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Posts posted by Trader

  1. I don't know but i am going to give the organization credit for taking a long look at all the QB options that are available. I don't know that they will make the right decision. I do know that they have put themselves in the right position so that they will find a guy they like somewhere in this draft. It might be the first round or the fourth round but they will find a guy they like. Bravo front office! good luck!

    (I just wish it were Andrew).

  2. The core offensive talent was present. Fergy had the skills to take this team all the way. The D was missing a couple of players. Ralph and Overdork were at their worst in those days. OJ was getting a fortune and they would not spend to take the next step. I remember we needed a linebacker desperately both Mike Curtis and Hendricks were available, both were at their peak. The Bills refused to get into the the bidding war. Ferguson, OJ, Braxton and an outstanding O line were good enough to get us in to the big dance. The D just needed a few players. Ferguson could get down on himself when the game was out of hand but he had an excellent arm and was very accurate. Just as important he was a gentleman through and through.

  3. Just a few comments on things happening in the NFL.....


    First off I'd like to mention that it was really great to hear that Brian Banks was signed to the Falcons' roster today. What a great individual on and off the field, that's someone that I truly admire as a person. Speaking of Banks' ordeal I'd like to give a big shout out to Jay Glazer. I never really thought much of him but after what I read about him today I'm quickly changing my opinion of him. Once he heard about Banks and his circumstances he made it his business to personally help him get a second chance in life. Nice job Jay, you're quite a guy yourself.


    As the draft approaches teams are posturing more and more. The flavor of the week now is the few OL that are ranked towards the top of the draft. I sure hope that this benefits Buffalo in a big way and I think that it will. Miami in particular is rumored to be looking for Jake Long's replacement and they are picking at #12. That's a bit too late for them to have a shot at a quality starter so expect them to try and leapfrog a few teams to secure one of the big 3 OTs (Luke Joeckel, Eric Fisher and Lane Johnson). Here's a scenario that could very well play out.


    1. Luke Joeckel-Kansas City

    2. Geno Smith-Jacksonville

    3. Sharrif Floyd-Oakland

    4. Star Lotulelei-Philadelphia

    5. Eric Fisher-Detroit

    6. Cleveland trades down with Miami and they select Lane Johnson

    7. Chance Warmack-Arizona


    That leaves Ezekiel Ansah, Dion Jordan, Dee Milliner and Cordarrelle Patterson for Buffalo to choose from. I'd be happy with any of the defensive players at #8 but would rather see Buffalo trade down before they chose Patterson this high. Someone said in an earlier post about FA WR Ramses Barden and I would definitely be on board for Buffalo to pick him up, he'd be a great compliment for Stevie.


    Speaking of Dion Jordan in an earlier news blurp the Patriots had him in for a draft visit. They have no shot at him unless of course they traded up. The only problem with this is they don't have enough picks to do it. So what's up with this? Is there someone that they are willing to trade? That's about the only way that they could get into a high enough position to draft Jordan.Who knows.


    I looked at the rosters of each team and outside of a handful of big names at the TE position there really isn't anyone that stands out. Buffalo is in dire need of TEs and in an earlier post I mocked us taking Zach Ertz in the 2nd rd. Well, I'd like to mention someone for in the later rounds if that weren't to happen. Pitt's WR Mike Shanahan would be a natural for a pass catching TE in my opinion. While I'm on the subject of later round draft prospects I'd like to mention Howie Long's kid Kyle for an OL. While he plays G as of now he is projected to be a LT. Either way the guy is huge, has a vicious punch and a flat out nasty demeanor. I'd love to see us have a bad ass OL with an attitude. Here's a link to a little of his background. Admittedly I don't know much about him or college players but I sure liked this article. http://sports.yahoo....30290--nfl.html. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.


    I'd like to post some more but I guess that this is long enough. I got blasted for that on my last post so I'm a little gun shy but I thought that I'd give it another shot.


    Nice post!

  4. There are a handful of guys I'd be more than happy with Buffalo taking in the first round. If it is a QB, I'd like Barkley. But if the staff thinks Manuel is better, then I'd be fine with that pick, too. I'd love Dion Jordan - as I think he'll have a monster career. The reason I'm so high on Ansah is because the kid is very smart - and he's a freak, physically. He's only played football for 3 years, which means when he's given the chance to play FULL TIME, with NFL caliber coaching, he WILL ONLY GET BETTER. When you consider he's already been dominant against the best competition in college (senior bowl), you've got to get a little giddy anticipating just how good he'll be. Add to that he's got the frame and speed to play BOTH DE and OLB, and he's just an amazing fit for our scheme.


