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Posts posted by PastaJoe

  1. Since most of us already know who we're going to vote for, it doesn't really matter who we think won the debate. What matters is who swayed the undecided or soft voters to lean towards voting for them. I will say that for a Kerry supporter like myself it reenergized my enthusiasm to do what I can to encourage others to vote for Kerry.

  2. Steve you moron the debate is for people who don't know who to vote for.


    I am sorry you can't masturbate to the survivor girls tonight.


    I'd say the morons are those who at this point still don't know who they're voting for. What the hell have they been paying attention to for the last four years?


    And Survivor is on before the debates, so he can have his cake and beat it too.

  3. I would like Kerry to turn to Bush and say, "We had to agree to all these restrictions to get you to agree to show up, but now that we're all here live, let's agree to drop these silly rules and give the voters what they deserve, a real direct debate between you and I on the issues. I'll be happy to answer your direct questions, and hopefully you'll do the same. Are you up for it, Mr President?"

  4. I never ate sushi until i saw the little asian chick that worked there. I'd like to throw some wasabi on her.


    Next time stevestojan shops, they'll be a chubby woman with a hairy mole working the counter. "What happened to the girl that used to work here?" "Oh she quit last week, she said she was getting creeped out by some guy in a Bills jersey who kept hanging around here."

  5. Topic 1: Virgin Olive Oil is very healthy food.


    Topic 2: I don't want the bird's sick during the summer, they eat alot of the flying bugs.


    Topic 3: Would you name tropical storms after Patriot's players, since they're hated, but not as much as Dolphins?


    Topic 5: Without the number 4, the Bills would only have 3 Superbowl losses.


    Topic 6: :doh::wub::wub: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


    Topic 7: I bought a JP Losman #7 jersey the weekend before he got injured, I guess I jinxed him.

  6. My guess is that the island is either the base for aliens that are observing Earth and performing experiments on animals from around the world (the polar bear) to see how they react in new enviroments, and the unseen creature is how they "clean up" escaped animals or mistakes, or it's like the Island of Dr. Moreau with some crazy scientist performing experiments, or they went through some time travel.

  7. "I'm George Bush and I approved this message"


    George, there's no WMD. "Nope, ain't gonna believe it". But George, there's no connection to Al Quada. "Nope, that ain't true". But George, the situation in Iraq is just getting worse by the week. "Uh-uh, I clicked my heels and made a wish".


    George Bush, a never-changing mind in an ever changing world, who won't let facts get in the way of doctrine.

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