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Posts posted by MarkAF43

  1. 6 hours ago, MURPHD6 said:

    But I can add that there is specific work on sports fans and their reactions to incidents like this. I'm not going to bother pulling it and posting it. I've done the same thing before on this board and its honey for trolls who like to take things out of context. Do the reading yourself if your interested, there's lots of work on why assuming victims of violence did it thenselves is a ****ty asumption made by people who consume ****ty information, and how those views can prevent victims in a variety of domestic violence cases from coming forward.

    Yeah cause alot of negative chatter is coming  from fans who care more about football than victims, and there making each other feel smart, when they are not smart.



    When spelling and grammar are poor, you lose credibility especially when it's basic.  A lot, two words.  there clearly should be they're. 


    Have a nice day.

  2. 1 hour ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    it seems a certain high maintenance poser has gotten a lot of people put in the penalty box.   


    maybe the common denominator should be given a hard warning or something.  That just might help. 


    Why should 1 guy drive a half dozen or more away? 



    That's it.  REPORTED.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Thurman#1 said:

    I know fans don't like to hear it, but the News is very highly respected nationally for it's sports coverage. Fans tend not to like them because they say bad teams are bad and fans tend not to like that.


    I don't know Harrington well as I'm not much of a hockey fan but in the AP Sports Editors Awards, this  year he won as one of the top ten beat writers in sports writing. And Skurski was in the same top ten.


    I think the dog tweet is pretty funny, personally, and that Harrington's response was pretty weak. But I like their coverage a lot, personally.



    Not saying you're wrong, but what shows the News is highly respected nationally for it's sports coverage? Two awards for writes doesn't make them highly respected nationally.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 17 hours ago, musichunch said:


    Every fan is invested in that team emotionally, and what it means to the community is priceless. We have every right to know who's running it. Nobody ever really asked and I'm not one to look the other way just because you kept the team in Buffalo. When a developer wants to build a park, he needs the permission of the associations around it. They have the right to ask questions. Why can't we? Why should we be cool with some billionaire treating the team we love like his own personal toy, putting his wife in charge, and not telling us anything?


    I personally believe the Buffalo Bills belong to the fans 100%. I believe the team should be publicly owned. 


    As for sexist, think of it more as nepotism.  


    Actually we as fans don't have a right to vet them. The NFL has a right. They did and the approved them.  That's the only one that counts. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. One big reason I gave up my season tickets was for the guy who was let into the stadium while being so drunk one friend was holding him by the back of the shirt near his neck and another had their arm around him. Security let him into the game and he proceeded to try and put his hands on my wife and also fell down sideways during the National Anthem.  If there are idiots who think jumping through tables is cool, go to a private lot and do it and I hope the table wins.  I don't see the point to doing it but whatever. Also, it's not a right to have tickets to go to the game and make a fool out of yourself.  You can have them taken away.  People seem to forget that, yes it's an event and there's nothing wrong with having some drinks and being around friends and other fans, but really be an adult and know when to not act like a fool.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 2 hours ago, TheFunPolice said:


    Yeah, I get it. Lots of liability issues. Plus it's just gross to act like that.


    My point was just that it must have been more than just Russ was dating a female employee for the reaction to be as it was. But maybe not. Maybe that alone was enough.


    But no "thank you for all your years of service" line in the announcement?


    It doesn't need to be more. It could just be the Pegula's saying we won't run our business like this, it goes against what they believe and preach and it's our business so do as we say or you don't work here anymore. 


    Their ball their rules 

  7. 12 hours ago, nedboy7 said:

    We have a franchise front office. 


    Didnt the same teams pass on Allen? 


    Its not the Allen pick alone. It’s the giving up of 3 picks in the 2nd and 3rd.  Some fans see it that way. So it’s not as black and white as you make it. 


