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Posts posted by Peevo

  1. It seems only a few posters here seem to admit that they're deflecting their frustrations of the Bill's repeated failures out on a local columnist, than the team itself.


    He's paid to write his opinion. He has a negative opinion because the team he covers is terrible. They've been terrible for 10 years.


    Is it easier to go negative than to defend something you do like? Maybe. But it sells. And selling newspapers and advertising is the name of the game. Same goes for WGR.


    And I commend Sully for challenging Nix on his 80% comment. Can all of these reputable writers that are apparently "good" in the eyes of TBD (Jay Glazer, Tim Graham, Charlie Casserly) really be wrong about all the coaches that turned down these jobs? The simplest solution would be no, and that Nix's comment is meant to deflect criticism. It makes more sense now learning that Marty Schottenheimer wanted the job, and sequentially his son turning down a good opportunity. At the time we just put it up to the reputation of the Bills around the league, but maybe Brian Schottenheimer was just defending his father? Family first, remember.


    It's this attitude that anyone who honestly draws questions on a failing product somehow has credibility problems, but the credibility problems truly lie with the manufacturer of the product.

  2. The Bills have far too many needs at too many positions to have the luxury of a 1st round QB pick. It's just a numbers game. You really have the confidence in that front office to get 2 starting OT, 2 starting LB's, a DT, 2WR, and QB in 1 offseason?


    Seems completely unlikely. We need some hard, heavy hitting, huge football players. I don't care how high character, hard working, high motor, good in the community, great date for your sister, scored a great Wonderlic they are, I want mean, physical, strong, and mentally tough football players. If there's one thing Jauron loved, was the "smallish," white, hard working, great locker room guys (Leonard, Corto, Ellison, practically the entire Bills Defensive line).


    I want a huge OLB, T, or DT in round 1. Just get me a huge mean guy. That's all. I really don't care if he beats up his girlfriend, deals drugs, drives drunk, or has any other major character flaws. Just don't get in trouble when you sign your deal, and play hard on Sundays. I don't have any kids, and I certainly don't need NFL players to be my role model.


    Worry about QB when we have some talent.

  3. I really like Rome. I guess his shtick either works for you or it doesn't. His whole "XR4TI" crew thing still keeps me listening to find out exactly what the hell that even is. The lingo works for me, it makes me want to listen more to be in "the club" if that makes any sense.


    Rome's interviews are really good. He'll tell you after every interview he does that that interview was the best one he's done, but its true. The fact also that he'll devote whole segments of his show to hockey is important too. I think he might be the only free nationally syndicated sports talk host that will talk about hockey and not care if his listeners don't want it. He respects the game and has had Chelios, Drury, and other name players, usually Americans, come on and "rep" it.


    If you don't like him, don't listen. It's kinda that simple. In response to the Cowherd hate, I'm no Colin Cowherd fan, but I have to admit that his points are usually pretty accurate. His take on Big Mac's steroid "apology" was right on.

  4. You guys may not like this, but this add may save the life of an unborn child that cannot speak for itself. It could very well end up being a deterent for a woman hanging in the balance between abortion and going through with the pregnancy. You talk about the venue, but what better venue is there than a commercial during the most watched event in the US each year. For all of the people that want to push these types of issues to the back of their mind, I hope and pray that they come to the forefront of your thoughts every day. I hope one day it's like the light switch comes on. One day all of us will answer for every choice we've made in life, Christian or not, and Tim (along with his mother) are carrying out their mission to help steer people in the right direction. In the end, God knows whom are His and those with a heart soft enough to receive the message. Those are exactly the ones whom this is for.



    Whatever dude. If this hypothetical woman really needs a tv commercial to help her decide whether to be a mother or not, then she's probably not gonna be a good mother in the first place. This goes back to the sanctimoniousness I was talking about. Shouldn't this person consult family, friends, a priest, doctors, professionals of all types with this decision? I would much prefer if a pregnant woman was considering such a difficult decision with whether to bring a child to term or not, that professional options would be considered rather than some arbitrary advertisement.


