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Posts posted by MarkAF43


    2 minutes ago, BigBuff423 said:


    And to that, I also agree....he (as we all should) should just handle himself like an adult and let his information stand alone...he has to know that if you're going to put this info out there, it will be challenged. You have to rise above it, acknowledge those who have a reasoned and intelligent response and ignore those who use juvenile tactics to try and discredit you or simply use vulgarities and insults to cover their own inability to have such reasoned arguments.


    So, how he's handling it, I don't agree with....but, I think every one of us could also just let it be...debate his "information" as to why you don't believe him - and there are several that have done that well, the usual players that kept their head calm and gave facts or persuasive arguments and then there's others who use the aforementioned responses...those aren't productive either. 



    Yeah and the problem is that some of us have wanted to debate his information, but the second we do, we're a hater and he's done talking to us. I'd love an intelligent (ish) discussion about some of the stuff he posts, but he won't do it, when confronted he starts deleting posts and shutting down and ignoring legit questions.  I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in the beginning but when I started asking him questions, he got mad and refused to answer, and that's what I can't stand, whether it's a message board or real life, lets talk, lets discuss this. Don't run.

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  2. 1 minute ago, BigBuff423 said:


    Speaking only for myself, it's not that I support him or that I don't....I continue to simply think that if it isn't "inside information" it's at least worth debating the "what ifs" because this board is for fans to discuss their opinions and somewhat their knowledge...if he is legit (which I agree is doubtful) then time will prove it and there's no need to get all bothered by it or even to be disparaging....time bears all things. So, it is what it is...good way to discuss possibilities for the Bills and their fans. 


    And that part I don't disagree with, the debating the what if's is one thing, but it's everything about the way he presents himself, then runs and hides, then comes back and oh did you hear? or oh meet me in the bar and say it to my face, blah blah, I've got insider info, we've hacked their email cause they fired my friend, grow up. If you have an in, just say what you can and be done with it. This attention seeking nonsense is old and pretty pathetic.

  3. I don't get how DD can have any supporters that want to back him and support his "inside information".  That part baffles me. 

    Just now, Ga boy said:

    First time I've opened this posting.  Don't feel like reading 138 pages to get up to speed.  Can someone give me 2 or 3 bullets of summary.  Is DD worth my time?  If he has good inside intel, I got a couple of million that I need to do something with.


    DD keeps talking big.  people ask legit questions about it and everything is connect the dots. Oh if he perceives you being mean, he won't talk to you and he'll call you a hater.  Nothing DD has said is anything that hasn't been discussed repeatedly on this board, but he still takes credit. Like he predicted a couple of moves made before he even joined the board.


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  4. 1 minute ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    The Shady fans doesn’t mess around with I’ll tell you tomorrow teases.  


    We say it upfront.    



    Shady I forgot to ask, since I'm a hater as well, can I join your gang? I'm just a guy without a home currently.


  5. 9 minutes ago, Dunkirk Don said:

    Of course.  I am a former football coach. Coached several buffalo suburban high school teams.  Primarily contract as a local scout now. I volunteered for several years to coach at Jim Kelly football camp.  (All coaches volunteer). At the end of the camp, Jim would sign a couple of items for all the coaches and he would host a barbecue at his house in east aurora for the volunteers. No I am not friends with Kelly but have met him several times.  If you know anyone that has volunteered at his camp several years ago, this can be easily verified



    So you're a former football coach at several buffalo suburban high schools, a millionaire thanks to Trump, and a volunteer? Man that's an impressive resume Don.  I can't believe you have all this time to share your inside info with us.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, Dunkirk Don said:

    Not sure if u or shady are my favorites u guys are so easy to provoke I think u are because you usually bold my responses and put them in red. How hilarious I just have to say we or connect the dots and let the fun begin 

    We are connecting the dots 3 2 1 let the hate begin lol


    Clearly you can't keep things straight. I haven't put anything you've said in red. And it's adorable you think you provoke me. I did what I said. I reported your nonsense to the Bills and they're curious to learn more. I stand by my word. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, PolishDave said:


    Want some?   I have some.   Versions 5.0 through 9 (I think).  Some might be a little scratch but still (fair) condition.


    I am holding onto them until they are worth more than Bitcoin.   Then I'm dumpin like a Mofo.


    I'm gonna be rich!    Get your CD's while you can.   Plenty for sale cheap right now in undisclosed places East of Buffalo.



