perhaps something like linking the satellite signals to cell phone towers.

  9. Unfortunately, I think it took 9/11 for everyone to realize how serious this war on terror was.


    Agreed, but the invasion of Iraq was not part of the war on terror. There was no connection to the events of 9/11, and they were not an imminent threat, as the continued inspections would have revealed. By opening a second, unnecessary front in Iraq, they have made a strategic mistake similar to which Hitler made invading the Soviet Union (and I'm talking strategy here, not comparing leaders or motivations, so don't start flaming).

  10. Ultimately...insurgency and terrorism require the entire societal commitment of a country.


    Except we can't touch the tax cuts! Everything BUT that! We must not take away the tax cuts from the top 10%, because history has shown that they and America will not thrive and survive without them. Patriotism has it's limits, and that limit is rolling back the tax cuts!

  11. If you where a terrorist, who would you vote for?


    I'd vote for Bush, since he's been very good for business and recruitment. "More of the same" is a great recruiting line.


    By the way, Edwards has more international experience now and has met more foreign leaders than Bush did when he became President. I prefer a top heavy ticket to a bottom heavy one.

  12. We did crush the enemy on the battlefield. I guess you missed that part.


    Only the ones that stuck around to fight, the rest retreated into the general population and are now part of the ongoing guerilla warfare.


    When people say mistakes were made but get over it, I have to ask what is their threshold for the number and significance of mistakes before they admit that the people who made the mistakes should be held accountable? Rewarding people for mistakes just emboldens them to continue making the same mistakes. While we're at it, how about renegotiating Bledsoe and Mike Williams contracts and giving them longer deals for more money. They've made mistakes, but get over it and reward them.

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