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Posts posted by Peevo

  1. The rumor where Buffalo would throw in some extra pieces so that Heatley could go to San Jose? That one never seemed all that realistic to me. I can't see the Sabres having any interest in the salaries San Jose would have to drop to make that happen.



    Interesting blurb from a Senators propaganda state run rumor site. How reliable slash accurate this may be is up for debate. But the ALLEGED offer REPORTEDLY to exist MAY or MAY NOT involve the Sabres. Im over-qualifying so it doesn't look like I know for sure this is true.




    "It sounds like the Buffalo Sabres may have tabled the best offer throughout all of this but its highly unlikely Dany would accept a move to Buffalo. It certainly would do wonders for the Senators/Sabres rivalry that's for sure. But like many of you have pointed out Buffalo is sort of the Edmonton of the Eastern Conference and not exactly an attractive place to play.


    Their offer apparently included Derek Roy, Dan Paille and Tyler Myers. That is just a rumour at this point but that sounds like a heck of an offer to me."


    Interesting. I wouldn't do it. But that is a very fair offer for Heatley. I know the Sabres brass are really high on Myers from everything I've read/heard on XM/WGR. So, its certainly something to think about.

  2. Yes, its preseason. But seriously, the defense looked slow and out of position the whole 1st quarter at least. Nothing ticks me off more than getting burned all day on dink and dunk 4 yard passes that turn into 12 yard gains. It's completely frustrating. Getting lit up on a 30 yard pass happens, teams that throw down field will connect from time to time. I can deal with big plays. But the Patriots bread and butter are short screens, horizontal passing plays. The Bills have shown no ability to stop the short passing game, and we will be exposed if it doesn't change.


    Will they improve throughout August? We'll see. The schedule is looking harder and harder from my perspective.

  3. Hell yeah! The video of JPJ and Jimmy Page rocking with Taylor and Dave from Wembley Stadium last year was so great.


    Taylor Hawkins is totally underrated. Great drummer, but also a great vocalist. I saw Foo Fighters at Blue Cross last year and his performance was one of my favorites from the show.


    Im excited about this, who doesn't like heavy, fuzzy guitar driven rock'n'roll. I can't stand all this pretentious indie crap. Rock'n'roll is simple. Plug in a couple guitar amps, crank them. Plug in a bass amp, crank it. Have a 4 piece drumset, a couple cymbals, and hit the damn drums. Maybe have an organist/keyboard. Its not rocket science. I don't care about electric cello, kazoo, or anything else that "this sick band from the Brooklyn indie scene" came out with. Stop drinking PBR, wearing American Apparel and taking pictures and hit a couple angry chords and call it a day.

  4. Perhaps I'm actually 50 going on 23, but I love the show. Anything from early 60's works for me. Tons of smoking, drinking, great set design/costuming, and cheating on your wife. How much more American can you get? Its basically all about cheating on your spouse. That and the everyday stress of a 1960's advertising agency.


    Really good acting, production and writing. One of the few watchable scripted shows in production on television worth watching. I dig it.

  5. I think the point here is the Bills front office should be more proactive. Just because Crabtree is an entitled jerk who literally just won the lottery, and somehow that's not good enough, does not give license for the Bills to not have all their rookies, especially one taken as high as 11, missing valuable practice time.


    Ultimately, Russ and co might have to overpay slightly to ensure Maybin is in camp. He won't play the HOF game, but that's rather inconsequential I gather. Let San Fran deal with their problems. The de facto, "this guy before him signed for this much, therefore our pick gets "X"" rule shouldn't apply here. Maybin is a raw prospect as it stands. Despite what you read/hear about Dick "We Like Our Guys" Jauron and his wimpy camps, practice is practice.


    Get the guy in here and get this over with. I mean, what are we talking 'bout? WE TALKING ABOUT PRACTISH MANG

  6. People are retarded. Any demonstration of the flag or how you use it is a clear cut example of free speech under the first amendment. There was a Supreme Court case recently that defended this as well, but I can't think of what it is.


    Burn the flag all you want, its still free speech. It blows my mind that people are so stupid as to not realize the intent of the message.

  7. Good for him. I'm not a heavy drinker, and at 22 I probably should be, considering that's what "college kids" do, right? But good for White, even NFL players gotta party now and again. Then again, I would think most NFL players party more than the average person. See: Jones, Pacman circa 2007 "makin' it rain" incident in Las Vegas.