    "One day.. the light switch comes on." Right. Unless you're gay, Jewish, Muslim, Hindi, Sikh, or Buddhist.

  5. I think the above poster was trying to explain that it's not the opinion of Tebow that is the point of discussion. It's the time and place. I'm gonna be eating pizza and wings, drinking some beer with friends watching the game on Superbowl Sunday. It's become a de facto American holiday. It is NOT the place to talk about heavily debatable issues. I want to vegetate and watch (hopefully) entertaining football. It's football. Not a thesis on determinism or when conception starts.


    You can have this debate in a classroom, a church, or town hall if you like to scream at people. I just don't need to be preached to on abortion on a secular holiday. Seriously. I would feel the same way if it were a Pro Choice ad. It's not the opinion, its the forum. I don't force my opinion on people. I don't have "It's not a Choice, it's a Child" stickers on my car, nor the opposite. I find any of that sanctimonious. Don't tell me how to live my life, I don't tell you how to live yours. THAT is the condescending nature of these right-to-life thumpers. There's no pro-gay marriage 30 second ad during the game. That would throw the Christian right into a wonderful "liberal indoctrinated" tizzy.


    I just want to stress I have no issues with Tebow's opinion on abortion. I think his story is actually pretty compelling. I just don't want to be preached and talked down to because I choose to watch a football game.

  6. Tim Tebow is a robot created by the Christian church to take over the world. He wasn't aborted because he was constructed in a lab. His lifetime checklist provided by God himself looks like this:


    Be coined as the next savior for Florida football

    Win back to back national championships

    Lose 1 game to prove you will rise again

    Be doubted

    Rise again (win Superbowl)

    Take over world


    This will happen and James Cameron will make another lame movie about it.



    Amazing Stuff.


    As much as Tim Tebow is a true living American Folk Hero, the fact that his group can afford 30 seconds of ad time on one of the most expensive tv broadcasts every year strikes me as questionable. I just don't think its the right venue to preach your opinion on very divisive issue. I'm not saying either side doesn't have its merits, I just don't think the Superbowl should be the venue for that kind of discussion. Football and sports is about escapism, not depressing issues like abortion. Sandwiched between spots with male focus group tested archetypes (hot girls, beer, cars, sports, etc) will be this pretentious and condescending ad about "family values."

  7. I agree with the majority of the above posters. I've simply never found Leno funny or engaging in anyway. The only bits worth watching still are Headlines and Jaywalking, both of which feature fits of typical American stupidity that Leno had no hand in in the first place.


    As I was growing up, I always loved the summer months when I could stay up late and watch Letterman than Conan. That's how its always been for 10 plus years. Letterman is now feasting on the ratings because Leno can't admit the fact that he's cooked and has no redeeming value to television anymore.


    Its unfortunate for NBC, but if Leno wins this battle, say goodbye to Conan and the real talent. Believe it or not I'm actually one of the few who enjoys Fallon, but I know a lot of my friends can't stand his show. If Conan goes to Fox, it could be like the 90's again with Arsenio Hall. I was never old enough to even watch the show in its day, but Fox hasn't been in the late night game in years, and it would certainly provide a better option than Kimmel who isn't funny at all, or George Lopez who is even worse.


    I'm still trying to convince my friends to play the "Lopez Drinking Game"- drink 15 beers, watch Lopez, laugh once, and you lose.

  8. Limbaugh is a considerably polarizing figure. Love his radio persona and voice though. He's a very very good rhetorician. As an amateur radio host in my own right, I look to some of the most successful pundits for inspiration. I pretty much disagree with his point of view, but he makes them so well and creatively.


    Talk radio is just simply dominated by conservative voices. Hannity, Rush, Laura Ingraham all have very high listenership. Quite frankly, KB1520's liberals just don't get me interested at all. Alan Colmes is a snore. Ed Shultz isn't engaging enough. Maybe its the personalities and not the perspectives?

