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Posts posted by Trader

  1. I think the optimum way to do this is to become part of an organization similar to Blesto-V. A cooperative that analyzes certain types of information that is common to all teams, Then supplement that analysis with a small department who would interpret the data and develop additional team specific data. It would not seem to be a good idea for each NFL team to be inventing the wheel at the same time.


    I think it is impportant to remember that analytics is a tool. Statistics have the most validity when dealing with large numbers. They may not be meaningful in dealing with a specific situation.

  2. It is too bad he will not be here next week because of his school obligations. He needs all the work he can get and it would be nice to see him work with veteran D backs. I think he has a very good chance to stick as a role player/red zone guy to start his career. I do think the Nelson comparisons are valid he looks like he is bigger in the upper body than Nelson. It also helps that he saves the Bills a good bit of cap space as a UDFA vrs. a Veteran, and of course Nelson had a serious injury to rehab.

  3. One of the guys on the radio yesterday (I forget which channel) was saying that Geno's pre-draft visits did not go well. There were issues with his answering questions on the defensive schemes and it was why he never went in the 1st as projected.


    I reckon he'll be OK and I wish him the best. No easy task playing QB in that NY zoo of a market.


    Maybe I'm being a homer here, but I find EJ a more likeable, mature man. And...I think he has the mental intangibles to have a good NFL career. Not to mention the almost freakish athleticism.


    Today on ESPN radio, a couple of national media types were guessing which QB would have the most success in the NFL. They immediately discounted EJ, saying the Bills suck and always will pretty much. That comment pissed me off, even though looking back 13 years its pretty true. They ignored the fact that a new sheriff(s) is in town.


    They concluded Matt Barkley will be the most successful this year because of the great team around him. We'll see.


    I'm tired of the lack of respect (and coverage) we get from the national media.


    Whatever the case, I'm proud to have EJ as our future franchise guy. He seems like a helluva classy kid. And...Bruce Smith's God son. Gotta love that factoid !!




    I concur good post!

  4. For those still continually trashing EJ, read this...



    As for the comparisons to Losman, they are nothing but sheer laziness, perpetuated by those posters with an axe to grind and those rooting for EJ to fail already. The similarities between Losman and EJ start and end at a big arm. EJ is smart, accurate, can move around, has a lightning quick release, is a great leader, and most importantly, his intangibles are through the roof.


    And yes, i have watched every single game EJ has played. I live here in Tallahassee.


    Ej is also 26 and 6 or something like that and Losman played on loosing teams. EJ was Senior bowl MVP and won multiple bowl games.also.

  5. The negative prognosticators led by Kiper and Pericso (sic) might be right, but.... they staked their reputations on a Bills failed draft.

    Kiper's, "bandwith"comments are really out of line he has nothing to substantiate that allegation. Terry Bradshaw was a slow developer but when he got it, he really got it.


    If the Bills are successful and I think they will be, perhaps not this year, Let's be sure to remember who was right and who was wrong.

    Kiper and others should be held accountable for their predictions just like a GM or a coach.

  6. Didn't stop Anquan Boldin or Jerry RIce (4.7), nor did it stop Allen from getting drafted. SJ also ran ~4.6. So as a UDFA it's all about whether he can help the team, not track numbers.


    Having said that I give him about a .3% chance of making the team, given we have SJ/Graham/Smith (Could be cut), drafted Woods/Goodwin, and signed Rogers (who should have been drafted). Any WR's other than them who make the roster needs to be a ST ace. If he shows well in camp maybe he can make the psquad.


    I think that Kaufman has a better chance than that of making the roster. He looks like Nelson type to me but he looks like a better high point guy than Nelson. I think his odds of making the team are imporved because of our tight end situation. They are going to need a red Zone guy. I like the idea of a 6'5" QB throwing to a 6"5" Wr. 4.6 time in the 40 is plenty fast for this type of receiver. 4.6 would be a very fast TE and that is how you are going to use him in short yardage and in red zone.

  7. We are desperate for an impact TE. All the top TE are gone. Chandler will probably start year on pup list. TE is a critical position for a young QB


    They def need a tall guy who can go get it in the red zone or on short yardage. No quality UFA's are coming at that position because we are unproven at QB. They are going to have to draft someone.

  8. Two years ago, the Falcons made no secret in the days before the draft that they were looking to trade up to get a wide receiver, and they would eventually send two first-round picks, a second-round pick and two fourth-round picks to Cleveland so that they could draft Julio Jones sixth overall. That worked well enough that the Falcons are now trying to move up again.


    Peter King of Sports Illustrated reports that the Falcons are trying to trade up from their current first-round pick, which is No. 30 overall. King said he doesn't know which player or players the Falcons are targeting, but they apparently like someone whom they expect to be off the board before No. 30 overall.





    I would talk to them Nassib will be there at 30. this is a great draft for low firsts and second round picks especially 2nd rounders in the top half of the round.

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