  8. Stupid Crabtree wanting more money, "top 3" is last I heard. Thats ridiculous. You just won the proverbial lottery, kid. You don't need to stress over how many millions you need guaranteed.


    Rookie contracts HAVE to get addressed in the new CBA. It's an absolute must, this is completely out of control and puts too many teams at way too high a risk for financial and overall failure. Matt Stafford gets $40 million and hasn't taken a snap yet.


    There needs to be some sort of rookie maximum worked out cart-blanche. 1st rounders can only make X dollars, max, while 2nd rounders make a percentage of that, and so on. It's time unproven football players earn their money.

  9. I really liked the whole episode as well. Nelson Starr is a super talented musician, his brother also a very talented drummer in his own right. His book cites my teacher's book as a reference tool as well, which is slightly cool.


    I liked the whole theme of the episode really. The 4th generation old-school Baltimore cop, the ex gang banger in "the D," and unpretentious musician all worked for me. That was Bourdain's biggest theme of the show, I felt. We're a humble, unpretentious lot. You watch any of those "Real Housewives," "the Hills" or any show that depicts American ignorance, entitlement and excess and it makes me want to puke. These people are honest and admit our hometown's faults, but be damned if we want to live anywhere else.


    Sure, big markets bring big opportunities, but there is something to be said for the Great Lakes region. We helped build the American middle class 2 generations ago. Unfortunately, with the country going on and about the economic recession worldwide, they seem to have failed to realize Michigan, Western/Upstate New York, and other Great Lakes regions have been in severe depression for nearly 50 years. Still good culture and food, and alcohol, though.

  10. The Sam LB is actually named after Sam Huff, the Mike is for Singletary and the Will is for William (Pudge) Heffelfinger. I realize that only KRC will recognize Heffelfinger, but you should know the other two.



    and now you know the rest of the story



    See, that makes sense and I didn't know that at all! Ironic that such legendary players had names that started with the letters of their position as well, but that's football.

  11. It seems every other week I read about the SAM LB from this team going to be the WILL for this team. Just from the lettering, I would venture to guess that SAM refers to the strong side, will is the weak, and mike would be the middle. It makes sense, but where did this come from?


    Is it strictly in the Cover 2 that these names are commonplace or is it generally accepted among all different kinds of defenses? Its one of those puzzling things about football that seems so common now, yet 2 or 3 years ago, I wouldn't ever hear anyone talking about SAM, WILL, or MIKE.


    Thoughts guys/girls?

  12. I just want 16 starts out of Edwards. I can't really begin to predict much else. Just start and finish every game this year. I mean, if JP can do it, Trent should be able to, too. Say what you want about JPs decision making, accuracy, timing, pass-rush sense, comments with the media, taking care of the football, et cetera, he was a tough dude that took A LOT of hits in 2006 and kept getting back up. That is all.

  13. SPEAKERFIRE myspace.com/speakerfire

    TRICK KNIVES myspace.com/trickknives

    THE FATED GREY myspace.com/thefatedgrey



    253 Allen St.

    Buffalo, New York 14202

    9 P.M.

    Cost: $5

    21+ admitted w/ID


    Shameless self promotion, yes. But the price is cheap, and beers are also fairly priced at Staples. Anyone in the area looking for something to do tonight, should come out!

  14. Chain stores and corporate shill is exactly what any downtown shopping district doesn't need. There's certainly no Wal-Mart or Target store on 5th Avenue, last time I was in NYC.


    Downtown needs high-society, boutique clothing and furniture stores. American Apparel would make a killing downtown, or on Elmwood or in Allentown, where there's an ever growing professional youth culture. No one stop, all inclusive shops. We need stretches of different retailers down Main Street like it was 60 years ago. My grandfather would talk about going to the "hat" store, then to go get a suit, then shoes, all separately. This is what we need here again. The waterfront luxury apartments are a step in the right direction. Buffalo needs to raise a new generation from 20 and 30 something professionals, that don't have a boat load of kids, worried about classroom sizes and school safety. Make living downtown a sign of success, that one can afford to do it, not something that's considered unsafe, seedy, or humorous that you wanna live in a hub of culture and history. No offense, but BK and McDonald's are not exactly high society dining.


