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Posts posted by Peevo

  1. Well Van Jones is was definitely a bad hire. But how much power do these czar's have anyway?


    Like O'Reilly said, they're on payroll somewhere, but they can't make public policy. They don't draft, legislate, or execute law. Is it questionable that Obama hired this guy? Yes. I just think his efficacy on public policy is sensationalized from the right to prove a point.

  2. I try and watch opposing viewpoints to further bolster my political views. What good would it do me if i just watched MSNBC all day? Would be somewhat self serving.


    I like O'Reilly a lot actually. He is very entertaining and fair. Thanks to like 1 person that actually read what I had to say seriously.


    I wasn't trying to come off like a complete idiot, either. So if I did, I apologize. I'm a political science major at UB, and my department is filled with A LOT of conservative folk. It gets tiring sometimes.

  3. I'm proposing this idea to other posters here, because simply I find his recent programming completely unbearable.


    First things first, I voted for Obama and am a registered Democrat. Am I a "leftist revolutionary" or "communist" or "socialist?" No. But I'm sure anyone, who happens to lean left of center at all nowadays is reading Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, and Stalin, right?


    This is what I can't stand about Hannity's program. He glorifies and literally deifies this "Tea Party" Tour, going to 16 states in 15 days or whatever it is. This total tool that pumps up the crowd interviews a bunch of angry white folks that hate Obama's push for health care and inevitable "socialist" Obamanation that will come out of it.


    They show about 90 seconds from that crowd, and then cut to the much maligned supporters of the President for about half the time on the air. They are packaged like rabid, diseased idiots that dare SUPPORT the President of the United States of America. This is what bothers me so much. During the 8 years of Bush, Hannity could not go a day without talking about how "unAmerican" it was that people criticize our Commander in Chief so much. A true American would support our leader in all his efforts, despite politics, for the greater good of the country. Is this not a complete about-face when he has absolutely no respect for anyone that supports the opposition party when the Democrats earned the votes, and the mandate from the American public in November? Look, I know his policies are currently unpopular and his poll numbers are dropping, but there are people that want our President to succeed and lead our country back to prominence. Is that so bad?


    Why do I feel guilty that I wanted him to lead this country every time I watch Hannity's program? I don't like being belittled for my political opinion. Criticize the policy, not the people supporting it. Sure, I'm gonna get a bunch of negative criticism for this post. But this is NOT an Anti-Obama or Pro-Obama stance. Merely bringing light to an issue I take very seriously: respect for one's deeply held political beliefs.

  4. I thought Sullivan was spot-on as he usually is. Like him or hate him, he's a talented writer who speaks the truth. Jauron and co are religiously sticking to the no-huddle to perhaps assert their "creativity" and faith in their own flawed coaching perspectives.


    How much can huddling really make a difference in overall execution? I think that remains to be seen. Jauron, believe it or not, did have a point when he said there isn't much difference between huddling and lining up when coaches call in the plays from the sidelines anyway. This, strangely, is true.


    If you take Jauron at his word, and merely execution is the only issue, then lets hope Trent returns to his rookie year form. Honestly, I think his first games in the NFL look better than he's played recently. He had a quick release, with a tight spiral on target to multiple receivers. Where is that Edwards? He didn't launch the ball down the field, but at least he could get the ball to his receivers. Now he's simply all over the place. Turnovers, taking far too long with the ball, and very erratic throws repeatedly out of bounds or simply way off the mark. They have to get this thing fixed real fast.

  5. I disagree. This defense is predicated on pass rush. The first teamers haven't even sniffed a QB's jersey all preseason. Notice also, on 3rd and long situations, when we get burned time and time again on a 4 yard dump off pass in the flat, and goes for 13 yards and a 1st down. This is usually because of an obvious mismatch in coverage, like a DE covering a RB or something.


    We have NO answer for screens, quick slants, and general horizontal passing plays. This defense remains fatally flawed until we have pass rush and can account for the dink and dunk passing game. Give Brady 2 seconds to find Welker and he'll break tackles and burn us ALL DAY.

  6. Try college football. Pick a team like Texas, Florida, USC. They are good every season, and you will rarely be let down.


    Early season prediction: Florida over Texas in the Nat'l Championship game. (same prediction as last year)



    I understand your point, but isn't that the easy way out? Just picking a good team to be a fan of so that you'll be "happy" when they win? Seems rather artificial. I was born a Bills fan, the Bills "chose" me, in a sense. It doesn't seem right to not root for a team that represents your hometown. Furthermore, I can't really understand local baseball fanatics here. We don't have a team. I respect the fact that you love the game, but how can you really get up and down with a team that doesn't have anything to do with Buffalo? My roommate is a die-hard Yankees fan. Why? We're not New Yorkers, what do they have to do with us? It doesn't make sense to me. I can't latch onto any big city, big market team. Its not my identity. I know there's a LOT of Yankees fans on this board. That's fine. It just strikes me as easy. They have 26 championships. Buffalo teams? 0. Its not easy to like a loser. But I have to.


    I admit it would be a lot easier to just declare myself a Patriots fan to enjoy watching football. I just will never bring myself to change alliances. When the Bills ultimately move, I will still be a football fan, I just don't know if I can ever devote my heart to another team the same way. It's a love/hate thing. I really hate being a Bills and Sabres fan. Its really bad for your health. What else can I do?

  7. I know Im gonna sound like Jim Rome right now, but seriously spend 300 bucks and get a Slingbox. It's sick beyond belief. It lets you sling your mom's or whomevers cable through their internet to you.


