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Huuuge Bills

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Posts posted by Huuuge Bills

  1. I was watching the Office, the episode where Dwight offers to form an alliance with Jim, for no reason whatsoever. Then reading on this board it dawned on me that people here have basically done the same thing, chosen sides and attempted to run off people with differing opinions.


    What alliance do you fall under?


    I'm in the Trent, Cows, and get a receiver in round 2 alliances. :unsure:

  2. I'm all about the Bills but there are still certain players that I find extremely interesting to follow regardless of what team they play for. If they play for my team, that's all the better.

    NFL - Ray Lewis

    NBA - Chriis Webber (just retired), Allen Iverson, Ron Artest

    MLB - A-Rod, Jeter

    NHL - Jagr, Crosby


    We are on opposite ends of the specrtum, I can't stand most of those guys.


    As for the original question, Lynch has to be my current favorite.

  3. This is the rule change I have the most problem with and he glosses over it.


    Why should someone who accidently grabs a facemask and lets go (or at least doesn't use it as handle) get the same infraction as the guy who uses it to pull the ball carrier to the ground ? I'm guessing the intention is to send a message; if you so much as touch the facemask during a tackle, it's gonna cost you.


    IMO, leave this as is and let the official decide if it's minor or major.


    I agree. I'm ok with the rest of the changes, but I don't like this one.

  4. On Sirius radio today Pat Kirwan and Tim Ryan interviewed Limas Sweed ( what a great name that is) and this kid is well grounded. Tampa is very interested in him and it wouldn't surprise me if that's where he goes in the draft. They brought up an interesting point about these big WRs (6'2"+). That it might take longer for them to get off the LOS because of their size but look for their top end speed. That's where the difference is for them being successful at the next level. How many times did teams get caught up in the underwear football stats and passed up a real football player?


    They also were saying that Glenn Dorsey and Sedrick Ellis are running a close neck-to-neck race as far as who the higher rated DT is. They both agreed that with either of their physical build that they are more suited to play in a 4-3 defense and that it's ridiculous for anyone to speculate that a 3-4 team would be interested in either of them.


    Later in the day Tim Hasselback wasn't too impressed with DeSean Jackson but is with Early Doucet. He said Doucet is a flat out football player and does everything right. He said that he should be there in the 2nd rd and you can throw out the 40 time and be more concerned about what's under the pads and helmet.


    Pat Kirwan's mock draft has the Saints (#10) trading up in the 1st rd with New England at #7 and taking DT Sedrick Ellis, the Bengals taking DE Derrick Harvey at #9 and Buffalo with the 11th pick taking WR Malcomb Kelly. He also has the Raiders (#4) and Jets (36) swapping draft positions so the Jets can trump the Patriots and take DE Vernon Ghoulston, thus prompting New England to trade back with the Saints. The Raiders still wind up with RB Darren McFadden and the Patriots with CB Leodis McKelvin.


    In contrast to Kirwan's prognostications is the Bengals beat reporter Chuck Ludwig says he's "absolutely, positively convinced" that the team will use its first-round pick on an offensive tackle. The Bengals are said to be worried about Levi Jones' knees. I would rather have this scenario unfold and allow a blue chip defensive player slide down abit to Buffalo.


    MLive is also jumping in on the Derrick Harvey sweepstakes and states that if Harvey is there at the #15 slot that the Lions will select him with their first pick but Harvey might be well gone by then, some think as early as the #7 slot to New England. It's hard to get an accurate bead on just where this guy will going and to who.


    There are two major scouting agencies that the bulk of the league uses. Click on the following link and it will give a great understanding on scouting and the Combine.




    Had he not been injured early in the year, he would be the first receicer taken IMO.


    After listening to all of the back and forth about who to draft, watching endless clips, and looking at various websites I've decided that this is how I would hope our draft to go. (assuming we don't trade down, which I prefer)


    1. Derrick Harvey. Takes our D line from goos to great, Kelsey/ Denny would be great backups to keep the starters fresh.

    2. Early Doucet/Devin Thomas. I'de take Doucet first, but like Thomas as well. We NEED a good #2 WR and I would be happy with either of the two.

    3. Martellus Bennett (sp?)/ best remaining TE. I would love to land Fred Davis in round 2, but doubt he will last that long.

    4. Owen Schmidt. I know some people are tired of seeing his name in mocks, but FB is a position of need and we are a run first team. Why not get the best FB in the draft?


    The rest of the picks i would use for special teamers.

  5. I didn't read or post in that thread (nor ones like it) b/c the issue is over and done with.


    JP was given more of a shot than 90% of players in the NFL get. He has an impressive skillset, but it didn't translate to success on the field, and those in charge of the team felt (like a lot of us fans did) that it just wasn't the right fit and that Edwards presented more of that 'right fit.' Time will tell if they were right. The NFL is a big-time business and like my underavatar says, your better needs to be better than their better.


    I support JP as long as he's a Bill, and afterward, if he's traded or whatever, I wish him well against everyone but the Bills. He seems to be a first class person. Good luck to whichever team you and the other people pick to support in the future. Just seems to be a little juvenile that you quit on your team b/c of a QB controversy that everyone outside of OBD doesn't know the real ins and outs of <shrug>. Peace!


    My thoughts exactly :P

  6. Those excuses don't cut it. Elite receivers shine regardless.


    Andre Johnson shines with a bad situation and no #2 receiver


    Roy Williams the same,

    Torry Holt the same,

    Steve Smith the same,

    Bernard Berian the same.


    A great player is a great player. I understand that a lack of QB, #2 WR and crappy OC have something to do with it but at this level you either put up or shut up, these guys put up.


    I agree Lee is great but he needs to prove it on a consistant level. Period. He's a professional, I'm sure he doesn't make the same excuses for himself as we do for him.


    Roy Williams has Kitna throwing to him (can get the ball to receivers, but throws too many ints), and has Calvin Johnson and Mike Furry playing next to him.


    Holt had Iasac Bruce playing along side of him, and had kurt warner/marc bulger throwing to him.


    Steve Smith has Jake Delhomme throwing to him, and had Muhamed(sp?) playing next to him. When he left and Dwayne Jarret was the number 2, his production went down, when Delhomme went down, his production went down again. (just ask any fantasy owner that had him)


    Bernard Berrian has never had a 1000 yard season, and had Muhamed playing next to him.

  7. Are you making a point here because I fail to see it. <_<


    I think he is asking why people complain about gas prices so much, yet are so willing to spend the same amount or more money on things they don't need.

  8. Carlson looked like crap at the combine, so I am glad there was an excuse.


    The #1 reason you draft this kid is for his head. Trent Edwards has a great mind, and a good feel out on the field. A guy like Carlson should know where to put himself in the passing game, and could very easily turn into a go-to guy. NE exploded because of Welker. Welker has the freedom to motion and choose his own routes. Brady is smart enough to feel it too. When you keep hitting soft spots for 4,7,12 yards...you are going to see things tighten up and allow Moss a little more breathing room. Josh Reed is already a smart route runner. If we go WR in the 1st and Carlson is still there in the 2nd, with his 17lbs back on that he lost at the combine....all of a sudden the Bills have all the makings of another K-gun attack.


    I like Trent as much as the next guy, but i mean come on, i mean cooooooooome on.


    Kelly >>>>>>>>>>>> Trent

    Andre >>>>> Evans

    Lofton >>>> Reed

    Thurman >> Lynch

    Kent Hull >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fowler


    Hopefully Trent continues to progress, but that's a bit of a stretch at this point.

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