    Your response to mine stating didn't the same teams pass on Allen still fails to answer the question that's don't asked. People keep talking about Rosen as the no brainer, the sure thing. If he were no one else would've passed on him. My comment had nothing to do with Allen. And frankly your response throwing Allens name into it shows that those making the comments about Rosen don't have a valid argument. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Rebel101 said:

    Wtf you talking bout primary account this is me i just opened this **** aint nobody scared and if you need to know my name ask your mother you probably just got my DNA on your lips from the last time you kissed her !@#$ off my ****



    Its bedtime junior. Tell mommy to take your internet away and go night night. 

  9. 36 minutes ago, Rosen-not-Chosen said:


    Beane was outmaneuvered by the Jets, then compounded the error by overpaying to move up to 7, THEN, picked the wrong QB.  But if you listen to Beane, I'm sure he'll say Allen was the guy all along...  I believe him when he says that, which is bad news for the future of the franchise.

    False. He was not outmaneuvered by the Jets. The Jets had to move 3 spots which is a lot easier than moving from 12 to 3.  Reports are the Cardinals we're looking to trade to 7 to get Allen. So again believe your conspiracy theory but it holds no weight. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, PaattMaann said:


    didn't read, but read your post....great that he has found peace and happiness but lets not pretend he was actually a good QB who walked away from the game to pursue other interests. He sucked at QB, glad hes moved on personally. Don't see how it is a correlation to Josh Rosen (again, without reading)



    yeah I wouldn't even get into the Rosen thing, but he may not have been a very good QB, but after he walked away his agent fielded calls from 10 teams asking about him. So he may not have been good but he still had teams interested in him.


    • Like (+1) 1
  11. I thought it was a good piece. I think it shows that for many fans who want to see their players and their team only worry about football always, these players have other things, and it's not always a top priority. I made the assumption before reading it that it was because he sucked or couldn't stay healthy.  It turned out to be a well written article explaining how he pursued what he wanted and found peace and happiness within it.


    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 minute ago, SouthNYfan said:


    Williams stats are better than Jackson.

    12 seasons (167 games) vs 8 (107 games)

    5 pro bowls vs 0 pro bowls 


    Everything else they are equal on.




    I can respect your side. I don't necessarily agree with it but that's fine. You stuck around to defend it. Kudos to you. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, SouthNYfan said:


    I don't disagree with you as a whole.

    As I said, I feel it is a combination of stats and all the other stuff.

    I think his stats were just not there, at least enough to make him a "no brainer" in my eyes.

    KW is a no brainer to me.

    As I also said, if Fred was put on the wall I wouldn't fight it, as I said he's borderline to me.

    I just don't see him as a "no brainer"


    What makes KW a no brainer to you? His stats have never been off the charts so what makes him a no brainer?

    3 minutes ago, SouthNYfan said:


    As do I.

    As I've said a few times, I don't think he's a "no brainer" and to me he's borderline.

    I also see why people want him up there.

    If he gets put up there, great, awesome, high five Freddie.

    I sure as hell wouldn't want to get hit by the block that he dumpstered Watt with.

    The guy definitely played his butt off.

    He was basically "Rudy on the Bills".



    I think calling him Rudy on the Bills is an insult to everything Fred was. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. Just now, SouthNYfan said:


    It's a combination.

    The stats aren't there.

    The rest is.

    I for me he's not a no brainier, I think he's borderline, but I wouldn't be upset if he was enshrined in the WoF.



    Some of y'all need to look at statistics once in a while instead of going solely on emotion.


    I would agree it's a combination. My view is for 7 years that were part of a larger dark period ,Fred gave the fans and the community the dedication daily effort to show how committed he was to helping the team win. For me that weighs a bit more than his stats. The wall is to be a tribute for not only stats but what he was as a Buffalo Bill. To me, that makes Fred a no brainer to be up there. He lit up a dark time in Bills history as much as one running back can do. Carrying out the flag, walking off the field with his son and a family. He was and is one of us. He is symbolic of Buffalo to me and many people. 

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