    It acts as a remote access server, so you're literally watching that cable box through your computer. This means that if you only have 1 cable box to share amongst your family and yourself, you'd be changing the channels as they're watching it and vice-versa. The easiest way to solve this is to simply rent another one and use it exclusively as your cable box. Time Warner is only 7-9 bucks a month per box I think.


    The Slingbox pro is so awesome. No monthly fees, just a one time payment. You can hook up other digital media devices too, like an Apple TV or what not. Its super smooth, works like a charm, and the set up is relatively simple.


    If you want just basic, basic sports and some tv programs, head to adthe.net. There's just about every game live streamed and some basic cable, CNN, ESPN and the like. All for free, just for stream. Assuming you have updated flash it should work fine.


    But if you want complete digital cable and control over On Demand, Pay-per View, DVR or whatever, get the Slingbox, as Rome says, its NASTY CLONES.

  8. I can't help but feel very bad about our chances. The Patriots just look professional. Stacked on both sides of the ball. Jauron and co HAVE to try and throw something different at this team. Like what Miami did with the Wildcat, we have to try and schtick our way to a win. I don't care.


    Seriously, we should onside kick EVERY kickoff. What's the difference? How many times are we gonna score on them anyway? Might as well just try and get the ball back at every opportunity and prevent Brady from killing us. Furthermore, if the Pats recover the kick, it'll be most likely on the Bills' side of the field, therefore the Pats will score quicker hopefully giving the Bills a better shot of getting the ball back again. Call me crazy, but I am 100 percent serious about this. If we have the best Special Teams in the league, we need to use them to give us any advantage possible.


    Brady can score from their 1 yard line or ours. It doesn't matter. Might as well give your team the best chance to maintain possession as long as possible, which the Bills have been notoriously bad at against the Patriots this decade.

  9. Tim, I'm not sure if you'll take hockey questions anymore, but I just wanted your take on the Mike Grier signing. A poster put up your article from the News in 2006 when he had signed with San Jose, which was interesting to read considering how things have shaped up the past 3 years.


    Any chance this is predicated on a trade of some sort? Stafford is yet still unsigned and we'll have 16 forwards, by my count, that have clocked some NHL playing time when he inks his deal.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. Whats interesting is a read the whole write up on the XFL from Wikipedia. Yes, I know, its wiki, but it did have some interesting blurbs from former players, saying it was some of the most fun they had playing the game.


    Vince had decent ideas, the sky/over the field cam was adopted into the NFL. Actually, a lot of ideas from the USFL were implemented into the NFL years later. The 2 Point conversion/coaches challenge system most notably.


    The thing that killed the league was "Mr. McMahon," the personality. Before any kick off, you see "The Rock" (not Dwayne Johnson) at the time doing his shtick to the fans, and then literally right after that you have Vince in his over dramatic "Mr. McMahon" voice screaming "THIS IS THAAAA X F LLLLLL" (anyone familiar with the voice would know what that sounds like). It just had joke written over it from the start, even if the football itself was halfway decent/legit.


    Needless to say, I'll watch the UFL outta sheer curiosity and a general love for the game. The coaches are reputable. Some players are former NFL starters. It might not be completely terrible.

  11. There's some blurbs at the tail end of the new Bills Roundup video below about Hardy's progression. He still is unable to practice with this teammates, but he's been doing individual rehab work on his knee since being at camp. Hardy said he wants to be able to play by the last preseason game. Just his hopes though, no guarantees and it would still only be about 7 or 8 months since his serious ACL injury. A doctor I am not, but most people agree it takes about 12 months to fully rehab a knee ligament tear.




    Interesting, somewhat, to see Jauron actually answer a question straightforward with regards to the tussle at camp yesterday. Strange.

  12. To the question about DB's playing off on the receivers at the line, I do think this is part of the Cover 2 scheme. Am I a professional football coach? Of course not. But I do believe this is one of the biggest issues with Fewell's defense.


    Keep in mind, I'm taking into consideration Fewell and Jauron's body of work with the Bills, not just one preseason game. This has happened consistently throughout their tenure here.


    We have DE's covering receivers or RB's and constantly get burned. They simply have NO answer for the simple 4 yard dump off that goes for 12 yards EVERY TIME. It's completely frustrating. The entire Patriots offense is predicated on horizontal passing. Screens, dump offs, and the like. We HAVE to find a way to contain it, and I don't think this version of the 4-3 can answer it. It is fatally flawed.

  13. First of all, I agree that Jauron will not allow a QB to play in constant broken-play mode.


    Secondly, I do not particularly like this type of QB in general. Let alone for the Bills. A scrambling QB tends to confuse the blockers and WRs. While he may add positive yardage, passing skills and knowing when to hand off to the RB are crucial in scoring TDs.


    Overall, besides all the moralistic issues surrounding Vick, I entirely agree with you that he is NOT the right QB for the team as primary or backup.



    As much heat as we'd take for signing a convicted federal and state felon for the same crime (TREMENDOUSLY rare in the U.S. justice system-see Mcvey, Timothy) I have to think Vick's athleticism would help in some way on the field. Could you imagine Edwards, Jackson, and Vick on the field on the same play? You have to respect those threats, even Belichick.


    However, the above poster brings up a great point. How good are our coaches anyway? Would they be able to put Vick in a position on the field to be most effective? That's up for debate.


    Besides, Jauron "like his guys." He always has. Are they gonna go out and pick him up? I don't see it happening. They like Edwards/Fitz/Hamdan. They like Lynch/Rhodes/Jackson. We're pretty loaded at receiver. Can the guy play SAM/WILL/MIKE LB perhaps?

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