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nick in* england

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Posts posted by nick in* england

  1. Aside from the fact that the Labor stoppage is about to end, the other big news this weekend is that I have just returned contract documents to a company in Canada to start working out there in September. This means I'll be within a 2 hour drive of Buffalo and I will FINALLY be able to attend more than one game a season (2 hours is a lot shorter than 3,000 miles)!


    Anyone know if the Bills do a partial season ticket? I guess one option is to buy a full season ticket and sell the seats on the exchange. Ideas from experts here very welcome.


    FYI - looks like I will miss the tailgate as my first game will be October 9th.

  2. sorry, to ask. to those who have expressed excitement about this development, why is this exciting?



    Because how your team looks, and therefore how you look when inevitably you buy their gear, is part of the excitement of being a fan. Seeing guys decked out in the teams uniform is evocative of Sundays, of hope, of glory, of excitement. How the uniforms look can go some way to creating your identity and that of the team, and when you are a fan these things just matter.


    So that's some of why.


    Happy to assist Waw....


    They were never going to get me to buy one of those awful jerseys. I have boycotted them since they switched to them.


    I have a feeling they sold about as many as they thought they were going to sell.

    The latter point may be right. I mean, who are you really excited about on this team?

  3. This is great news. Now i hope they can finally get back to wearing dark jersey's and white pants at home again. It looks so much more professional than blue/blue.

    For some reason the Bills refuse to put any logo or identifier on their jersey's. I hope they add something to the jersey with this uniform tweak.


    Keep an eye out on this thread from this logo site message board. If any picture is leaked, these guys are always first to pounce on it and post it.



    Yeah - except I started that thread and I can't for a second imagine anyone will have leaked photos and that site will not post them if they get them. There is a strict policy...

  4. I'm not seeing the logic in not applying this to non-first rounders. Moreover, it seems like cooking the books to ensure that a thesis remains viable in the face of powerful countervailing evidence. (Ahem. Todd Collins. Ahem. Rob Johnson. Ahem. Brian Brohm.) Moreover, I actually think you're wrong about it applying to first rounders only (aside from the fact that I think this qualification renders it fairly useless.)

    Exactly my point - so the numbers on the other guys are still relevant.

  5. You're only supposed to use the model on first round quarterbacks. This is because NFL talent evaluators will generally perceive a lot of flaws the model might not capture. The idea behind the model is that if a QB has the talent to make it into the first round in the first place, and if he meets the model's three criteria, he's much more likely to be a success than a first round QB who didn't meet the model's criteria.


    There's a reason for this. Consider the minimum games started stat, for example. If an NFL team looked at 30 games of game tape and decided a QB belongs in the first round, that's very different from them looking at 30 games of tape and deciding he should be drafted in the fifth round! The model is designed to work hand-in-hand with NFL talent evaluations.


    That being said, only two of the quarterbacks listed above were originally drafted in the first round: Drew Bledsoe and J.P. Losman. The model correctly predicted Losman would be a bust, because he failed to meet its 60% passing completion criterion. I also think he failed to acquire the required number of starts, but I haven't confirmed that.


    Drew Bledsoe had 28 college starts. However, he failed to complete 60% of his college passes, so the model would have predicted that Drew Bledsoe would be a bust. That prediction would have looked very foolish during his first several years in New England or his first eight games in Buffalo. But it would have looked extremely prescient in light of the way he languished during his later New England years and in the 2.5 years in Buffalo he wasn't on that eight game fire streak.

    Except the SI article doesn't stipulate first rounders only...


    I'd still like to see the numbers for the other guys.

  6. I have been saying for years now that this is not an individual problem (the GM - whoever it is) but a cultural/organisational problem in the Front Office. It needs cleaning out. Talent evaluation by the Buffalo Bills has been exceptionally poor in the last 10-12 years.

  7. Hey - not sure how many of y'all on here will work in the PR/Media Relations/Communications sector here on TBD, but if you do, and you work in the vicinity of Toronto I would love to talk to you.


    I need some advice on looking for jobs - looks like I will be immigrating to Canada within the next 12 months and I need to step up the job hunt.


    PM me.

  8. You lot need to look beyond Nix/Gailey and start looking at the list of Bills scouts and pro-personnel (starting with Modrak) who are collectively responsible for putting such a poor product on the field for so many years. The names haven't changed much in 10 years... It's a corporate attitude and approach that is off. Compare all of our personnel moves in 10 years, both draft and FA, and they mostly stink...


    You're smarter than that, Nick. We just had an overhaul. You know as well as anyone else things take time, especially when Nix was given a bag of dung as full as the roster he was given.

    Show me the overhaul. Do it.


    Don't just point at Nix. That was no overhaul. Look at the personnel department for the last 10 years. Not a lot has changed. I mean a TOP TO BOTTOM look at the Front Office. Nix may yet prove to have what it takes, ut what support is he getting? Modrak, honestly how did he not get fired when Donahoe left?

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