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Posts posted by Trader

  1. Jabari Greer cam in as an undrafted FA. There are players who can have great careers but they are long shots. The fact that there s even a thread about this indicates we are in rebuilding mode again.


    There is no question about it the Bills are in full rebuild mold. They are blowing it up and starting over. There are three teams with 5 picks to the Bills 6. One of them is New England. http://www.fftoolbox.com/nfl_draft/2013/nfl_draft_order_full.cfm. Every one has signed a lot more free agents than the Bills. As of now the bills are dead last in talent acquisition. Yes it could change before the draft but if 32 teams were horses in a race you would be cursing your bet on the Bills.

  2. Why will have an advantage over the other 90%


    1. From a talent prespective The Bills are in the bottom third. 2. In addition they have a net loss of players by a wide margin in the off season. 3. The Bills have only 6 draft picks.


    The Bills have more holes to fill on this roster than they did prior to the start of last season and they have lost more players than most teams via free agency. It figures that the Bills have a lot of job openings. The Bills look to be in the thick of the race for the number one pick in the draft next season.

  3. San Francisco has 14 picks in next years draft. The Bills have 6. The Bills have lost a large number of players this year to free agency. They have brought in one.

    Yes the Bills have been so bad for so long that the undrafted do have better opportunities here there is no doubt about that. I agree the draft is number one. Vet free agency is number two. UDFA and FA in general should be number three priorities but given more attention than they are now.

  4. I'm glad you posted this subject Trader.


    One of the things that's been on my mind lately is how successful college coaches have been lately at building up NFL programs.


    You look at the work that Harbaugh and Carroll have done and while I don't have the figures to back it up, it's my impression that they've done a very good job in drafting and signing undrafted free agents.


    I'm thinking/hoping that because Marrone and Company coached, coached against, recruited, and scouted (for gameplanning purposes) many of these players that they might have a bit of an advantage on some of the teams which have established NFL staffs.


    Just a thought I've been kicking around for awhile.


    We clearly have more opportunities for jobs than other teams do. I don't know that the scouts need to do anything different than they are doing now I do not think that identifying who they are is a problem. It seems that in the past few years the Bills have brought in a lower number of UDFA's to camp than other teams do. Also some of the name players at critical positions seem to go to other teams that are already loaded. I fall off my chair every time a UDFA picks a team like New England. Perhaps the Bills need to increase the bonus cash for these players.

  5. The undrafted ones. Post the April draft there will be 100 or so quality athletes that go undrafted. Some of those players will go on to have long and outstanding careers in the NFL. Some of them will play in the pro bowl. The Buffalo Bills will have more opportunities for such athletes than 90% of the other teams in the league. The Bills leadership needs to start banging the drums now with the agents that influence these players to make the Bills the preferred destination for such players. This regime needs to have the most successful UDFA signings in Bills history this season. Out recruiting the competition should be among the top goals for the front office this season.




    "An offensive guard like Warmack would earn a very high player grade. But he wouldn't earn as high a grade on the game changer dimension, because there aren't as many opportunities for an OG to be a game changer ..."


    I think the presence of CJ Spiller at RB could change the Impact of a player like Warmack. If you are in a position to run the ball for a TD no matter the D a player like Warmack becomes a much bigger factor.

  7. I have been looking at everyone's posts lately and there is many ways the Bills can approach this. Its no secret the 3 biggest needs are Qb, Lb, and Wr in that order. So what do you do if your the gm? Me , I'm going need for sure. I think best available overall does us squat. I mean do we need another LT or CB. What's your take?


    BPA all the way. I would be tempted to draft for need if they were a contender and one or two players away. They are not a contender and worse than that they have lost ground to thier AFC rivals in the last three years. The talent level vrs the rest of the league and especially the AFC east needs dramatic improvement and it is going to take a long time (3-5 years) of getting better players than the competition at more positions than the competition has better players than they have. I know that is not a great sentence but it is the truth.

  8. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Bills to sign a Free agent wide receiver worth the money. It's not going to happen. Top level Free Agent wide receivers go to teams who are 1. contenders, 2. have QB's who can actually get them the ball. The Bills are neither. In the rare case that a big name FA wr would come here it would be because no one else wants him or the Bills were willing to grossly over pay him. - Example the Owens case.


    The last time I can remember the Bills getting a free agent WR who was worth anything was James Lofton, that was when we had a future HOF QB.

  9. I don't understand the guys who go, "Can't wait, this is gonna be Nix's last year and we'll have Whaley save this franchise." What has Whaley done, ever? Worked for a good team in a lower level position? Since when does that make a difference?


    Nix may be incompetent. We may need a change at GM. But Bills' fans are the only fans who can talk themselves into changes that are more than likely just as bad. It seems like half the board agrees he's the second coming of Polian, when he's done nothing, ever.


    How does that make any sense?


    It's like the "Fire Edwards, Wannstedt is a defensive genius! He'll turn this defense around, he has experience on good teams!" phenomena all over again. We glorify these new guys and then hate them 2 years later when they aren't legendary. Happens to every player on the Bills, too. But, I digress.


