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Everything posted by Kelso_Helmet

  1. just showed a shot of the crowd after that botched rollout and saw a guy yellin' "you're turning into JP!!!"
  2. Ok Beast Mode. You were talking schitt to Brady Quinn on the sidelines. Back it up now...
  3. Here comes another big return from special teams. Let's hope the O can do soemthing with it....
  4. C'mon Turk. No more Tecmo Bowl. Let's see more than 2 formations on offense.
  5. OMG!!!! Pressure on the QB?!?! Am I really watching the Bills?
  6. Trent is moving the ball and Heady Freddie is a shot in the arm....but I"m still concerned. Trent is hanging in the pocket pretty long and we have a lot of similar looks on offense.... Hope it's a non-issue...but I'm concerned....it looks like the Browns are playing Madden '08 and we're playing Tecmo Bowl (save for the occasional badly excecuted wildcat formation).
  7. There's plenty of things in life to get so fired up about that you'd choose to organize people in protest and execute boycotts or whatever. Doing so because the football franchise you follow doesn't win enough seems a bit skewed. Yeah, I get mad about this team as much as anyone. But I'm not going to organize people in protest about it.... But I guess I don't follow how a franchise perhaps on the verge of relocating will change its management style following a lack of support by its current fanbase? If we all just stayed home on Sundays and stopped buying apparel, that would make a difference? Staying a fan of the team you grew up with doesn't make you stupid. Here's what makes you stupid: 1) Deciding to pack up your fandom and ship it off to another franchise which you have zero affinity or history with, simply because they win or seem to have a better chance to win. 2) Threatening to relinquish your fandom if your team doesn't win a big game, sign a particular free agent, bench someone, or fire a coach. That happens here all the time, and people keep coming back to tell us about it. Just go...who gives a rip?
  8. Geez Louise. Look folks...there are SO many flaws on this team that any QB going to have his respective weakness magnified. With an O-line that can't protect the QB or establish a running game, a subpar receiving corps with the #2 WR out, no quality tight end to offer an escape route on blitzes or good pass rushes, a defense that can't get the ball back or shorten the field via turnovers and gives up long drives at key points of the game...the QB is in over his head. Montana, Elway, Brady...they'd all be hosed. When Trent is shoveling $#%# against the tide with this team and not connecting on his checkdowns as he's getting pummelled and there's no run game to keep the defense honest, people are gonna say "Dammit...throw the long ball and stretch the field!!" When JP is forcing an ill-advised pass or holding the ball too long, people are gonna say "Dammit, read the defense better and get rid of the ball and hit the hot read!!" There are aspects to both their games that, without a good supporting cast, are very exploitable. Maybe the Bills record wouldn't be worse with JP under center, but I'm hard pressed to believe it would be better.
  9. Coldplay Missing Persons (for the Pass Rush) Quarterflash (for the 15 minutes each week that they actually play well) The Pretenders
  10. Of course. There's no trailers in Florida. What ever was I thinking....Central Florida is a really cosmopolitan place! Regarding your point about this being a free country. Somehow you're construing this debate as my seeking to limit your freedom of speech? I'd challenge you to find any statement I made expressing that. On the contrary. Spew all you want. You have every right to attempt to make a point...just waiting for you to actually make one. You're your own worst enemy and every whiny little statement you make just makes it more apparent how your decision to be a Bucs fan is addition by subtraction for the rest of us. Honestly, nobody cares what team you root for. So what exactly is your point? If your point is "I'm too much of a p**sy to root for the Bills because my fragile little psyche can't take it" then fine. What do you expect people to do here? Applaud your weakness? Buy a Harlem Globetrotters jersey and cheer your little heart out for them agains the Washington Generals if you can't stomach a loss. Bucs fan indeed. You wouldn't know Lee Roy Selmon if you fell over him.
  11. For the record, I live in DC. We get tourists now and again. But so glad to hear that watching a captive whale spit water into a crowd is still a good time for you. All that stuff you mentioned (like all the really cool fat tourists that invade your hometown year round) is evidence of an artificial and soul-less place to live. Great place to take your 9 year old kid, but to actually live there? If there's so many super funtastic things to do down there, why do you have to stop by here and spew all your "HATRED and VENOM"? Put on your mouse ears, leave the doublewide, and go outside and play. You are totally like a psycho ex-girlfriend. Keep dropping by and telling us how nice your new boyfriend treats you. Glad that the weak ones are being thinned from the herd.
  12. Wow...can't believe someone from Or-frickin-lando is talking smack about venue. Seen any good boy bands lately? Good luck with your anger management issues and your beloved Bucs.
  13. Hatred and Venom? Because they didn't win enough for you? Dude, you sound like you're wound a little tight. Maybe head on over to Disney and ride "It's a Small World" a few times. Might take the edge off.
  14. "Most of you deserve this team for your continued support of losers in the organization.... " that was sorta sh*tty..... To quote the Stork..."well what the hell we supposed to do...you mor-on?" Stop supporting your team because they don't win? This ain't Patriots nation.
  15. Sure, why not? Roscoe is maybe the most exciting player on the team when he gets the ball in his hands. Problem is usually getting the ball in his hands.
  16. I would add Jackson and, sadly, Moorman (to the extent a punter has attitude).
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