    Speaking of which did he ever confirm the whole stadium thing?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    Yeah, but isn't he implying he has electronic access to an entire computer system or at least all email communications from one or more people?


    If you have access to that, you have access to anything that is moved within those channels, which might be close to everything. 






    Which is exactly why I've notified the Bills that their entire email communications system may be compromised.

  9. 22 minutes ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

    Could we get a coaching change in tbe ranks - possibly 


    will we see roster changes - definitely 


    will the bills seek another QB - most likely.  




    I love how he keeps saying he'll be long gone before the draft, so really just reeks of throw a bunch of crap at the wall and something has to stick, but the fact he's going to run before the draft doesn't leave much confidence that what he claims he knows is remotely factual or truly inside information.

  10. Just now, Dunkirk Don said:

    Here is the information on the stadium you requested on your pm.   Easier to do it this way.   



    Once again. DD claims PM me for the bigger and better scoop, now you're just quoting yourself. The lies just continue 

  11. 17 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    I want to go back in time and find the first person who picked up on this "going dark" language and strangle him with my bare hands so the rest of world won't know to parrot that crap, ad infinitum.


    As for DD and this thread, I am not really reading it or following it very well, but from what I can gather, it seems highly entertaining and better than traditional TSW fare.  Good work DD!  

    I particularly like the posters who have seemingly read every word of it, 118 pages strong, and continually chime in only to say "DD is full of ****" and they believe none of it.


    Do these people have nothing better to do with their time?  Are they that bored?  Find a new hobby or interest and challenge yourself!  Get away from a computer for a while, FFS! 


    Go out into the real world and make a new friend!  Do something!







    Speaking for myself, I have a lot to do with my time, but I also need an escape from work so coming here and calling Don out on all of his BS is fun for me.  Sure, boredom maybe, but someone who is going to come here and flaunt the fact that he and his friends are hacking the Bills and stealing and disseminating inside information doesn't sit well with me.

    If he really is doing it, well maybe it needed to be reported to the team. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Bakin said:

    I’m pretty sure you will get that change. 


    There are a lot of QBs who I’m sure you would rather have that aren’t going to the playoffs this year (and have a dismal excuse for them). 


    All that that being said - if we grab a first rounder - patience will be a virtue for Bills fans. If we grab Cousins, I wonder how many picks he will throw before our fans throw him to the wolves. My guess is; not many. 


    TY is a good player. He’s made some phenomenal plays and done the best he could with what he was given. He’s not a world beater and no one ever expected him to be one. We just hoped against hope. 


    Will we we find someone better?  In 2018?  I hope. 


    I do my best to not look for the excuses because to me a truly good or great player will show what they are in most (not all) cases regardless of circumstance.


    I don't think there will be much patience at all for whomever is next to take the reins. 


    He's a good guy and he's tried hard but his limitations are glaring and for a team in need of a true QB he doesn't have everything the Bills need.


  13. 1 minute ago, Bakin said:

    Maybe not crystal...but definitely doable. 

    Lets see what happens next week. It will be close!



    Listen, I don't have a horse to back in this, I'm a Bills fan, period, not a TT is my guy or NP is my guy, I want the Bills to do well.  TT has shown that college scouting reports on him back when he came out of College are to the letter completely accurate and have shown his shortcomings.  he is who he is. A very average QB that can generate success if he's not the main point of an offense. He can't carry a team or elevate a team to do great things.  He's afraid to throw receivers open, he doesn't audible well or at all, and his deep ball seemingly has gone to crap this year, a bunch have been thrown out of bounds and are completely uncatchable.  It's time for a change.


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  14. 4 minutes ago, Bakin said:

    Yeah it happens against a good D. 

    I also recall 2 TDS (passes) that we could’ve should’ve had. 


    Tyrod has a lot of limitations. But it’s clear he can also take you to the Playoffs if the rest of the team is doing it’s job. 


    My my guess is he will be a starter somewhere next year. 



    It's clear?! ummm not even close.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Bob&Doug said:


    Just about time for the   "OBD is closing in, so we will be going dark for now...will return when it's safe with more info"  or similar crap :w00t:



    They might be, I heard a rumor from a source deep inside that they're closing in on the leak.  That sounded important, so connect the dots, and if you want more info on the Hot dog prices at the new stadium PM me. We're just waiting on sources to confirm it, but it's important.

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