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Everything posted by bananathumb

  1. why can't we have the equivalent of Swartz coaching our offense?
  2. What has the kid done worth giving up those picks. Hayden has him in his pocket. Now he gets an INT.
  3. Watkins is a bum. I KNOW Marrone and Hackett need to be fired, but I'm thinking so does Whaley.
  4. Gordon running all over the place, but Watkins doing nada.
  5. Trent Green can't understand why Bills aren't running. Someone should have told him about Hackett.
  6. Typical Hackett: try to do the opposite of what makes sense
  7. NOTHING I would love more than see Donte "Back into a Tackle" Whitner run over by Watkins, or even better, Boobie.
  8. This seems to be pretty optimistic on the part of "experts". I worry about the Browns. They seem to have our number every year. Pettine will be very focused for this one.
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