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nick in* england

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Posts posted by nick in* england

  1. I'm a happy man today.


    The Bills called to confirm that ticket prices wouldn't change for Season Tickets and they could go ahead and assign me seats.


    I will be sitting in 131, Row 24, Seats 1&2 for the forthcoming NFL Season. To those of you sat around me - you will know me in three ways. 1) I have a Union Jack/Bills Logo Flag. Unmistakeable. 2) For every first down I will shout loudly "Move the Chains. Mooove the Chains. ISAIDMOVETHECHAINS!" 3) If I have company, I will while the Bills are on D periodically shout "Hit Em Harrrrrd" and my friends will reply equally loudly "Take the Ball".


    This concludes a 20 year journey to this point for me that started in Wembley Stadium in July 1992 and has seen me travel over 50,000 miles to see just 14 games (3 in pre-season) with an overall Win-Loss score of 4-10 (3-7 Regular Season). I have relocated my family to Waterloo, Ontario in part so I can own season tickets for at least one year of my life.


    I've mad great friends through this place and through the Bills and I look forward to seeing you more often for the 2012 season.


    Here's hoping the Bills can find a way to win some more for me too...!


    My home games so far:


    Wins: Philadelphia 92*, Carolina 01, Miami 02, New England 11

    Losses: Denver 98, New England 05, San Diego 06, Atlanta 07*, Tennessee 07*, San Francisco 08, Houston 09, Tennessee 11, Miami 11

    (* denotes preseason)

  2. Evans and Hangartner would not have made a material difference.


    The problems started when you lost Bell and then Hairston. As we have seen for years, once you start juggling the OL, the offence starts to struggle. That'as what's going on right now.


    On the D - we lost two starters that commanded attention from the opposing team in Williams and Merriman. Losing those guys leaves us young up front and that's not great in today's NFL.


    Nix and Gailey always said give us three years. This is year two. Do not be surprised if we just miss the playoffs this year. It's all about experience. Next year is the time to EXPECT playoffs.

  3. Defense and depth the problem? Open your friggin eyes! Outside of Fred Jackson and maybe Stevie Johnson, Kyle Williams, Eric Wood, Marcel Dareus, all the STARTERS are the problem. This is going to take a good three years to fix assuming the Bills draft well which they haven't done in a damn decade. :wallbash::angry:

    HUGE overreaction. Look at the start of the season.


    First poster is right. Defence and Depth.

  4. Bills 2-0 Jets.


    Bad weather makes this a battle of field position. It snows 5 feet unexpectedly in the first half. Jets shockingly punt on first down to open the third quarter. The score for the Bills comes when on a punt in the fourth quarter the Jets attempt a fake punt pass from their own 35 yard line - their first pass attempt of the day - the frozen K ball slips from the Jets punters cocked arm only to be recovered by their upback who in the process of attempting to advance the ball is drilled by Danny Batten causing the ball to rocket out of his hands towards the goalline whereupon a scramble for the ball results in it trickling out the back of the endzone.


    If I am right you all have to acknowledge me as a god among men.

  5. A lake front stadium is the obvious location if you are moving away from OP.


    I suggest they reclaim this area and build a stadium with lots of parking, a new major shopping complex, entertainment, rail links and dedicated access to I90. http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=42.819707,-78.857803&ll=42.81914,-78.862953&spn=0.033682,0.117245&num=1&vpsrc=6&t=m&z=14&iwloc=near


    If they did this - think of the amazing TV views you could have of the downtown skyline (which is awesome). This area additionally could use some rejuvenation and a stadium complex might be the trigger.

  6. Unless the NFL is willing to pony up a significant chunk of the money to build it there is just not enough local revenue to justify it.


    A retractable roof dome in Niagara Falls would be optimal.. Especially if the endzone facing the falls was a giant glass wall that always had a view of the falls.. That would be the money shot view !!!!

    You'd have to build it on the Canadian side of the falls to do that. Slap bang in the middle of downtown NF, which is too hilly to do.



    Everyone needs to pause a beat here and think: is there appropriate transport in NF? The answer is clearly no.

  7. Why the frig do any of you care what uniform they wear?


    What about how the Jets like to wear white as often as possible - so anything to throw them off their stride is a good thing?


    How about - it's just something different to get excited about as fans and having loads of mental fans making noise on Sunday only helps the team?


    Just be excited folks. Stop looking for reasons to mope about or beat up an organization that's doing a good job right now. We're winning for the first time in ages and too many people want to beat up on the team like it's 2009.

  8. I hate the Toronto series as much as anyone.


    BUT it could be overcome if the venue was better. The BIGGEST problem with the entire series is the Rogers Centre. It's not a football venue and that kills it from a fans standpoint and from a home-field advantage standpoint.


    I could go on - but there you have it in a nutshell.

  9. Olivier - I'm kinda quiet on here too nowadays. A product of many of the same things you've gone through.


    Excpet I have moved to Canada - less than 2 hours from Buffalo. Pretty much just so I can go to more Bills games. It's awesome.


    Good to hear from you again my Gallic friend.

  10. hey all - new territory this for me - I am booking game tickets for more than one game this year.


    Was at Patriots game - will be at Titans and Dolphins games. Planning on going to the Jets game but finding (good) tickets hard to come by.


    Anyone got seasons that they won't be using for that game? Just think how cold and miserable it might be...

  11. Not sure what other games matches you've crossed the pond for, but if this was the first time you've got to see what the Ralph can really be like, I hope you had a great day!

    Not my first game at the Ralph by a long shot.


    But it was easily the best (or possibly tied with the Snow Bowl)...


    Great to see you all.

  12. Hey all - quick one. I'm now a Canadian (sort of). I just moved to Canada permanently last week and this weekend I am headed to my first game that I don't have to travel 3,000+ miles for.


    Anyone going to be around in the lots for some tailgating?


    You won't miss me - I just bought a big ass pickup truck!!!!!!



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