    There needs to be more activity and traffic in the city. Yes, it would make travel more stressful. However, being able to get from the court house to my apartment in the Town of Tonawanda in 9 minutes is NOT a good thing.

  15. Glad to see I'm not the only one just noticing this. My sister-in-law is just out of college and addicted to this show and this season my wife ended up DVRing most episodes for her to come over and watch as my in-laws were having some TV/Cable issues that were slow to resolve.


    As you said, I am far from a prude, but I was surprised when the show not only implied that she slept with two of the three (and would've with the third if not for some "technical difficulties") but that it's pretty much expected and standard operating procedure.


    I'm trying not to make this political but it's hard not to laugh at people who use the "sanctity of marriage" argument when opposing gay marriage when show's like this have settled into our popular culture. It's a little surprising some conservative talking head hasn't tried to make an issue out of this.



    Wait until they do a the first Gay Bachelor. Sean Hannity will be all in arms and openly petition his viewers/listeners to boycott ABC for corrupting the youth.

  16. If the article stated that TE was better than Mike Vick nobody on this board would be pissed. (for the record he also said that Tony Romo, Aaron Rodgers, and Matt Cassell, all of whom are better than TE, are also comparable.)


    While Mike Vick might not be as good a passer as TE, he was / is exciting and teams have to game plan for him. He might not have won the Super Bowl in ATL but he did take them to the playoffs.


    Until Trent has a winning record AND can actually stay healthy I would rather take Mike Vick. Again, not saying that he would get us to the Super Bowl but he'd probably have a better record.



    I like your take a lot. The only game I saw of Vick in person was at the Ralph in '05, when Spikes went down for the year. He's pretty talented athlete, no question. What surprised me the most was he burned us that game a lot with his arm, not his feet. It seemed we'd be just on the verge of sacking him for a huge loss, then the ball comes flyin' out for a 15 yard gain.


    Mind you, this was 4 years ago now. Prison life has probably aged Vick to some degree. But I do think Florio got it right, at least in his totally arbitrary comparisons. Looking at it through a "can you do better at QB than (insert guy here)," lens, I'd say he was just about right. Would you rather have Michael Vick as your starting QB or Sage Rosenfels/Tavaris Jackson?

  17. I don't know how I feel about this either way. I don't think there's any dispute that minorities are inevitably going to experience some hardships that a white guy from the suburbs won't be able to understand.


    But this is what I don't get about CNN going out of their way to classify and separate minority cultures further from majority with their specials "Black in America," "Latino in America," and "Black in America 2." Look, I get that these groups all had struggles, fought for equality over generations. I really do. But at this point, I'm sorry, but our President is black. What can't minorities accomplish that white people can anymore? Seriously.


    At this point, can't we all just be "People in America." I think classifying it the way CNN is actually contributing more to the problem. In a sense, I feel left out that they're not doing a "White in America." Yes, white people in this country are struggling to keep a job, pay the mortgage, feed their children, or pay for college too. I hope people don't think this post is slighted, but I can't help but feel that CNN is pouring on the white guilt, and I really, very much respect the product CNN delivers.

  18. Some argue that drug prohibition has done more to harm our country than alcohol prohibition 70 years ago.


    The DEA spends billions of dollars a year investigating, prosecuting, and arresting marijuana growers and distribution centers. Meanwhile, their budgets go up every year, supported by tax payer dollars, and nonviolent criminals flood the already cramped U.S. prison system also on the brink of collapse, yet again made possible by taxpayer dollars.


    This is why I fail to understand why fiscal conservatives are so against marijuana legislation reform. If their biggest issue is government waste and corruption, over spending, over taxing their support base, then why wouldn't they want a means to instantly bolster all tax revenue coffers with the ridiculous taxes they could charge on say, $100/8th of an ounce of marijuana? Or even higher? It would certainly help California's budget crisis. Prisons would actually be filled with violent criminals deserving of incarceration.


    Sure, smoking reefer corrupts the youth, kills brain cells, encourages fast food sales, music listening, a lot of terrible societal issues. Ever hear of anyone high on marijuana commit any violent crime? There's a tremendously negative image associated with pot users, and some of it is valid. We're lazy, uneducated, out of shape, and have little to offer in life. Well, I smoke pot, maintain a 3.7 gpa, work full time, have 0 credit card debt, exercise daily. You wanna chastise or demonize responsible marijuana users? Ok, go ahead and burn any book written by Huxley, Louis Carrol, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, Ray Bradbury, throw out all your Beatles, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Theolonius Monk, albums. Obviously, all these artists have nothing to say either. In fact, lets destroy all culture then the social conservatives will have nothing to complain about.