  9. What's the record for IR's in a season? I was searching the web for a while last night and I can't find any source that actually has it recorded, not even profootballreference.com


    With officially 18 players now in IR, according to wgr550.com, this has to be at least CLOSE to the record for one team in a season. It's really incredible. There has to be some reason, some outlier that leads to serious injury with this team, irrespective of Jauron's conditioning program.


    Owen Daniels blew out his knee at the Ralph. Other major non Bills have gotten seriously injured as well, could it be simply the field itself? I realize that sounds crazy, but I'm just throwing out ideas.

  10. Despite the Bulls being in the MAC which is a perennially underrated conference despite elite NFL talent coming from it, I think its hard to dispute Bulls football is in much better hands than Bills football at the same points in the year.


    Warde Manuel and his staff are committed to winning. They've won before. They will again. There are still plenty of questions about Ralph's true motivations and limits to winning attitude.


    I realize its hard to get behind a "mid-major" program because its not "real football." Or maybe those that don't support the Bulls do so because they didn't or don't currently go to school there. But I'll tell you what, despite UB's defense having some pretty serious issues throughout 2009, high scoring, wide open college football is entertaining. 13-6, grind it out, run run run punt Bills football is not. The Bulls kinda got spanked by Pitt early this year, but at least they put up some points, made some plays. I'd take 54-35 Bills losses all day at this point. I'd much rather have a great offense and bad defense.

  11. Liked the above mentioning of StarDust. Honestly one of the best movies of 2007 that fell completely through the cracks. Funny, smart and well produced and well acted.


    I liked Crash a lot as well. Good Night and Good Luck was still the better 2005 Best Picture Nominee in my opinion

  12. Man, this is actually really tough:


    Comedy: Super Troopers, Not Another Teen Movie


    Drama: Scorcese has to be here-The Aviator/Gangs of New York.

    Good Night and Good Luck was really good, and i love smoking in movies


    Super Hero/Graphic Novel : The Dark Knight, close 2nd is Watchmen


    Science Fiction-REALLY liked Star Trek actually, followed closely by Moon w/Sam Rockwell


    Trilogy/Multiple Sequels-LOTR by far, might be the best OVERALL film experience of this decade

    Believe it or not, the Harry Potter films are remarkably consistent


    Documentary: Bowling for Columbine


    Most Pretentious-No Country For Old Men


    2nd Most Pretentious-Benjamin Button. That movie was terrible. I mean, really bad. 3 hours of life is miserable and then you die, I get it.


    3rd Most Pretentious-Doubt- Wow, stuff was in Doubt. Thanks for telling me nothing for 3 hours.

  13. I'm a non smoker, and essentially came of age during the era of smoking bans in public places in NYS. I personally take some issue with the paternalistic attitude of smoking bans.


    As said above, it is a public health issue, but it sets a dangerous precedent. But truly, if the government were really concerned with our health, then Burger King, Taco Bell, and your local favorite pizza place would be deemed illegal too. Thats the distinction and contradiction I don't understand. It's ok at $8.00/pack (more than half of that goes to excise NYS

    taxes) to kill yourself on your own dime but eat all the cholesterol and fast food you like.


    UB literally has made smokers into a diseased demographic. You have to leave school property in order to light up. It's as if they're lepers or something. Not to sound harsh, but the smoker demographic is now worse than blacks were in the South in the 1960's. And I don't feel that's ok in America.


    France smokes likes a chimney and drinks more than our national average, yet are considerably more healthy across the board. Obesity is the number 1 cause of preventable death in this country. As far as I'm concerned, smoke if ya got em.


    Plus, even from a member of the DARE and "Just Say No" generation of the 90's, smoking still looks cool in movies and video games. I love watching Ghostbusters and how there is someone smoking in every scene, literally.

  14. LeFevour is an interesting prospect that will fall to the second or third rd. 3 or 4 year starter loks of experience and win, small school kid is the knock.