    Anyway, I could justify and agree with Buffalo taking any of the top 3 tackles, the top CB, Dion Jordan or Ansah, Ogletree (if they think he's enough of an impact player) Barkley or Manuel, Lotutuli, or Patterson (again, if they're convinced he'll be as productive as AJ Green or Julio Jones). If Buffalo can manage to trade down to the middle or twenties, in round 1, then there's an even bigger number of acceptable players - including Warmack, Nassib, Hunter, Jarvis Jones... it really just depends on what Buffalo's strategy is in this draft. If they play their cards right there's no reason to believe they can't come away from the first 4 rounds with starters - they just have to know where the value is in each round. I'm hoping Marrone's familiarity with the college ranks helps us find quality starters later in the draft, and even into UDFA.


    Overall i like your logic except for Barkley, i do not like Barkley's lack of arm strength here, i see him as a fit in AZ If you have to ram a QB down my throat at # 8 then it would be EJ.


    I think the Bills need to make a sincere effort to trade down. Failing that, (they usually do) I like the O linemen best in this draft. Johnson from Oklahoma would be my preference. His athleticisim gives you all kinds of options (including tackle eligible receiver in the red zone/short yardage) he is a future all pro candidate, after him I like Warmack (also an all pro potential candidate and a real mauler) and then the linebackers. The other highly rated guard might be a better athlete than Warmack but I think he is a more finesse type (finesse seems inappropriate for a guard but you know what I mean) Warmack just rips the guy in front of him the idea of Spiller running behind him has my imagination running wild. One big bang and then gone.. recalling the OJ years a bit. I think when you have an opportunity to draft an all pro type you have to do it or trade out of the slot if you do not need that guy. I especially do not want to hear, " the you need a trading partner excuse", that is pure bull. There were all kinds of trades last year. There is always a deal to be done but you have to have courage and conviction to do it. You have to know when your asking price is out of line or when you need more options, you have to work at it.

  5. From what I have read about this year's prospects I can gather that this draft is definitely low (like zero) on superstar talent and crazy deep in second tier talent. Kinda like three rounds worth of 2nd round level guys so, given our current roster I sincerely hope that the FO trades down from #8 if they can get a decent offer. I don't know that I would even want the #1 overall pick, I guess you could grab one of the stud tackles but I would much rather be in SF's position of having three picks between #31 and #74.


    But I ask you TBD posters, are there any players that could legitimately still be there at #8 who would be worthy of being taken that high? If we do stand pat and pick someone there, one thing's for sure - there will be tons of people freaking out on these boards about it haha.


    Yes they play offensive guard and tackle.

  6. After reading the Kiper Mock Thread it got me thinking about a draft that people would hate. I am not talking about something ridiculous like a punter in the 1st round but guys that just do not make sense (kind of like Whitner when Ngata was on the board). I guess that I will take a shot:


    1st - Jonathan Cooper

    2nd - John Jenkins

    3rd - Mike Glennon


    I hate the idea of a guard in the top 10, I think that DT is not a need at all (especially with Branch signing) and I just do not like Glennon as a prospect. I like his arm but not much else appeals to me. I would hate the above draft.


    I only went 3 rounds because I think that it is really difficult to hate a 6th round pick before they play a game. You can always use 20/20 hindsight on mid-late round picks but at the time you are filling holes.




    Does not bother me at all 3 needs addressed appropriately. The presence of Spiller is an impact multiplier when drafting offensive line. The right O linemen combined with an elite back allow you to dictate to the D. In addition with a QB like Kolb he was shell shocked last year by a poor line.

  7. I would still argue that Warner was a journeyman. After his great Superbowl year he slumped and was cut, went to the Giants and lost out on the job to Eli manning, went to the Cardinals, lost out on the job to Matt Leinhart, and then led them to the playoffs in '08 and the Superbowl in '09. If that doesn't speak to being a journeyman, I don't know what does.


    Couldn't you hae said the same about Johnny Unitas? Hall of fame QB and some argue the greatest of his era if not all time.