  19. Jerry Sullivan on GR makes this point sometimes. The Bills finished 2-8 after a 4-0 start. He should of been fired after that joke of a Dallas game. Or the Jets away game last year. His conscious, exact decisions in these games have directly affected the outcome.


    But since he's been extended now, there's no reason to think that he'll be gone if they do poorly next year. Ralph might just stick with consistency for consistency's sake. I really love the Bills, and like a lot of their players, but I just can't get behind this guy.


    Give me something other than "we like our guys," "we tried hard" "we studied film all week" crap. Here's an idea, actually TALK to your players. When do you ever see Jauron chewing someone out on the sideline? Giving instruction, SOMETHING. Even Harbaugh, a first timer last year, was RIPPING into Ray Lewis during the playoffs one game I distinctly remember. Lewis is a former Super Bowl MVP, does Harbaugh care? No, its his team, do what he says. What time is it Dick? Is that too hard of a question to answer? 1 winning season in his career. 20 games plus below .500, and we're supposed to think he's "gonna figure it out, look at Belichick in Cleveland."

  20. Actually I think this looks really interesting. A dark look at our obsessed sports culture. Patton Oswald might actually be a good actor. He cares more about his team than his own well being or health. I didn't see The Wrestler, but this did get good reviews and awards. It can't be all bad.

  21. PC is definitely better for gaming, no question. There's pros and cons to each. But once again, as people have reiterated, any sort of multimedia production, duplication, editing, etc is simply far and away better on Mac OS X.


    Just for the record, cnet.com's review of the older, all aluminum Macbook Pros from last year actually has the graphical data to support how OS X runs more efficiently than Vista on similar hardware. http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/apple-macb...l?tag=mncol;lst go there and scroll down to the graphs about mid-page, there's 3 graphs on processing speeds. The Photoshop CS3 is the most obvious, with the Macbook nearly half the image processing time as a Dell equivalent.


    This is actual empirical evidence by a reputable company, not some arbitrary blogger that has an agenda.

  22. It sounds like you need to learn to use a computer. I've had 1 or 2 viruses on my computers in over 15 years.


    from gizmodo:





    You get the EXACT SAME hardware that you get in a PC. Don't give me the crap about "superior craftsmanship".



    Ok, fine. I'm not a computer genius. I don't build computers, nor will I ever. But I do know how to use one efficiently. I operate Logic, Reason, and Ableton Live on a daily basis. These are pretty advanced music editing programs. I was just saying that I own a Mac and love it, while on a PC here at work I couldn't have had more issues. I even said originally that Macs ARE expensive and probably not worth the investment unless you do something worth its computing power. Just trying to be fair, then I get patronized for my opinion? Did I take a personal attack on PC users or something? I realize getting annoyed on a message board is slightly ridiculous, but come on man, I was just contributing to the conversation.

  23. Anything Apple does is going to be expensive. Their market isn't targeting the average computer user. While the markup on their products is steep, you're paying for top craftsmanship, performance and longevity. OS X simply runs much more efficiently than Windows. You can read the reviews on cnet.com Photoshop, Final Cut, Pro Tools all run much faster and with less CPU clock than a Windows PC running the same program. Leopard is super stable, has a load of simple, brilliant features and really changes how I look at computers. Windows requires you to take so many steps to accomplish a task, when on OS its all simple, point, click, and drag. Hot corners and spaces make navigating through windows and different programs super easy.


    Most of its clientele are involved in digital media production or editing of some sort. Any sort of photo, video, or music editing, web design, graphic design, etc is simply the best on Mac OS X. If you're not gonna do that sort of thing, its a lot of money to spend to send email, write documents and blog/facebook and what not. Is their attitude slightly pretentious? Probably. I love my macbook and it has given me not 1 problem since I bought it last year in April. No headaches, slow load times, viruses or spyware of any kind. That's what you pay for. I have no patience for XP or Vista anymore, I can't stand clicking "Start" and waiting for the menu to pop up.

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