    Can someone explain why they think he'll be great if he calls the shots?


    I cannot. I do know that Nix should be gone already.

  10. I originally voted yes but I am having second thoughts. I cannot believe that the Bills have as many holes to fill as they do. This team is going to have a lot of UDFA's and other teams castoffs playing key positions in next couple of years. The Bills franchise is the opposite of New England. It seems that the Bills are constantly scraping to fill holes and the good teams just reload with outstanding depth.


    It reminds me of what a guy once told me that if you redistributed all the wealth in the world within a generation most of it would be concentrated in a few hands again.

  11. QB Report from the Combine




    A couple of quotes





    “I think that he will struggle to make those longer stick throws at the NFL level at times. He may wind up being a fringe starter or career backup. I really question whether Nassib will be a top-of-the-line starter. He will max out in most aspects of the game, especially the mental aspects of the position, but I wonder about the complete skill set. His ultimate upside might be somewhere between Ryan Fitzpatrick and Andy Dalton.”


    Not very comforting at all.




    “I don't know, however, whether he always has the kind of velocity you'd want on certain throws, and I sometimes wonder if Smith's ceiling isn't a bit lower than some might think.”




    “ When he's got pressure in his face and is asked to re-set and adjust to a muddy pocket, that's where things get a little rougher, and that's a question he'll have to overcome if he ever wants to be a starter in the NFL”




    “Overall, Jones is a better than average passer on short and intermediate routes, but today's drills added to the perception that he will struggle at times to make deep throws into tight windows.”





    “Overall, I thought Manuel's throwing session mirrored his college career -- some impressive moments interspersed with bouts of frustrating inconsistency.”




    “Basically Mike Glennon Lite -- he will impress in throwing drills, but he will also display some howling inaccuracies on his game tape. If he's an NFL quarterback at all, and I'm really not sure if he is, it will be as a developmental guy with a coach who's patient enough to smooth out all the wrinkles”




    “Southern Utah's Brad Sorensen helped himself as much as anyone in this environment by matching some of the more well-known quarterbacks with his own performance. He was generally accurate and showed a really nice touch on some of the passes in which he was asked to sail the ball deep.”


    Minnesota's MarQueis Gray surprised some people who thought he should switch to receiver at the NFL level. He was more accurate on his intermediate and deep throws than some of the more "elite" prospects.”


    None of this is comforting. It does not sound like any of them are even worth a gamble on a 2nd round pick, much less a 1st.


    I’m beginning to think we should be planning on getting our “Franchise” QB next year and using a later round pick on one of the others like Sorensen or Gray. Does anyone know much about either of them? If it is such a gamble on all of them, why not gamble on the lower stakes choices and hope to win. Why waste good picks on such huge gambles when there are so many high odds players at other positions in this years draft.


    I still think the best hope for the Bill’s this year is to be able to trade down, if they get the opportunity, to the mid 1st and get at least an extra 2nd round pick. Get our LB/WR and use the year to prepare to challenge next year with a top QB pick with a supporting cast already in place to help him actually succeed.


    I completely agree anyone who watched these QB's knows that there is not a top 15 guy in the bunch. There are some outstanding WR's, LB's, D Lineman and O lineman as well. Truly gifted all pro types that the Bills would have to pass on the draft a QB. Heck there are even three TE that are going to start in the NFL for sure. The Bills need to go BPA at a position of need with the number one pick. Perhaps even the first two picks. And lord knows they have multiple needs. Next year there are some really interesting guys coming out at QB. They need a 3-5 year plan not a one year plan.

  12. https://mobile.twitt...116771403329536


    "Bills not expected to tender RFA WR David Nelson, who missed all but one game last season because of injury. Nelson expected to be healthy."


    If this is accurate, can someone explain the thinking?


    I do not like this we have no Quality TE to start the season. WR corps is depleated. Why any big time free agent WR would come to a program without a proven QB is beyond me. I would be shocked to seen a good free agent WR choose the Bills with the current QB situation no matter who they draft.

  13. Too bad. In reality, he really didnt do anything that terrible. Such a shame


    NYS and expecially the NY metro area has gone off the deep end on disarming and prosecuting citizens. The irony is that some of the people who are pushing it the hardest ie: Bloomberg and Silver are people whose ancestors suffered the most when the Nazi's disarmed them prior to the most horrific act of genocide in human history. The British did the same thing in India after the American Revolution, they learned from history. If you are going to oppress people you had best disarm them.

  14. I have only been able to find one other quarterback in Bills history (besides Darragh) who was ranked below Marangi and it is not one of the early ones like Warren Rabb (8,597) or Richie Lucas (8,958) but the much more recent Brian Brohm (14,559).


    FYI - Kelly is 126, Ferguson 386, Kemp at 637


    Guys Richie Lucas was a number one draft choice before the leagues were merged there were less than half the number of teams that were drafting. He was also a Heisman nominee. You can't bust much bigger than he did.

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