  8. Just wondering here, but since the Bills are in obvious re-building mode for the umpteenth time would you trade the Bills 8th pick overall this year to a team that might be bad enough to give the bills a chance at the #1 overall pick in 2014 ? The trade would have to bring back the other teams 2nd round pick this year and their number 1 in 2014. The trade would also have to be with a team that is likely to have a poor record in 2013.Teams like Jacksonville, Oakland, Cleveland and maybe Arizona need more help than just a 1st round pick (as the Bills do) and since the 2014 draft has better qb's it might pay off in the long term to lose now, win later. We are all tired of the Bills chronic losing but I'm looking at the long term success of the Bills and would put up with more pain now if it pays off in future wins.


    If part of the package was a higher number 2 than we have i would.

  9. The Bills have a better than average offensive line now. The addition of one of the top tackles or a future annual all pro like Warmack could make them a great offensive line. A great offensive line combined with a great running back can make an average QB look very good. I have no problem with Warmack at 1. Nassib is not a favorite of mine but I like him a lot better at 2 or 3 than I do at 1.

  10. I would say he looked better than Nassib,who threw indoors. Deep ball and accuracy were defintely better. Average arm,throwing into the wind.


    Not impressed by Nassib either. So being better than Barkley is not saying much.


    I think Matt Barkley's Pro-Day was PERFECT. Why? Because, Barkley is my favorite QB in the class, and after today's Pro-Day, which was good, but not great, his status as the consensus number 2 QB in the draft will probably remain unchanged - and, that should give Buffalo a decent shot at getting him.


    I've said this before - Barkley is exactly what you'd want in a QB, except for the questions about his arm strength. Now, IMO, his arm strength is fine for the NFL. He can throw the ball 40-50 yards IN THE AIR and hit a WR in stride. Sure, maybe he'd have some trouble hitting a guy 70 yards down the field, but for 98% of the passes he'll have to make as a pro, his arm is more than strong enough. That's not even considering that as he gets older his arm can get stronger, too.


    As far as I'm concerned, the Bills are in a really good position this year (except they don't have as many draft picks as they'd like). If Barkley or Smith are on the board at 8, they can choose their next franchise QB. Or, they should have a shot at one of these guys: Milliner, Jordan, or Ansah. If they do go with something other than QB, they'll have the chance to still get a guy like Nassib, Manuel, Glennon, Bray, or Jones with their second pick. They'll have some options, and if luck falls their way, and Nix gets creative and bold, we could walk away from this draft with 3 or 4 excellent starters!


    So the problem is this throwing the long ball is not exactly what the scouts are most concerned about with arm strength. What you hear them ask is, "can he push the ball down the field outside the numbers"? That is the throw that is absolutely necessary to move the chains in the 2 minute drill. If the ball is on a tight spiral it's great, if it flutters, as Barkley's ball does it often turns into 6 points for the bad guys.

  11. Of all the QB starved teams, Arizona looks like the landing spot for Barkley. Does not fit the profile of what the Bills will want as a QB.


    Actually Arizona is a great place for Barkley. The weather is almost always great. Barkley, and if you watched his pro day workout today on the NFL network you could verify it yourself, lacks an elite arm. In Az you are guaranteed to play at least 1/2 of your games in perfect weather. Barkley has good mechanics and above average accuracy. He throws a nice long ball and as long as there is no wind he can put it "in the bucket". Playing QB in Buffalo and playing QB in AZ are two very different things. Here you have to push the ball outside the numbers, There are days when the long ball is not an option. In Buffalo only a QB with an elite arm will have any chance at success. Barkley would be a September and maybe part of October QB in Buffalo. We have seen this movie before and we know the ending.

  12. Warmack. Fisher. Johnson. Geno Smith. Jordan. Arguments can be had all day for every prospect being mentioned and I wouldn't be upset with any of them. But what I don't want is ANY player who lines up 20 yards from the ball. No CBs. No WRs. No Safeties. The Bills front 7 needs serious attention and they have no QB. Now, with Levitre going away, they need a LG and a RT. Whomever has the best chance to fill one of those positions in the best possible way is who I want at 8. Please, for once, a Rookie of the Year. A Pro Bowler. A HOFer.


    The last time the Bills drafted a Guard in the first round he set up shop in the Pro Bowl for a lot of years.

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