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Posts posted by PastaJoe

  1. It is a well documented fact that the Iraqi government paid $25K to the families of suicide bombers. 11 Americans are known dead because of these bombings.


    Oh, you mean those Palestinians families who were paid after a family member died attacking Israel? How many of them were paid to attack the U.S.?


    I can list many more connections to the Saudis than you have regarding Iraq, does that mean we and Spain should invade and occupy Saudi Arabia?


    Sometimes you can be such a dull tool.

  2. But yet, when conservatives try to hold the previous administration responsible for their blunders, why to we constantly hear "stop bringing up Clinton!!"?


    Having 8 years of peace and prosperity but getting caught with your pants down is not as much a blunder as starting an unnecessary war at the cost of thousands of lives and billions of dollars.

  3. It is not ironic that the Bush adminstration has turned a blind eye to all of those leaders and how they treat their citizens and their rights, while at the same time we're told that we should be spreading democracy in Iraq and across the world. Putin stole the last election by supressing opposition media and even jailing opponents, Musharef came to power in a military coup, the Saudis don't have elections for their head of state, and the Palestinians can't even get their own country to have elections. So much for spreading democracy.

  4. You want to be Catholic, okay some basic tenets are 10 Commandments, Catechism, believe in Jesus, go to confession, go to church on Sunday, you cannot be proabortion, etc...


    Many of those rules/laws were made by humans hundreds of years after Jesus (priests can't marry, life begins at conception, eat fish on Fridays, etc.). I go by what Jesus SAID, not what people interpret what he meant, which has changed over the centuries depending on who was in charge of church doctrine. My guiding principle is "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you".

  5. Putin's tactics started way before the children were attacked. And it is simplistic to lump in the Chechan seperatists or Basque seperatists in Spain or Palestinians with Al-Quada terrorists. Most of those groups have grievances within their countries and do not target the United States, and each requires different political solutions to resolve their grievances, as was the case in Northern Ireland. Putin seeks political and international cover by lumping in the Chechen conflict with world terrorism. What about the heavy handed tactics the Russians use on Chechens? It doesn't excuse the Chechen response, but the Russians have also have blood on their hands.

  6. This is one of the (many) reasons I am no longer a Catholic. Makes my convictions all the more solid, in both who I am voting for and also renouncing my Catholocism.


    It really bothers me that those who say they are the most faithful are often the most intolerant of others that have a different belief or view then them, regardless of their religion. I can't believe that God/Yahwah/Allah/Jesus intended religion to be the great divider that it is in this country and the world.

  7. Staying in Iraq wouldn't have reduced the terrorist threat to Spain either. If anything it allows them to focus their limited resources on the terrorist threat, as opposed to bogging them down in the quagmire in Iraq which wasn't a terrorist haven before the invasion. They realized their mistake and made the right decision for their country. I applaud the Spanish people for holding their previous administration responsible for their mistake. Americans should learn from them.

  8. Maybe it was Kerry's coment about "Fighting a more sensitive war on Terror" that got him. Dont know.......... Or maybe because he doesnt trust him, dont know.


    It's because Putin knows that Bush will continue to turn a blind eye to his crackdown on civil rights and political opposition, as he does with Musarref in Pakistan, the Saudi royalty, and Sharon's treatment of Palestinians.

  9. Or Mary Cheney. Oooh, I'm a bad man, I told the truth! We can't let anyone know about that! That's a family secret, which is why she's not allowed on stage with her life partner with the rest of the family. Don't remind those Bush supporters that think gays are an abomination know there's one in the VP's family, they can't handle hypocracy.

  10. Probably because Democrats are too tired from working the two jobs they had to take to replace the one that got outsourced.


    The poll analysis also reveals who has worn something sexy to enhance their sex life:

    Republicans — 72 percent; Democrats — 62 percent


    Who knew that Marv Albert was a Republican.

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