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Big Turk

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Posts posted by Big Turk

  1. I disagree and think trading down is the right thing to do.


    Still a good first post though. Better then a lot of other first posts.


    Lets not forget that you also need a trading partner who is going to offer you something of value for your picks...wanting to trade down is great, but unfortunately you can't trade down if their is noone willing to give up a small ransom to move up...

  2. You know what's really the MOST depressing thought about this thread? It's that it's a "double-banger". Not only am I never going to get back the 30 seconds that it took me to write this response, but I'll also never get back the 10 seconds that it took me to read the initial post.


    Who - in God's name - give's a rat's hairy ass about what this commentator thinks? I mean, you know, aside from the person who originally posted this?


    Jesus. Show up the Ralph on Sunday afternoon, and THEN talk to me about a bad sports town. Dope.


    I believe the miserable refers to the fact that the fans are forced to endure the hardship of rooting for teams that never win anything rather than your inexplicable interpretation of it...

  3. Sounded very confident.

    Looking forward to proving the rumors and doubters wrong tomorrow.

    Bengals are flying him to Cincinnati after the workout. (now that's interesting)

    Mentioned the Bills and Vikings when asked about teams interested in him.



    ...just thought I'd mention since it hadn't been posted yet.


    Too bad he's going to fall to round 2 of the draft...he sounded very confident after his poor 40 times and vertical jumps blaming everyone except himself as well..

  4. Who's Mama Pecararo? I used to know a girl in grammer school with that last name.


    4 years without tears...and a hundred miles of smiles...


    Thats the WOW warranty, the without worry warranty at




    Dude...if you don't know who Mama Pecararo is, you must never listen to WGR....that commercial is on in some form at least 6 times an hour...

  5. Now the important stuff....

    B) Did anyone in his party smell of sweet Mary Jane?


    Actually, he started singing


    "I wanna talk to Samson...

    fly me to the moon like the bi*@h Alan Frampton...

    Cause its hard being black and gifted...

    I wanna get lifted..."


    Then he shook the hand of his friend on the right with a big grin, turned around and went to shake his other friends hand, but instead gave him a right cross to the face, smiled, and gave a huge peace sign...

  6. I read the football365 article and it made a lot of sense. Why not trade for CJ?


    BUF Gets:

    -WR Chad Johnson

    -CIN 2nd RD Pick


    CIN Gets:

    -BUF 1st RD Pick

    -DE Chris Kelsay


    I posted about trading for him like 3 months ago...nice to see this author finally caught up...

  7. Dibs, I think everyone here realizes that you're right and your using facts to make your point. AKC thinks he can baffle us with Bull :) ! He keeps moving the goalpost and we'll never hit it. He takes things people say and twists them so they sound stupid so he can use them as straw men and knock them down. Those who are reading carefully and with intelligence know what a fool he's made of himself. If I didn't think it was funny to watch his schtick I'd leave but it can get tiresome at times. :P


    I can't believe the original drivel in this post warranted 8 pages of responses to basically come to the conclusion that this guy is a total and complete numnut....

  8. So, I guess when the teams you hold up to this high standard like the Pats, Colts, etc were all routine bottom feeders when the Bills were wiping the floors with the opposition in the early 90's, those great secrets they have didn't seem to do them much good now did they?? I think what it shows is that if you get enough high 1st round draft picks no matter how bad a drafter you are, you will eventually end up getting very good players...even the Bengals were able to prove that after 11 years...

  9. The last two top picks used on DL go way back- to Bruce Smith. Flowers was the other. Over that span, we've been CB and WR slap-happy.


    Our more capable competition seems to have figured out a better approach. The question in April will be- are we paying attention?




    This has to be the dumbest post I have read in a long time...I mean, really we are analyzing what the team has done over the last 25 years and trying somehow to blame the current state of the team on it??


    Perhaps you should point out how the team Polian built also was among the best in the NFL during that timeframe as well?


    Next thing you are going to do is try and somehow take it back all the way to the AFL days to make another nonsensical post.


    I plead with you to utilize more brain cells while posting....don't drink and post....

  10. An up and up, in shape, soon to be NFL player who wasn't drinking or doing drugs, dies at random at the young age of 21.


    Life just isn't fair.


    My prayers are with his family and may god rest his soul.


    Tell me about it...


    I got a call on Easter Sunday informing me my assistant manager had passed away earlier that day of a massive heart attack at the age of 22. Great kid, hard worker... an autopsy found out he had a genetically enlarged heart that was never detected and his heart basically exploded...


    Probably been the worst work week of my life, noone has been able to focus on work between going to the wake/funeral and bouts of crying when customer come into the store asking for him....


    Its a real shame that those type of medical conditions go undetected until someone that age ends up dead, but the coroner said there was nothing that could have been done to save him even if they did know....it was just destined to happen at some point...


    I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar situation with Benedict...

  11. Pro Football Weekly................Whispers

    I say Devin Thomas in the 1st. He really reminds of a mix between Andre Reed and Eric Moulds. I just have a gut feeling it will be Devin Thomas. And I don't think they will trade down to get him. Either Levy or Modrak said, and I think it was after they drafted Donte - "if your guy who you feel strongly about is there at your pick, you draft him - don't risk it by trading down."


    Then in the second I would love to see Dustin Keller (may have to trade up to get him) or Kellen Davis the TEs.


    In the 3rd if he is still there, take Justin King, the CB out of Penn State.


    In the 4th take Owen Schmidt. He will make LBs Schmidt their pants.


    Thomas is projected as a 2nd or 3rd round pick...

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