    I like LeFevour a lot too. There's this pretentious attitude towards MAC athletes for some reason. Yet people neglect to realize the past NFL Defensive Player of the Year and Super Bowl MVP was a Kent St alumnus in James Harrison. The most recent QB to win a Superbowl was a MAC athlete, and won of the best receivers of his generation played in the MAC, Randy Moss. Along with Pennington who at least had a pretty decent career (2 time comeback player of the year).


    There are others as well. Jamey Richard will replace Jeff Saturday in Indianapolis. Trevor Scott is playing well for Oakland.


    Regardless, I feel the Bills MUST draft a cold weather QB. He must understand what it's like to live and breathe football here. If I was a GM, I would draft nothing but players from the Big 10, Big East and MAC conferences. Cold weather, football obsessed, and certainly with respect to the MAC, Rust Belt towns.


    Too many entitled, coddled southern boys playing in a man's league. Bradford, McCoy, and Tebow especially have no idea what its like to throw the football in miserable and windy conditions.


    I'm not saying LeFevour is the answer, I'm just saying I have 0 faith in any of the marquee names because none of them played above the Mason-Dixon line.

  15. I can't even process this guy's two stepping, never-actually-say-or-answer anything shtick. He just reaks of a spineless man with absolutely no confidence in himself to say anything without fear of reprisal.


    On MNF, they showed a clip of the late 1970's, when Jaworski was young and struggling with the Eagles. Vermiel flat out said in the press conference in the game, (paraphrasing) "I'm not gonna let the fans bench another QB on this team. We can win with this QB." I'm not comparing Trent to Jaworski in the slightest. But when asked if Jauron had confidence in his QB, he said, "I think I still have confidence in him." What? What color is your shirt Dick? What time is it? What's your middle name? I'd love for someone to just ask him a question with a specific, right or wrong answer and see if he even gets that right. I can't take this guy anymore.

  16. It's expanding and making alot more money than hockey. Football television ratings kill the competition on gameday. When a football teams win the Superbowl - it's forced down peoples throats in the media. For hockey - its nowhere to be found except NHL Network. I love hockey - but I'd much rather have a lombardi in Buffalo rather than a stanley. This would put Buffalo on the map. A stanley cup - not so much... another day in the office except maybe a few hardcore fans jumping up and down in front of HSBC.



    I think this is indicative of what's wrong with the defeatist attitude of Buffalonians. Why do we need our sports teams to be the only thing that represents us nationally or internationally? I think that's the problem, not the solution.


    When you think of NYC, I don't think of the Yankees, Giants, Rangers, I think of a finance, fashion, music, media Mecca. A hub of Western culture. NYC sets the benchmark for world trading markets, US fashion, television, et cetera. Most Mahattonites could give a **** about sports. Its the folks in Jersey that really care.


    Chicago, LA, same thing. While sports is important, its the not the ONLY thing. We need to take pride in what's good about WNY outside of sports. How about our tremendously advanced and successful downtown medical campus? What's wrong with having a culture of extremely specialized medical professionals? Or how about our thriving arts scene? Underground music, hip hop, even stand up comedy is coming back. We have great architecture, world renowned art museums. These are the things that businesses build from. If our city will ever have a comeback, it won't be because the Bills win the Superbowl.

  17. I read an article recently in Modern Drummer about Jay Weinberg, Max's son, now filling in for Max on Bruce's tours, with so much of Max's time being devoted to the Tonight Show.


    19 years old and touring arenas and stadiums. Amazing, since I'm 22 and the most people I've played in front of was 3,000.


    Great read for anyone interested in that.


    At pushing 60, you have to respect the fact that Bruce still is slamming it out for 3 hours a night across the world. Any body would be pretty worn from 2 generations' worth of touring and recording.


    That said, I just never really cared about his music or his message. You're "Working on a Dream" Bruce? Really? You've sold millions of records, sold out thousands of concerts, and are one of the most successful American songwriters, EVER. I think you've accomplished said dream, buddy. Sorry, I didn't get drafted or lost my friends in Vietnam, lost my factory job from the fallacies of the Carter and Reagan administrations, or had to fight for equality amongst all races and genders. I'm simply a generation removed from all of that.

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