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Yasin's BILLS

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Posts posted by Yasin's BILLS

  1. In my opinion, the Bills have an ugly set of uniforms.
    Im not crazy about the bills away uniforms i agree those are ugly, but i do like the home jerseys, and the old school jersey, I don't mind the steelers home jersey but got ugly away jersey but most teams do, I will always hate the cowboys, but i like there system wear the white jerseys both home and on the road all year long, they probably where there dark blue jersey maybe like twice a year one on the road and at home.
  2. Might have to think about Cancelling my seasons tickets and watching Nascar if that happened. Hiring Bryan Cox as an assisstant coach is the only other thing I can think of that would make me contemplate such a drastic action. :nana:
    Bryan Cox is a dick i remember in the 1995 season when he was with the dolphins he spit on some fans here in buffalo when he came out of the enterance way. I know you were being sarcastic about your post but i hate him.
  3. I don't know how we are going to resolve Spikes but you can bet he won't be on the roster come the season opener. Marv is building a team and there was a difference of opinion concerning personnel with Spikes. Spikes sounded like a mild Moulds when the new regime were making roster decisions. The money doesn't make sense in keeping Spikes anyways, the guy has played his better days. Remember Cowart? Great LB, same injury. It's time to purge. My biggest disappointment with this decision is I have another outdated jersey.
    Yeah Sam Cowart was great, but at that time we bought in a calibur player to replace him and that was london fletcher, who are we going to bring in to replace a guy with takeo's calibur? there isn't anyone in free agent other than lance briggs, has the same calibur as takeo spikes, or in the draft
  4. I noticed that there is anothet post on us drafting a FB. What might be more useful is to draft someone who could be an HB. This way we could use one pick for a dual role. I don't think that either position is as important as our other needs. Remember, we got Jason Peters as a undrafted free agent, we need to make another find like him.
    If we draft a FB its gotta be in either the 3rd round or 5th
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