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Posts posted by Trader

  1. Yeah put me in the camp that says Byrd has not played in a long time. He has a multiple, debilitating and chronic injuries that appear to be on the severe side of the scale. His career, his skills and his motivation highly in doubt. Byrd needs to be referred to in the past tense. Right now he is in the same category as Henry Jones a ball player who was once very good. He has zero credibility right now until he takes the field and makes some plays. This league is about what have you done lately. I like the guys we have now. They are getting better week by week.

  2. EJ was not good today but he did not turn it over either. He needs to learn how to throw it away when nothing is there. The game was lost because the Bills big men got their collective butts kicked by the Jets big men on both sides of the ball. Geno had time to throw and EJ did not. The Jets had running lanes the Bills did not. The early loss of our starting corner was also a huge factor. I do think Easley or Hagen need to get a shot at WR. The only thing that kept this game close were the Jets turnovers and penalties. I am glad they found the TE in the second half. Stevie Johnson has to stop getting penalized we just can't afford to give away those opportunities. I liked the way Leonard and Alonso have stepped up. I thought the butt kicking by the jets was complete and they should have hung fifty points on the Bills.

  3. http://profootballta...l-for-week-two/


    Byrd listed as doubtful for Sunday.


    No Surprise there



    I think there is an agent that believes the Bills management is weak and is going to make an example of them so he can have his way with Byrd and others in his tent. I cannot see the league putting up with a faked injury as a negotiations tactic. If there is evidence of a faked injury a player should be suspended without pay. The player should not be counted against the roster and his career in the NFL should be over. The issue should be left to an arbitrator and the courts to settle. Until such a decision is made the player needs to continue his treatment for his condition and continue to be on the roster. There should be no trade negotiations ongoing during this period. It would not make sense to attempt to trade and injured player. If an agent attempted to bring trades to the table during this period it should be construed by the arbitrator/court to be evidence of fraud on the part of the player and his representatives. Of course any player agent who is guilty of using a fraudulent tactic in a negotiation should be banned from representing any player in the league.
  4. New England's receivers were better than our receivers. Their running backs were better than our running backs and their QB was better than our QB. Oh, and their coach was better than our coach. All that being said it was a good game. Good teams find a way to win and New England is still the owner of the AFC east. They shut up Stevie Johnson on the scoreboard, the only place it counts.

  5. I have a very bad case of it. I do a lot of walking and work out on an elliptical machine. I got it in my 40's and it ended my tennis, softball and running. Cutting or sudden stops and starts are completely out for me. Byrd is a lot younger but if this is a severe case he will need a lot of training room time.

  6. The final score was not very close 40 to 20 but they did beat the spread by 14 pts. Those of you that watched the game beyond the first quarter know that UB played Ohio State very competitively the rest of the game. In fact they had a real chance at the lead. A cheap call by the official resulted in a 14 point swing and a fumble on the goal line cost them the opportunity for an additional 7. A to 34 to 33 lead late in the fourth quarter was a real possibility. UB season tickets at less than 100 Bucks are the best sports value in town!

  7. The final score was not very close 40 to 20 but they did beat the spread by 14 pts. Those of you that watched the game beyond the first quarter know that UB played Ohio State very competitively the rest of the game. In fact they had a real chance at the lead. A cheap call by the official resulted in a 14 point swing and a fumble on the goal line cost them the opportunity for an additional 7. A to 34 to 33 lead late in the fourth quarter was a real possibility. UB season tickets at less than 100 Bucks are the best sports value in town!

  8. You got that right Max. Another team isn't going to trade for a player they can get for free if they wait for ten days until the cut down date. That would be stupid on their part to give something up when they don't have to.

    Except that the highest ranked teams have the last choice of waived players. So if the Seahawks want DaRick they have to wait until Jacksonville and Cleveland pass on him. It's just like the draft.
  9. The top 4 are obvious with Stevie, Graham, Woods, and Goodwin


    Easley has made the team as far as I'm concerned and with the way they are using and going to Hogan I can't see him not making the team which would make 6 assuming that's how many they keep


    My take in Rodgers is he either isn't getting or showing it in practice or they are simply trying to hide him in hopes of stashing him on the practice squad. I don't see him making it through waivers though considering the hype around him and the fact that he is considered a first round talent.


    Brad Smith was always a longshot to me even after restructuring his contract

    Yep Hogan and Easley are clearly the next best two. They have plenty of practice squad candidates including Kaufman. Assuming they keep 6 WR there is not a need to keep two WR on the practice squad. Rogers will have to make his NFL bones with another team. Both Hogan and Easley can replace Smith nicely on the Practice squad. I would try my best to trade a WR.
  10. The Bills are not so happy with there Left guard Situation and we have a problem with having a ton of talent at WR. So lets play the trade game. I got an idea, I believe the Bills should be giving the Seahawks a call for either LG John Moffitt or James Carpenter. Both players are young gems listed on there 2nd unit behind there veteran oline. The Seahawks are loaded upfront and can afford to make a deal like this considering there lack of a depth at WR and player that can stretch the field .TJ fits there needs 2 fold.


