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Yasin's BILLS

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Posts posted by Yasin's BILLS

  1. You're new here, so let me just tell ya:


    The Wall is nowhere NEAR finished beating this dead horse. Take, for example, the weak effort of Blow on Blow to turn the Least/Most Favorite Bill thread into the tired old Johnson vs. Flutie debate.


    I'm sad to report, "you ain't seen nothing yet".

    Well Dean, I maybe new to this board, but Ive seen everything and its not like ive never been in a bills room before buddy, i was in the bills room before they changed to billsbacker only. So you can't say I haven't seen nothing yet jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. U will see how good nate is this year when we miss him, whatever rookie we have wont be explosive right away


    dont get mad :blink:

    Hey he's getting paid $80 Million Dollars for 8 years, So you think Im going to want to miss him, Did the mariners miss alex rodriguez in 2001 when he signed a contract for $225 Million Dollars for 10 years with the Texas Rangers, maybe if he wasn't being paid $80 Million dollars a year ok, but who wants to miss an over paid guy? Excuse me for my language especially in the gayest city in the country
  3. Sorry for my temper earlier, I didn't mean to do that, I shouldn't have done that on a fellow bills fan, I have been in a bad mood for over a week because I injured my back over a week ago at my work area and the pain is just driving me nuts.

  4. i like parrish as much as the next guy... but lets be serious here. no way is he a #2. we need a larger, stronger body running 2 opposite evans. i have a feeling we find a possible #2 in the draft, but if not... its price. hands down.
    So Steve Smith is 5'9 thats not tall either but when he gets the ball in his hand he's gone. Hands down I think he's the best wide reciever in the league. He's the number 1 reciever for the panthers, Keyshawn Johnson doesn't look that tall either but he sucks though never liked him.
  5. I think Tight End is a bigger need than Wide Reciever and sure don't want another player from the ohio state buckeyes, cant stand ohio state, but i do like whitner and youboty, but I hate ohio state. We haven't had a solid tight end since jay riemersma, Robert Royal didn't step it up till the last few games, and Kevin Everett is a bust.

  6. This one's easy....

    Heart - just something about them grates on me. :ph34r:

    Boston (pizz-poor timing for me to post this) - There towards the end a lot there songs started to sound the same (same three cords over and over)

    REM - just waaaaaaaaaaay too pretentious for me

    Meat Loaf - just because you can make a song 11 minutes long doesn't mean you should make EVERY song that long. :(

    I agree with all I forgot one band to mention, there not annoying but suck is KISS, and I think black sabbath is up there, Tony Iomi plays the same solos over and over again
  7. You may disagree or be critical of my decisions but as this is america i have the freedom to have an opinion also.



    1. Lee Evans- obvious reasons he's got great speed and an excellent target to have for any team in the NFL but he's the man.

    2. Roscoe Parrish- Short, but could sure fly when he has the ball in his hand and I think its better to have the 2 fastest WR 1 and 2 sort of like Carolina in 2003 with mushin muhammed and steve smith.

    3. Peerless Price- Not really the #2 wide reciever and he's not that good on the screen passes and reversals. Thats why I have Roscoe ahead of him because roscoe is faster than him.

    4. Josh Reed- No Comments

    5. Andre Davis Depth reasons and is quick also but not as fast as roscoe parrish or lee evans

  8. Yasin, I know you just joined us last night and all, but there's a little forum called "Off the Wall" for topics such as this.
    thanks for the info, but if you read the headline i also said off topic from bills, but thanks for where i should start putting these topics.
  9. I am going to say Phish, I hate them they definitly suck. Who ever sings for them is horrible, I go to this one bar and they play like 20 phish songs in a row. And whats the deal with the drummer wearing a dress can some one please explain that to me. I think Phish should be taken out of every juke box in every bar they SUCK

  10. Actually, Peterson did play in seven games last year, including Oklahoma's Bowl game and rushed for 1,012 yards and 12 TDs on the season.
    well Im not saying anything bad about peterson he's a great running back I mean he was a hiesman candidate his freshman and sophmore season when jason white and matt lienart won or maybe when lienart won it, but I don't think with his talent he's going to drop to us but you never know, Matt Lienart was projected to be the 3rd pick last year he dropped to #10 but Im sort of glad we did pass up on him, He seemed bit of a hollywood QB than an NFL QB during the draft talks, But I don't think Adrian Peterson will drop that far he will probably get drafted by the texans or maybe not considering they passed up on reggie bush.
  11. That's how slim it is right now at RB. When people are screaming for Anthony Thamas you know you're hurting at that position. Sadly, he's probably our best choice.
    true for the most part, but the way free agency have been for the most part it all have been $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and its getting some what insane, Im not saying they shouldn't but $80 Million for Nate Clements! Ty Law is way better than him you don't see him making that kind of money, but if anthony thomas is our only choice it would be the best choice between him or chris brown well you could take corey dillon out of the picture because he isn't coming thank god. but I remember hearing the week we played the colts Losman was saying he likes Anthony Thomas better he runs the field better.
  12. The guy is a solid back and he is a better runner than willis mcgahee. I say we keep Anthony Thomas and draft a running back, Every one thought the colts were doomed when edgerin james left last season he sucks, they had dominic rhodes and joseph adaai the kid is a beast he's going to be big but now the colts are really screwed again because they don't have any one backing adaai up. But I say we re-sign the A-Train, All week its been rhodes, brown or dillon forget them Im going with Anthony Thomas

  13. Well Quite frankly I don't think were going to get either of them, I think were going to draft CB Leon Hall from Michigan the guy is a sick corner. But since I got to stick to the topic I would go with lynch. Adrian Peterson didn't even play last year so it would be like drafting another willis mcgahee.

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