    This deal also makes sense for the Bills. We can kill 2 birds with 1 stone here. Besides getting a huge upgrade at left guard we also get to push our WR depth up by 1 player making the last cuts more reasonable.. Right now as is we will be cutting a WR or 2 that will be picked up right away by another team. I would hate to be in Whaley shoes right now with that decision to make.. So why not cash in on our WR talent to get better at another position of need?


    Wr core after trade SJ13, Woods, Goodwin, Rogers, and we can keep 2 out the next 3 Easley, Hogan or B Smith.

    We will still have plenty of Speed . Plus we might be able to sneak Hogan on the ps. If not him then Kaufman.


    Oline after trade Pears, Urbik, Wood, Moffitt, Glenn.

    Moffitt is a mauling run blocking guard and is good in pass pro.

    I have liked Moffitt since his college days at Wisconsin. I proposed a WR trade earlier in the year. We can't keep them all. So what if they are unproven. Lets trade for an unproven Guard who has a lot of upside. I also think that player for player trades are back in vogue after being unpopular for a lot of years.
  11. The Offensive guard spot is a real weakness on this team. Actually it is the one factor in the Manuel situation that worries me. I do not want him injured in the first few weeks. The up the middle rush has ruined more than one potential starter. My opinion is that they should not start EJ until they are convinced that the OL can protect at least at the average NFL level. If the position needs to be addressed by a trade than by all means do so.

  12. RIP Deacon Jones. He was a fierce competitor.


    But was he better than Bruce Smith? Bruce holds the NFL record with 200 career sacks.


    Back in the Deacon's day, sacks weren't a separate statistics. Nor were tackles. Unofficially, though, Jones has been credited with 173.5 sacks over 14 seasons.


    Apparently, Bruce produced more career sacks but many old-timers still insist Jones was better.


    My own opinion is that Deacon was more important historically because he revolutionized the position. Bill Parcels says, "Deacon was the first prototypical outside speed-power rusher in the history of the league."




    Deacon even invented the term "sack" when he cheerfully compared tackling QBs in the backfield to hog-tying them in a sack.


    But as a Buffalo homer, I have to say Bruce was the better DE and sack-master. Bruce produced more sacks despite not playing without the Fearsome Foursome around him and despite being pushed, grabbed and held. Back in Deacon's days, NFL rules didn't allow offensive linemen to use their hands like they do today.


    Wonder what other opinions are out there?

    The holding and the stuff that O linemen can do now make these not comparable. Certainly the headslap was a huge factor. I do not think it is fair to compare athletes from era to era except to say that if one was born in 1990 versus 1945 he would be possessed of all the advantages of one born later and therefore he would have been just as good among his modern peers as he was among the older ones. A guy who was 6 feet tall and 200 lbs who was born in 1941 would be taller and heavier and better conditioned if he was born in 1991,
  13. Thanks for that! I joined up.


    It'd be sacrilege to challenge Felser on anything Bills, so I must be wrong. I'd have sworn Saimes was a Strong Safety, pioneering the safety blitz when TE's stayed in. Tommy Yanik was his Safety pairing in the later AFL days and I figured him for the FS. Steve Freeman was very good -at times outstanding, but IMO, Tony Greene and Leonard Smith were better than him, just didn't have the lengthy career Freeman did. I'd also favor Bennett over Talley, but, again, Daryl was here longer..


    Anyway, thanks Yungmack!

    I I thought Bennett was kind of a one trick pony. Pure speed rush. Talley was not as fast or athletically talented but he was a gamer and a big hitter. I think Talley was more consistent and of course he was a Bill for a longer time.
  14. Yep. Also lost Flores to injury before the season. Then, during the season Wyche, Stephenson, Darragh went down, forcing Rutkowski to finish out the disaster, the last couple games..


    I didn't recall the draft picks either, but we got a 2nd out of it. I'll have to check to see who we drafted with that pick.


    Edit: Jim Lemoine?? http://www.pro-footb.../L/LeMoJi20.htm


    Yes, tennesseeboy, WORST.EVER.TRADE.!!!

    Yep. Also lost Flores to injury before the season. Then, during the season Wyche, Stephenson, Darragh went down, forcing Rutkowski to finish out the disaster, the last couple games..


    I didn't recall the draft picks either, but we got a 2nd out of it. I'll have to check to see who we drafted with that pick.


    Edit: Jim Lemoine?? http://www.pro-footb.../L/LeMoJi20.htm


    Yes, tennesseeboy, WORST.EVER.TRADE.!!!


    I don't know how the Lamonica trade unfolded...but it was clearly the worst trade in the history of the Bills. I had forgotten that we gave up Lamonica, Bass AND draft picks for Flores and Powell, neither of whom did anything for Buffalo. Didn't Kemp break his leg and miss the season the year after the trade?

    I think that Felser addressed this in his book. Wilson bailed out a failing franchise in Oakland and saved the AFL in the process. This has a lot to do with his induction into the hall of fame. The fact that he sold out the Bills to save the league kind of goes on the back burner though.
  15. So count me in as a guy who is not sure how he fits our new D. The safeties that they drafted/signed seem to be intimidators. Byrd has always seemed to be a finesse guy to me who is not really a big hitter. He does do an excellent job of getting his hands on the ball though and I do see him among the top safety's in the league.

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